Evolving Soul Center



11/1/09 Message: First One from my Passed Father

by | Nov 1, 2009 | In Spirit, My Family - Ralph, My Dad, Psychic Developments & Experiences

Welcome !! So glad that you are here!! Love and Light to You All !!

Purpose: To show that our deceased loved ones may visit to communicate with us if we are open and receptive.  

I got this message-my first- from my father who passed away 17 years ago.  I got this message at about 11:00 p.m. when I was in bed in between my dreams and was having trouble sleeping.

I transcribed it as it was coming thru, clairaudiently, on my white notepad that I keep by night stand.  My father, Ralph, speaks another language and was born out of the country.  There was some male interpreter person there, translating his words to me.

 Please see the Intro post to learn more about my psychic  & spiritual developments & spirit interactions to further understand the purpose of this blog, 

 PLEASE NOTE:  You may want to revisit this post at future dates as I may update it with additional info as I get it.



11-1-09 Message from my Deceased Father

While in bed last night, I heard clairaudiently,  someone is here to see you.  Clairvoyantly, I saw I was  on a front white porch.  I turned.  There was my father, Ralph, sitting in a white rocking chair.  He had a soft yellow collared shirt on.  He got up.

“He says he is touched by your heart and how large it has become.  He says his friends are amazed that you can do it. (Comment: I think this may be related to the spirit crossovers that I did in dreams that I have posted about.)  He says his friends are amazed that you can do it. (Comment: I briefly see his 3 friends.  They are his war buddies).  They just watch and shake their heads.  They can’t believe it is his daughter.  They never would have thought Ralph “Raci’s” daughter can do such things.  He says he loves you, he misses you but he is always around you.  He has been assigned to be close to you to make your transition easier to the higher realms.  He says to tell your sisters,brother and mother that he is well and happy and has no leg pain.  He has not reincarnated yet because he has work to do with me.  He will be coming back for one more lifetime  and that’s it for him.  He said, never to worry about him. He is fine and protecting your sisters and brothers, too though they don’t realized it.  He goes to your mother to comfort her.  He tells her to let it go, that he is fine and in a good place.  He is so happy at the kind and giving life she has led.  All her prayers go to heaven.  They are looking forward to when her journey ends on earth and when she come up.  He is waiting for her but knows that she still has uncompleted work on earth with her grandchildren.  He loves the whole family and all his grandchildren.  He sends them many blessings.  He wished everyone health, happiness and a long life of joy and gratitude. 

Your brother is doing much better now that you helped him.  He (Ralph) was waiting for that to happen as he knew it would.  He loves your brother and is very proud of him and his kind heart.  He is so glad that he is his son, though it was hard to show it when he was on earth.  He (Ralph) has learned a lot from the school they sent him to.  He is at peace because his family is doing so well, so he is so very happy and proud of everyone. 

He wants you to know that he never meant to hurt your feelings or be so rough & emotionless (Comment: I would have never called my father rough, but he must think he was). But it was his way. He has changed now.  Clairvoyantly, he gives me a red rose and tells me make sure I give everyone the message as he has been waiting a long time to deliver this and finally, the time has come and he is so happy about this.  He loves you with all his heart and loves everyone as well. Tell mom to make sure she gets this message.  He has been telling her but doesn’t think she heard it clearly, only bits and pieces. 

I say “I love you, dad.  Thanks for everything.”

He sits back down in the white rocking chair with a smile.


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