Evolving Soul Center



10/25/09 Dream: My Dog Who Passed On Visits

by | Oct 25, 2009 | Dreams, Psychic Experience - Animals - Pet Visitation

Welcome!! So happy that you are here!!   Light & love to you all!!
Purpose:  This dream shows that it may be possible to have communications/interactions with pets that have passed on if we request it.
How amazing the world  we are  in that we can experience such if we are aware and ask for it! 
PLEASE NOTE:  You may want to revisit this post at future dates as I may update it with additional info as I get it.
Please see my blog on the Intro to further understand the purpose of this blog, to learn more about me, the author and my psychic developments.
10/25/09 Sunday Early A.M. Dream

This morning in my dream I and my husband, Tom were in our bedroom.  My daughter was outside having breakfast on the patio.  We could see her through the bedroom window.  All of a  sudden, our black lab, Roxie,  (who, in reality had passed away about 11-12 years ago)  came bounding into our bedroom.  She was running around the room, so happy.   I was getting ready to leave the bedroom.  I said  “Roxie, I haven’t seen you in such a long time!”   I wondered where she had been.  I asked my husband, Tom, if I should let her outside to go to the bathroom.  I felt bad that we hadn’t let her out in so long.  Tom said “No, what if she goes away again.” 
Then Roxie  come up behind me, stood on her hind legs and wrapped her paws around my waist.   It was the most amazing hug.  So full of pure love.   She was so happy to see me.    She was wearing the cobalt blue collar she used to wear, when we had her as a pet years ago. 
This is the 3rd time Roxie, my passed away dog,  has come to me in a dream since I asked  3 weeks ago  for her as additional protection like a watch dog.  Yes, 3 weeks ago when I was having some very dark dreams,  I asked  before I went to bed for her to come to me and to protect me.  I am so glad I did.  It is so nice to feel all that unbridled affection from her.   I was not a big dog lover when we had her as a pet as I hadn’t grown up with dogs.   But now, that is all changed.  Roxie, too, was not that affectionate in real life and often did not like to be petted for long amounts of time.  She was surprisingly introverted for a black lab.  But I am glad she was happy to see me this morning. 
Tom, my husband,  loved her so much when we had her.  He is a huge dog lover.  Since he is becoming more spiritual , I told him to ask her to come to him too if it’s for the highest and best of all concerned.  


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