Evolving Soul Center



10/13/09 Spirit Crossover: Sleep State – My Friend, Nina's Dream- Young Boy from Brooklyn

by | Oct 14, 2009 | Astral Plane, My Friend - Nina, Psychic Developments & Experiences, Spirit Crossovers

Welcome!! Light and Love to You All!!
My friend, Nina, a fellow light worker,  who has also experienced many spiritual/psychic developments, shared her dream from last night below.  This is not her first experience with crossing spirits over. My friend also saw a female spirit thru her 3rd eye while at work a few weeks ago.  The female spirit had a sign around her neck that said “Help me”.
My purpose in sharing this with everyone is to make people aware that we are doing so much more in our dreams that we are aware of.   Alot is happening in our dreams.  I believe dreams are used to do light work for some and as  a form of telepathic communication between people on the human plane and between people and spirits.  This communication consist as a way of imparting knowledge,  shedding light on a situation or helping one work throught their karma. 
In bed, before I fall asleep I ask that I remember my dreams for the highest good of all concerned. We are not meant to remember all our dreams or we would be frazzled, stressed and non- productive  the next day.

Thank you to my friend, Nina,  for sharing this!
Nina’s Dream
“Last night, this boy who was about 7-9 years old came in my dream.  He told me that his parents got evicted from their home.  And he didn’t know he was dead.  But I know he was dead.  I was in the bedroom of my parents old house in Brooklyn.  Then my mother came in the bedroom and I took the boy’s hand and went to the bathroom with him.  He told me again how his parents got evicted and I told him not to worry about that.  I told him that God loves him and he has to go home to God.  I said Aziel (for Archangel Azrael) but for some reason I didn’t ask him for help.  Then I asked the boy if he sees the light and he said yes but it was difficult to get too.  I told him to go.  All of the sudden the bathroom change to this beautiful living room which had expensive statues and these soldiers were trying to prevent the child from going into the light.  He jumped into a knight’s uniform.  Then he jumped into knight statue, where the stomach area had no metal so he was able to jump in it.   Then finally the light came for him. I think my past life is coming up. Because a medium told me that when I was a Priest, the rich people were always trying to stop me from helping the people. “


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