Evolving Soul Center


Virtual Sessions



15 min.               $30

30 min.               $35

45 min.               $50

60 min.               $60

60 min plus        $60 per hour rate

Invite a friend to split the session fee! The Center provides low cost fees as a humanitarian energy exchange with the Universe to help raise this planet’s vibration, individual by individual.

Choose from below soul evolution coaching topics. Please email Katibe at [email protected] for to work out the details before your session.

* Your Custom Topic

.5- 6 hrs. You select a spiritual or metaphysical topic that is of concern to you and the length of the session that you would like coaching on. This may include addressing challenges in your life with people or situations and other inner emotional healing topics.

* Intuition & Psychic Senses

.5 – 4 hrs. Depending on the session length: Learn the basics of intuition and your six different psychic senses. Learn what your strongest psychic sense is. Educating yourself on these will give you stronger confidence in them and minimize and eliminate many misjudgments and errant decisions to help you live more productively, efficiently and effectively.

* Your Energetic Anatomy (Aura & Chakras)

.5- 6 hrs. Learn the structure of your aura and 7 major chakras. Learn the function of each and how to recognize overactive, underactive and normal performance of chakras. Understand the correlation between your thoughts and external influences on your energetic anatomy. 

Learn to Channel/Connect with Your Angels, Spirit Guides & Highest Self

6 hrs.  Requirements: Intuition &  Psychic Sensis and Your Energetic Anatomy as a foundational basis.  Then learn the nuances and specific keys to channeling successfully including the do’s and don’ts. Practical exercises integrated. 


.5 – 4 hrs. Depending on the session length: Learn the basics of crystals.  How they help with energetic healing on physical, emotional, mental & spiritual levels.  How they work, how they can be cleared, charged and programmed.  What crystals to use for each of the 7 major chakras. How to meditate with them and draw in their energy.

*Spiritual Evolution

.5 – 4.0 hrs. Depending on the session length: The purpose of your human existence, what you are meant to learn, understanding the relationships in your life and your life challenges.

The roles that karma, reincarnation & soul tribes play.  Understanding the basic principles of evolution will help to liberate yourself emotionally and make sense of your life.

*Spiritual Awakening

.5 – 4.0 hrs. Depending on the session length: As the Earth shifts from the astrological Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, many of you are experiencing changes in their life, physically and emotionally. Some of these may feel disruptive.  Learn what all this means.  Learn to recognize & understand the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual signs of a spiritual awakening.  Learn the 5 stages of a spiritual awakening and how you can alleviate or manage it.

*Emotional Healing Including Forgiveness for Self-Transformation

.5 – 4.0 hrs. Depending on the session length: You will learn and practice how to rewire specific detrimental programmed and limiting beliefs in your life that are holding you back from being all that you can be.  Practical empowering exercises such as becoming self-aware, mindfulness of your self-talk, affirmations, visualizations, gratitude and other helpful exercises. Learn about how the energy of certain words and those words that hold you back so you can consciously create the life of your dreams. Learn specific practices to integrate into your life to help you with this.


.5 – 4.0 hrs. – Depending on the session length: Learn to align with your soul to live the live that gives you love, joy, abundance and peace on all levels.

*Heal Your Karma

.5 – 6.0 hrs.  Depending on the length of the session: Learn what karma is. Learn to recognize karmic relationships & situations by four key indicators. Learn at least three step by step SIMPLE techniques to heal karmic relationships in your life RIGHT NOW to empower yourself to move forward in your life.  These can be applied to heal at least 2 specific relationships in your life during the class. More techniques will be shared, time allowing. Learn 4 LARGE blocks to healing your karma. Learn two daily practices to prevent low vibrational karma from accumulating. Learn how reincarnation & past lives are related to healing karma.

 *Out-of-Body Experiences

1 – 6.0 hrs. Depending on the session length: You will learn what these are, why they are happening and specific steps to facilitate an out-of-body experience and lucid dream recall.

*Psychic Protection

.5 – 4.0 hrs. Depending on the session length: Learn to protect and insulate your aura, daily energetic techniques to prevent intrusion, how to raise your personal vibration as protection, how to protect your physical space.  Protection tools covered will include the use of visualization, intention, crystals, energetic chord cutting, sounds and sage.

*Tarot or Oracle Cards Basics

.5 – 6.0 hrs – Depending on the session length: Learn how to receive life guidance for yourself through the oracle or Tarot cards through imagery, symbolism, numerology and color. An opportunity to have your specific questions answered and readings, interpreting the cards, etc…


Get Six Ways to Connect to Your Intuition

* indicates required

Energy Healer Intuitive

Additional Services: Readings

DIrect Voice Channeling, Card Readings-Oracle Cards or Tarot Card Readings

Receive validation, affirmation &/or guidance to your life questions through direct voice channeling (where she channels Mr. Edgar Cayce (renowned American psychic in-spirit) or by Tarot & Oracle card readings. Katibe, advanced channeler of Light Beings, will also share with you the clairvoyant images and telepathic messages she receives to provide you with the best, complete and in-depth guidance.

The cards are good for general guidance, if you don’t have a specific question in mind, you simply don’t know what to ask, or you are just looking for the highest and best guidance for you at this time in your life.

DISCLAIMER: Readings are only for spiritual educational purposes. Please ALWAYS seek out PROFESSIONAL advice in the proper fields of  legal, medical, psychological, business or finance for these type of questions.  EVOLVING SOUL CENTER LLC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FINANCIALLY OR OTHERWISE FOR DECISIONS MADE BASED ON INFORMATION RECEIVED DURING A READING.  BY PARTICIPATING IN A READING YOU ARE AGREEING AND UNDERSTAND THIS POLICY. 

Energy Healer Intuitive


Evolve to Your Best Life