Evolving Soul Center



10/2/09 Spirit Crossover: Sleep State Visitation – Toddler Indian Girl

by | Oct 12, 2009 | Out of Body Experiences, Spirit Crossovers

Welcome!  Love & Light to You All !

This is a spirit visitation I had during my sleep state.

I call this a visitation instead of a dream because the setting was my actual house.  It took place in my bedroom as it is in real life.

I didn’t realize the poignancy  & import of the dream till now, days later.   This dreams shows the amazing world we live in that there is so much within that we don’t experience with our physical senses.   This dream also show how active we are in our sleep state, how we can travel with our astral bodies to other people and communicate  in our dream state  and how we can help others even in our sleep state.


10-2-09 –  Sleep State Visitation : Spirit Crossover – Toddler Indian Girl 

During sleep I was laying in my bed.  I heard some noise in the house outside my bedroom.  I was thinking that it was my daughter  but instead I yelled out something like “Is that you, God..child .. or my younger sister’s name?” My younger sister and my mother appeared by my bed. (Side Note: In reality, my sis and mother are alive and live a few states away.  Their consciousness or astral bodies or whatever must have appeared before me when I was sleeping).  They had with them a  young Indian (as in the country India) female toddler.  She was Indian skinned, thin & with big, brown eyes.   She was like 3 yrs old.  My sis  said she found her in my sis’s bedroom, and that the young girl had asked to be adopted.  The toddler then got into my bed and  asked me if I could adopt her.  I sensed something about doing a spirit crossover.  I got very close to her young face, and I asked her really gently ”Were you in an accident?”  She said yes, but that it was a long time ago.  Immediately, I then stood up on the side of my bed.  I said “I ask my angel and Archangel Michael to help me create a big tunnel of white light that is wide.“  I was thinking the light tunnel would be created by my bedroom closet but outside the closet.  As I was saying this, the little girl got off the bed and ran into the closet.  The closet light was on.  Before I could say “Thank-you” to the angels for their help, the scene stopped.  I was wide awake, in reality,  in my bed.  Then in my awake state, I said “Thank you to my angel and Archangel Michael” for their help in this. 

I was awake for a few minutes in bed after that.  I think I tried to think of relaxing things.   Then I fell back to sleep.

Dream Interpretation- Isn’t that amazing that my sister’s and mom’s selves bought the young Indian girl to me in my sleep  because they knew I could help her????  That is mind boggling.  I called my mom the next day to ask her if she remembered her dream the night before and me being in it or a young girl but she did not.  We are actually communicating with each other to make things happen in our sleep state!   How amazing is that! And sometimes, probably most times, we are not even aware of doing that!!! 

Prior to this visitation I had another spirit visitation where I crossed many spirits over at one time.   At some unconscious level my sis and mom must have known this though I hadn’t shared this in reality with them.   This is why they bought the young girl to me.  They knew I could cross her over! I wonder why my sis and mom didn’t cross the young girl  over themselves? I believe we all have this power & skill  within.  Oh, well. It unfolded the way it did for a reason.  

The light in the closet was the white light for crossing over.    Life is amazing!



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