Evolving Soul Center



10/21/09 Spirit Guides: Meditation – Meeting my Gatekeeper & Master Teacher Guide

by | Oct 22, 2009 | Channeled Light Being - Jesus Christ, Gatekeepr, Master Teacher Guide, Spirit Guide

Welcome!! So glad that you are here ! Light & Love to You All!
Purpose: To introduce people to the concept that we all have gatekeeper guides & master teacher guides.  It is only a matter of connecting with them.  I am also sharing my personal experiences  on this.
Meeting your guides can be done through a meditation.  There are cds on the market that have guided meditations specifically for this purpose.  Don’t feel discouraged if you are not able to meet with them the 1st time you try.  Be patient.  It was only recently that I met my own guides.  Also, you may tend to question the images and words you may feel coming inside your head.  You may think it is your imagination.  Be trustful.  These images are coming to you for a reason.  After some experience with getting images, you will trust yourself more and more that they are authentic.
PLEASE NOTE:  You may want to revisit this post at future dates as I may update it with additional info as I get it.
Please see my blog on the Intro to further understand the purpose of this blog, to learn more about me, the author and my psychic developments.
10/21/09  Wed
Tonight  in my mediumship class, we did a deep meditation to meet our gatekeeper guide and master teacher guide.  
The Gatekeeper Guide
Put very simply, the gatekeeper guide only allows certain entities to come to you.  He/she filters  them for your own safety.    
The gatekeeper guide that appeared during the deep group meditation was the same one whom I saw during an early meditation a few weeks ago for the same class.  He is tall, like 6 feet, thin and has a white turban with a jewel in the middle of it.  He wears a  white jacket shirt  with long sleevesand a mandarin collar that goes down to almost his knees. He has white loose pants under that.  In the car after the meditation, his name, Adullah, came to me.   Then during the meditation, the students spent a few minutes talking to 0ur own gatekeepers telepathically. 
Adullah told me that he is working very hard on only allowing select entities to see me.  He gave me the following info.  He lets in entities necessary for my training and learning also.  He is very vigilant and has done this for many years so I should not worry.  He does his job and protects me when I am awake, when I am sleeping and during my naps.   He says he is very busy as there are many, many who want to see me.  In my mind, he pointed to lines of figures on a dark hillside.  He said that he makes sure I get my rest in, too, as this is very important,especially with the work I do.   I thanked him for his message.  This is the only time I have communicated with him to date.  I appreciated his message. 
I will see if he appears in my future meditations as my gatekeeper guide.
The Master Teacher Guide
The master teacher guide is just that.  They are very high level guides to guide you in your life. 
During this deep group meditation, we also briefly met with our master teacher guide.   My master teacher appears to be Jesus Christ.  I don’t specifically ask for him but recently he has just appeared.  His figure has come once before to me when I meditated on meeting the master teacher.  His message for me tonight was “Shine your light.  His message to me last time I saw him was “Love, my child”.   He was wearing a white toga type outfit with a gold braided rope belt around his waist.  His hair was wavy & shoulder length.  Last time I saw him, between the palms of his hands was bright light.
I was not bought up with Church or Jesus.   It has been only the last few months when I was experiencing these spiritual developments that I have been truly drawn to him and his teachings of love and forgiveness.  One of my favorite sayings is What Would Jesus do? ( WWJD).  It helps and reminds me take the high road in sticky situations.   I am not into the strict religious aspect and the organizational structure and hierarchy of Church and all that.
Some people believe that Jesus Christ does not show himself to “ordinary” people.  I don’t believe that.  I believe, he is readily available, and he will go to whoever calls for him, if the person has focus and intention.    It helps to raise your vibration through meditation to meet the master teachers since they reside on such a high vibrational plane.
I will see if he appears in my future meditations as my master teacher guide.


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