Evolving Soul Center



11/21/16 Channeled Song: What I am Grateful For

by | Nov 29, 2016 | Channeled Song

In time for the upcoming holidays:
“What I’m grateful for cannot be expressed.
What I’m grateful for is
Without regrets.
What I’m grateful for has no voice.
It is beyond all I know
Existing on other levels more.
What I’m grateful for is pure and sweet
Sublime, special and so complete.

Chorus: Then I will find, glory divine.
Then I will know love ever more.
Thank the Heavens for these gifts inside
For within me, all resides.
What I’m grateful for I feel within.
Its essence is Truth’s rendering.
What I’m grateful for I’ll understand
When I am no longer in this land.
When I have journeyed onward more
What I’m grateful for shall come forth
For me to embrace on my deepest core.
What I’m grateful for is clear and free
Living in bliss’s eternity.
What I’m grateful for is part of me
Waiting for me in its divinity.
When I release, the doors will open wide,
And I will transverse this broad divide.
What I’m grateful for
Is of great measure
A revelation of hidden treasure.
With Special Sight I can see now
The immenseness of gratitude’s vow.
Its breadth, expansive and far,
Reaching toward the nighttime stars.
Come to me and I will share
Secrets that I have come to bear.
To be in thanks is the key to life,
To free you from your internal strife,
To help you rise to Higher Planes.
In this grace you shall be sustained.
Copyright © Katy Simmone. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material, including excerpts as long as you do not alter it in any way, and the content remains accurate, is distributed freely, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/.
For permission for any other uses, please email Katy Simmone at [email protected].
Background on This Channeled Song
On 11/15/16 Tuesday before sleeping in bed I telepathically heard in my own thought voice clearly “Your Angels want you to be a poetry writer.” Then I received a quick clairvoyant image of Maya Angelou, the famous American poet in spirit.  She made her transition on 5/28/14.  I have invoked her energy before in writing poetry.
I thought it was odd the word “poet” was not used but I do like to honor their exact words as I receive them.  A few days later on 11/21/16 Monday, I channeled this song. The channeling took about 35 minutes and ended at 10:00pm and done in Seattle, WA.
I have heard to write poetry before telepathically which is why I channeled a few other songs and poetry. I shared these in a channeled poetry and song Soul Evolution Center FB album.  I will share them on this blog, as well,  in the near future.
To read one piece of poetry that I shared already on this blog, please see:
1/21/16 Channeled Poetry: The Celestial Skies & the Channeling Process
I have heard telepathically in another lifetime I wrote haikus, which is a form of Japanese poetry. Wow! Human beings are complex!
To write poetry is a stretch goal for me and not one I am entirely comfortable with. I don’t consider myself a poetry writer and up until recently, unless it was for English school assignments when I was younger, not one I pursued voluntarily. The Universe does like to stretch us sometimes! Ugh!
I am overcoming my insecurity in this endeavor to honor the Universe’s message to me that was delivered more than one time to embark on this.  The Universe must see the bigger plan for myself.
More about Me
I am an advanced channeler of Light Beings.  I provide guidance from many different Light Beings and shares their wisdom on my Facebook, blog and in my free eBook.  I am unique in that I channel these Beings word for word through telepathic means.  They act as high level guides and teachers to help you on your life journey.
I founded Soul Evolution Center in February 2013 to help you evolve into your best life.  I am a published author, speaker and workshop facilitator in various spiritual and metaphysical topics.  I offers many developmental workshops and certifications that can be customized in private, small or large groups by webinar, Skype and teleconference.
Learn more about me here.
Katibe (Katy) Simmone
* Life Wisdom from Beyond * Founder of SoulEvolutionCenter.com
* Host of the Soul Evolution Show on BlogTalkRadio
* Follow the Soul Evolution Center Show on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/soulevolutioncenter
Download or listen to Prior Episodes 24/7 for Free
* Author of the free eBook “Aristotle’s Teachings for the New Age, a Series of Channelings” FREE download in many reading formats at http: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/575068
* Speaker * Workshop Facilitator * Soul Evolution Coaching * Reiki Master/Reiki Teacher
* Private webinars available*Book on Website Calendar
* Subscribe to Katy’s email list at http://eepurl.com/6-CcD & receive a free gift.
* Subscribe to the Soul Evolution Center Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWCgWWhH4Zh1vLVAynUG5Kg


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2 degrees
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10 degrees
Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon
23 days old


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