Evolving Soul Center



10-9-09 Answers on Spirit Crossovers & What I am Really Doing in my Dreams

by | Oct 9, 2009 | Dreams, Out of Body - Interdimensional Travel, Spirit Crossovers, Spiritual Missionary | 1 comment

I am so happy and soo enormously relieved. I can’t even tell you.  Earlier this evening I went to the New Age gift shop in the area.  They also hold classes there.  I attended a session  in which a woman channels a group of highly evolved Light Beings.  During the session, she goes around the room and everyone gets to ask them a question thru her.  She channels the light beings consciously, word by word.
Thank you New Age gift shop for being in business!  Thank you to the channeler for doing her work!  Thank you to the light beings for answering our questions and helping us humans learn and move on.
I am so thankful because I had finally gotten answers as to the dark encounters and dark dreams I have been having and which have been occurring more frequently in the last 3 week.  I was worried that at some level I had been attracting them to me.  Did I have a deep hidden dark side buried within me??? I have been putting much forth mental and physical effort to be in the light, stay in the light, learn about the light and show unconditional love.   I have asked other psychic/spiritual type people who were very knowledgeable in the field and not getting any answers on my dreams and encounters.  So I worried about it on a mental & emotional level as my mind tried to make sense of something that was so hard to make sense of.  There is no knowledge base on these kinds of topics that I could draw from and these were all new experiences from me.  I did my meditations and asked my spirit guides and angels for guidance but got short 1-2 words, answers that weren’t that coherent or clear, though I asked them for that and for full explanations.  I know that we are tied into the collective unconscious and all the answer were within us but I was not able to extract this info myself.  I was telling myself that everything was unfolding the way it is supposed too, that everything was in divine order, to have faith.  But on another level, I was like what the heck is going on?!?!
 My questions to the Light Beings were as follows.  I took notes during the questions and answers:
Spirit Crossover During Sleep Visitation
Question 1) I told them that in my dream state, I have had numerous spirit visitations from unknown spirits. They are all ages & of both sexes.  At one visitation there were like 30 spirits in my house.  Another time there were like 8 of them. The spirit visitations have increased in the last 3 weeks.  During one visitation, I said I think I finally figured it out and created 3 light tunnels for them to cross over and asked my angel to help me.  They all piled in and disappeared.  In the morning when I awoke and realized what happened I asked Archangel Michael to tidy things up and make sure everything was done correctly. .  I asked the Light Beings if I actually crossed them over and if I did it right.  
 Light Beings answer #1: Their have been many departing souls due to distractions events due to tsunamis and earthquakes.  When this happens, there is a mass exodus due to trauma and an unexpected demise of souls.  In this confusion, they are attracted to those beings that radiate light.  Like a ship in the night, they are looking for a beacon of light.  It provides them a place to gather and collect to help find them find their way into their light.  You may not be aware of the phenomena and that aspect of your consciousness.  Others in the room may have helped souls also but just not have been aware of it.  Through your heightened sensitivity and ability, you have the ability to perceive these souls to help them and guide them to the heavenly region.  You have done a favorable and adequate job in this.  Have a great compassion for their loss they have experienced and have gratitude they sought you as a guide and spiritual consultant and for being open and having a gracious status.  Yes, good job, well done!
 Thank you !!! I so needed to hear this affirming reassurance!! Those poor souls.  Thank you, Universe for giving me the opportunity to serve this way.
Spirit Attack  During Sleep
Question #2) I told them during a nap recently and while I was still sleeping, I was dragged out of a nap from my bed by an unseen male energy.  I felt like I was being attacked and he was choking me.  I felt his hands on my neck.  I invoked the name of Jesus Christ, he just seemed to pause but carried on.  I sensed he was angry or upset about something to do with his wife and child(ren).  I said “remember your family”.  This did not stop him.  I read somewhere that angry spirits were so angry because they did not think anyone loved them and they needed love. So as his hands were on my throat, I gasped out the words to him “I love you”.  This did not stop him.  Then I called Archangel Michael to take him away.  It seemed like so long because I was still under attack, but I am sure it was only a few seconds and then he was gone. My question Why did this happen to me? And how can I protect myself?
 Light Beings answer #2):  These disturbed entities are within a lower plane of consciousness.  These angry souls have an inability to release themselves unless through an intervention, as long as they are angry.  The portals do not open to enter them thru the heavenly realms as long as they are angry.  By invoking Archangel Michael to release him and therefore, release all his negative karma that was bound in the astral plane.  Certain souls are attracted to you.  As for protection, there is nothing you can do as we could not advise you to diminish your light.  By invoking Archangel Michael it brings assistance to those who have lost their way.  The afflicted energy can be released by remaining fearless, remaining compassionate & calling the angels and higher divine beings. You have been affected by the incident.  You can make a clear choice if you feel these experiences are getting too hairy for you.  At some level, you asked to be of assistance (which I did, consciously when I asked how I can serve humanity).  You can be compared to a social worker who goes to higher crime areas with higher crime rates to help those beings who inhabit in those areas.  You have the capacity and the intention to be of service in this regard.  If you think you no longer wish to serve in this capacity, simply let the archangels know.  Know that the archangels will shield you.  Your own inner being can continue unharmed.  You are perfectly capable and qualified.  As you become more skilled, the entities will not provoke you because of your compassion.  It will affect them and release them more directly.
 Interdimensional Travel
Question #3) I have been having dreams where I do interdimensional travel.  I sense I am working there and usually I go to darker places.  Can you please provide any guidance or advice on this as it is difficult for me to get answers on this?
 Light Beings answer #3):  Serving in the same capacity of the social work in your earlier question. You are doing similar work for certain interdimensional characters in these unfortunate beings.  You could consider yourself a spiritual missionary.  Now you do intense work.  Know that you are not to remember everything as you will become unproductive, fatigued and stressed during the day.  You should get adequate rest.  It seems hazy as precisely as it should be. 
 I made a comment that I usually don’t travel to places of light.  The light beings response?  These services are not needed in the pure lands so you may be right.  Ha, ha.
 Phew! Am I relieved with their answers.  Thank you, once again!
Affirmation of Service 
Later that night I state out loud in my living room:
 I want to continue to be of service and to serve humanity for the highest and best of all concerned.  I ask that my angels and Archangel Michael continue to protect me and my familyand all the other lightworkers engaged in this type of service.  I also ask them, my higher self, my wise spirit guides and those beings of light and love to guide me along in my spiritual development and my understanding so that I may become more proficient and able.  I affirm to be fearless, compassionate and loving as needed for  the situations. I affirm to do my work with ease and effortlessly.  And so it is.
I know I am but one of many, many lightworkers doing this type of service, whether they know they are doing it consciously or unconsciously.  I sense that many are lightworkers and don’t even know it. And that many are doing lightwork like me in their sleep state and are not aware of it. It takes many to do this kind of work.

1 Comment

  1. Helena

    Thank you so much for sharing your dreams & experiences, Kay!

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