Welcome! Love and Light to You All!
I was somewhat reluctant to blog this as it is so unusual in nature with the Alien Beings. But maybe this is a great opportunity to open wide the door on this subject matter! And I have NOT gone off the deep end! LOL!!
Before sleeping last night, in addition to my usual prayers, I asked for any healing that was necessary from my healing team of loving and light beings for the highest and good of all concerned. I remembered one of my spiritual instructors said we should request this type of healing like 2-3 x a week.
After that I had this doosey of a dream last night:
Dream with Alien Beings & Head Procedure for Healing
I was walking into a room with a large Alien Being. I had interacted with these Alien Beings or saw them before in other dreams. I sensed they are non-human. They are very tall like 6 feet and broad with smooth bald big heads, big in the brain area.
The Alien Being was going to do a procedure on me (maybe cause I asked for healing before sleeping?). I trusted him. I heard a whirring sound like an automatic saw. He cut thru my skull into two, right down the middle. I did not see it or feel it, but I just sensed it. I felt like my head was totally open. I don’t know if he closed it or not. It didn’t hurt. The whirring of the saw sound was just loud. I asked him why he didn’t warn me of the loud sound. He did not respond. Forget the actual saw, I was only worried about the sound of it! LOL.
After the procedure, he kissed me with a large wet kiss in like 3 different spots at the same time, my cheek and my neck and another part of my face. I said “why did you do that? He said he saw it in a movie and wanted to try it. (This is true that morning I saw a clip on Regis and Kelly’s morning show about the new fantasy movie that is out. It is about the boy and the large hairy creatures in his bedroom. The female hairy creature gave the little boy a big wet kiss on his face with her long tongue). I made a comment back to Alien Being, using a line from Scarlett O’ Hara from the movie Gone with the Wind, I think. We laughed about it.
Then we walked to a rectangular type table with people that I did not know around it. There was a special black wire holder encircling a glass bottle in the middle of the table. The glass bottle had something in it and was smoking or maybe bubbling. The Alien Being took the glass bottle from the table and tilted it from his shoulder at a funny right angle in back of him right at me so that the mouth of the bottle was pointed to me. I think he said breath it in. I breathed in the smoke. He told me to say something into the bottle so that the people in the table would then absorb the message when it was put back in the middle of the table. I breathed in the smoke from the bottle. My nose was touching the rim of the glass, I was sticking my nose so tightly into the bottle. My message that I said into the bottle was “Remember Grandpa’s birthday”. As I said this, my voice got deeper & hoarse till my voice was practically croaking into the bottle as all my breath was expelled.
I then thought “Wait, Grandpa’s birthday was in August”. But that was my spouse’s father. His birthday had already passed. I was curious, what grandpa could this be? What other grandpa did we have? Then I immediately remembered, my father who had passed away about 16 years ago. The anniversary of his death was coming up in the next day or two! . When I finished saying my message and pulled my head back form the bottle, there were flowers in my mouth and wrapped hard candy. (Flowers & candy represent positive symbols) I took the candy and flowers out of my mouth. I put the candy in a candy dish and noticed other hard sweet candy already in the candy dish. There were red, gummy sugar encrusted candies already in there. I heard a comment from an unknown someone next to me” Sugar is bad”.
I woke up from the dream and lay in bed. I realized I had a serious procedure done to my head while I was sleeping! Not exactly sure what it was. I am sure I will find out later. I can meditate on it in the next few days also when I have time. As I lay in bed, all these images went thru my head like a night sky full of stars. I was following along. Then in my mind, I heard some talking and saying “stop it”. “that’s enough”. I asked them telepathically “are you talking to me?”. I was almost getting somewhat upset that maybe some unknown spirits were coming in. I made out the words that I had to rest, that I have to wake up early tomorrow to go to work (which I did have to do). Then I realized they really wanted me to rest, especially after the ”head procedure”. They gave me a beautiful image of a body of water as seen through a brush of water foliage like water lilies. They wanted me to focus and fall asleep on that and not follow all those other images coming into my head. I thanked them for their concern.
Dream Message for My Friend
I had another dream following this one with a friend I believe there was a message for her in regards to her work and her boss. I sent my friend an email with a physical description of her boss in my dream. She said it fit him to a “T”. I have never met him in real life. In the email I described the scene for her to interpret. It would be best for her to interpret as some of the goings may ring a bell for her.
Dream Interpretations:
Messages from Beings – Is this dream showing that the Alien Beings can influence human behavoir on some level with messages as represented by the glass bottle filled with smoke in the middle of the table that the people were sitting around?
Spiritual healings are done thru spirit or other entities. In reality, it is not unusual, when you get a spiritual healing, to feel things in your body or head where the healing is taking place. You may feel things inside being moved around and shifted. I have heard many people comment on this that rec’d a spiritual healings in classes that I have taken. I know my healing sounds rough with the cutting tool they used to get thru my head. I hope my brain is all fixed now, LOL!! I will let you know of any psychic developments from this healing.
I did do a meditation to get more information on the psychic stuff I have been experiencing weeks ago. I got the message that “they” (beings of light and love who guide me) are working on me to develop my psychic abilities and that it should be completed by mid October 2009. They said, at times, they were going to work on me during my sleep. Here it is Oct 13, 2009 and now I experience this doosey of a dream with a procedure on my head. They are very timely!
Another Meaning for Birthdays
At a spirituality class, the woman who ran it said a death should be thought of as a birthday. This represents a person’s new life, being born into the spirit world, upon their passing
This is a message for me to share with my daughter that her Grandpa’s birthday (the day of his death) is coming up. This is why the word “Grandpa” was used and not “your father”. This is also the time I should have a short spiritual discussion with her about passing and what it really is. To date, I have not had that discussion with her. Being a teenager, she is old enough to handle this.
New Psychic Milestone- I think this is the first time I am aware of that I actually had a telepathic talk – dialogue with my guides in my sleepy wakey state, and that I realized that they had actually sent me an image with intent, which I immediately knew the meaning of it . There was actually some back and forth in our dialogue, too. I was able to make out their sentences, instead of just single words or very short phrases.
Alien Beings
One of my spiritual instructors shared in class one time that one of her spirit guides was some sort of alien non human type. I was so surprised to hear this! It was nice to know that I am not the only one that sees beings like this, albeit in my dreams.
Questions to the Readers: Have you had any dreams or images of large alien type beings? Have you had any spiritual healings that you want to share?