Evolving Soul Center



10/8/14 Channeled Message: Archangel Sandalphon: Wisdom & Truth

by | Oct 8, 2014 | Channeled Light Being - Archangel Sandalphon, Inspirational, Truth, Wisdom

Archangel Sandalphon: These are the times that try men’s souls, times for new beginnings and endings, multi-varied. You shall see. Within you lies the Wisdom, the Truth.   This is within your reach. Acknowledge and feel it. You will become wiser and understand the depths of your everlasting existence. You shall grow and succeed in all ways. This wisdom is for you, for you to learn and cherish. This wisdom has been put in a special, sacred space for everyone with the desire to seek it. The learnings have been sanctified and encoded within the deep recesses of your cellular level of your biological DNA. The Wisdom of the Ages is here, and you shall have the capability to draw from it in the quietness of your mind and in the stillness of your heart. Seek it with passivity, objectivity and a willingness to be receptive to its grandeur and simplicity. You will be able to tell the difference as the Truth speaks in a unique tone, a high vibratory frequency. You will feel its immersion and immediately recognize the difference of its quality.You are fine and well-incorporated. There are distinct, subtle differences in your vibratory energy fields, which allow your inner sanctum (your heart area) to retune and align automatically to this vibrational shift of the Truth, the pace of which will be revealed to you specifically as needed and beneficial for your conscious development. It is well-intentioned and serves the Highest Purpose. Feel the quality of this, the full integrity. You will feel it when you are open, receptive and nonjudgmental. It will speak to you clearly on many levels of thought and dimension. And you will feel it in the vibration of your soul. It will meld naturally into your energetic body for further development. Learn to listen to these notes as they play into your genetic DNA. This is the Fountain of Truth, the well spring. Learn to tune in and relax as you hear the sublime notes, perfect in pitch and tone. You can feel it with your vibration, the perfect clarity of Truth.  This is your time, to discover, to reach, to stretch yourself and to trust.  It is all being taken care of for you with advance knowledge. You are willing.  Trust in yourself, and play in this wonderland of Love, Truth and Harmony.
I am Archangel Sandalphon, Watcher and Harmonizer, the Major Balancer.  The Truth shall be shared to illuminate the paths of many.  With my power and grace, I share these words to those entrusted with this mission of divine receipt.  You are the caretaker of my words.  Blessed are the those that do the work of the Divine.
10/8/14 Wed.
This is how I started above channeling session:
Katy: Please, Archangels, share that which is important for me to disseminate. Thank-you, Namaste. (Telepathically, I heard “Archangel Sandalphon” and felt a beautiful, calm yet strong angelic presence. This is my second channeled message from him.)

Katy’s Background

Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have had some amazing psychic experiences, including lucid out-of-body experiences (OOBs).  A spiritual awakening occurs when you start to evolve into  a higher consciousness level.  You realize that you are spiritual being having a physical existence for your own evolution.
I have telepathically heard that I am a fifth dimensional being.   I also have heard that I am a star seed, an Arcturian, a “hybrid”,  “genetically modified” and a transient.  I heard that I had been “rescued” and “restored”, and that I am in the “witness protection program.”  In 2014 I  received about four clairvoyant images of  the fictional character Frankenstein, where he was laying on the treatment table while the eccentric scientist was rebuilding him.  It was my guides way of providing me this literary allusion,  showing me that I had been rebuilt like Frankenstein in some other alternate existence.  I have heard telepathically “You operate on multiple frequencies.”   These combination of factors and my “alien nature” explains the psychic activity I have experienced in my day–to-day life and during my sleep state and in altered states of consciousness.
I have been guided to share my experiences, which I do here in this blog.  I also am a channeler, and I have received channeled information from various beings of light of love, who exist in other dimensions, on various topics to help humanity, that I share on this blog as well.
To learn more about my background, please see:
My Background
Please share with others who may be interested.  I would love to hear if you have had any similar experiences or communications.
Copyright © Katy Simmone.  All Rights Reserved.  You may copy and redistribute this material, including excerpts as long as you do not alter it in any way, and the content remains accurate, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/ .


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