Evolving Soul Center



1/25/16 Channeled Message: Plato: Our Divinity

by | Jan 27, 2016 | Channeled in Spirit - Plato, Channeled Message

A beautiful, inspirational channeled message to Katy from Plato, famous philosopher in spirit, on Our Divinity. This is my first channeled message from him. 
Katy: Dear Plato, I am here to receive the highest & best guidance at this time for me to share with humanity. I heard telepathically for the first time on 1/25/16 Monday morning that you wanted to talk to me. So I invite you here today. I will share this information on my FB & my blog. Please be clear, understandable, accurate, complete and specific. Please help me to receive your words easily. Thank-you. Namaste.
1/25/16 Monday 2:16-2:29pm, South Florida

Plato: I warmly welcome you. I am so pleased to be here spending time with you here at your desk. I look forward to our interaction. Know you are wise and can hear the words I deliver succinctly.
The time has come for me to share now with those who are ready to receive what I impart. I have come to share words of wisdom, faith and solace. Now is the time to let others know of the sanctity within themselves, their divine essence, the primary way in which all human beings have been created.
Your divinity is very powerful and allows you to create on many levels throughout many planes. It is all in your fine destinies to have this wondrous power of success.
I come to remind you, to let you know, how it has been ordained. Feel the power of this.
Release your low vibrational energies you are harboring within your mind and with your thought patterns.
Allow yourselves to free yourself from your mind’s fallacies and thought disruptions.
Come fully into your Primary Essence, Your True Design, your Supernalness. This is your natural state of existence. This is the expansion that is within each and every one of you.
You (referring to Katy) have proven you have this capacity, this endowment. Share with others your realizations and triumphs.
Live in the moment for here in lies the power and your True Strength.
You have all been created purposefully with many fine details.
You are all here now, together, on the Earth to have these experiences and to learn more about the Totality of Your Essence.
I am the deliverer, come to share my thoughtful words with you, to inspire others.
Let Grace ascend on those who are devotional and hear their inner call.
Rise to your posts! Victory shall rein! Complete your functions.
With love always and great care, I am faithfully yours in spirit,
Plato, the famous philosopher-in spirit
~Channeled by Katy Simmone

* Advanced channeler of Light Beings
* Speaker * Workshop Facilitator * Soul Evolution Coaching * Reiki Master/Reiki Teacher
* Subscribe to her email list at http://eepurl.com/6-CcD & receive a free gift.
* Author of the free eBook “Aristotle’s Teachings for the New Age, a Series of Channelings”.  FREE download in many reading formats at http: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/575068
* Follow the Soul Evolution Center Show on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/soulevolutioncenter
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