I shared this channeled message from The Lanternians, a group of light beings that exist in other dimensions. Telepathically, I asked for a channeled message for me to share on my FaceBook (FB) page. To be honest, I asked for the channelings to be limited in length to be appropriate for a FB post. Below is the transcripts that I typed in as I received it.
Past Messages from the Lanternians
I have received three prior channeled messages from the Lanternians on other subjects that I shared on my blog at the following links:
5/9/13 Interconnectedness & Thoughts at:
6/15/13 Heart Space Energy Work at:
12/1/13 Planetary Angels & Energetic Anatomy-Light-Sound-Combustion Chamber at:
My Background
Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have had some amazing psychic experiences, including lucid out-of-body experiences (OOBs). A spiritual awakening occurs when you realize that you are spiritual being having a physical existence for your own evolution.
I have telepathically heard that I am a fifth dimensional being. I also have heard that I am a star seed, an Arcturian, a “hybrid”, “genetically modified” and a transient. This combination of factors and my “alien nature” explains the psychic activity I have experienced in my day –to-day life and during my sleep state and in altered states of consciousness.
I have been guided to share my experiences, which I do here in this blog. I also am a channeler, and I have received channeled information from various beings of light of love, who exist in other dimensions, on various topics to help humanity, that I share on this blog as well.
To learn more about my background, please see:
My Background
Please share with others who may be interested. I would love to hear if you have had any similar experiences or communications.
Copyright © Katy Simmone. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material, including excerpts as long as you do not alter it in any way, and the content remains accurate, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/ .
11/25/14 As Your Consciousness Rises
The Lanternians: Your life is one of many, multi-varied and expansive. Your concurrent lives are opportunities for growth, learning and development. In this way, you are able to learn more completely and thoroughly & evaluate much more rapidly. As you raise your vibrational frequency through mindfulness and awareness of your thoughts, other horizons will be broadened to your scope of new vision. As you carry new thoughts, your mind is lightened and possibilities increased.
You create as you raise your consciousness.
It is a correlation. Be prepared and endeavor in this new aspect of mind awareness for mind creation. When you can master your thoughts, you will change. This change will allow extraordinary freedom and advancement for your Inner Self. Proceed accordingly and know you have this power and that it has been pre-wired into your system, your nervous system, your DNA and genes.
We are the Lanternians, an Evolved Race