Evolving Soul Center



10/24/09 Out of Body: No Portal: White Mist & Levitation

by | Oct 25, 2009 | Levitation, Light Phenomena - White Mist, Out of Body Experiences, Psychic Developments & Experiences | 5 comments

Welcome!! So glad that you are here!!  Light and Love to you all !!
Purpose:   To share the experience that we can travel out of our physical  bodies  in our dream state.
Please see my blog on the Intro to further understand the purpose of this blog, to learn more about me, the author and my psychic developments.
10/24/09 Saturday Dream
In my dream,  I was in my bathroom.   I sensed I was totally in the bathroom, like my energy was filling up the whole space, every corner of it. It was like my energy had expanded outward.    So there I was in the bathroom.   I looked into  the mirrors that line most of the walls of the bathroom in real-life.   There was no reflection of my physical body at all.  It was like I was an invisible person! But I was clearly in the room.
Comments:  This is powerful.  In many group meditations, we do exercises where we expand our energy outside our physical body around us, then up toward the ceiling and the walls and then to the rooms next to us, then out of the building, out and around the city,  out and around the world.    I totally feel, because of this dream, that this is possible.
This is the 1st dream  that I can remember where I knew  I was in a room but the mirrors clearly reflected that my physical body was not.
10/24/09 Dream Continued – White Mist Levitation
Then a white mist filled the bathroom.  It looked like the white light of the white  light tunnel I created just a few days ago for the 2 young spirit girls, Dee and Danielle to help them cross over (See my blog on this).  Then I had a physical form.  I could see my body from above.  The white mist was lifting my body up so that it was horizontal then it was turning it.
Comments: I wondered if this was some kind of levitation.  I did not ask or try to levitate.  I felt like it was gently performed on me.    I wonder if this had to do with the message, my friend Julie, had given me a few days ago that she rec’d in her dream state that I should levitate.  (See my 10/22/09  blog on Julie’s message)



    Are you familiar with the 19’47” portal?

    • Soul Evolution Center

      Hello Paul, No, I am not familiar with that. Namaste.


    Have you considered horizontal levitation as opposed to vertical levitation?


    Is there a particular temperature where levitation is better?
    Is there a particular sound wave volume where levitation is better.l?

    • Soul Evolution Center

      Thank-you, Paul, for your question. In my 3-D life I have not levitated. A few times, I did feel I almost could but it did not come to be. I have levitated numerous times in out-of-body experiences when I was in that altered state of consciousness.
      I feel it is always prudent to keep the room temperature slightly cooler as recommended for a good night’s sleep. Of course, not uncomfortably cold. The physical space should be conducive as well with relaxing with dim lighting, quietness, etc… and free from physical distractions. And to be as physical comfortable within your body i.e. no tight clothes, not feeling hungry or thirsty, etc… Scan your body and take measures to correct any cues of physical discomfort.
      As for sound, I have heard telepathically “binaural” and “solfeggio.” I am not that familiar with these. You can Google them yourself to learn more. To be frank, I have not pursued the sound factor with intensity or discipline to initiate levitation and lucid dreaming including out of body experiences. Maybe in the future, I will. It’s on my list!
      Best wishes,
      Katibe Simmone

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