Wisdom from beyond for your well-being.”…Thoughts are a part of each and every human being’s persona and being. Thoughts do matter and count. They play a pivotal role and are the crux of many insecurities, doubts and fears that linger and languish in one’s system and affect one’s sense of self.
I am here to remind others to know what is being played in their mind, to listen to their thoughts. This is a primary learning for this Age. You are the herald for such valuable philosophies. You are the one whose destiny is to share and distribute such teachings…”
Katy: I am here to receive the highest & best guidance at this time for me to share with humanity. I invite Beings of Light and Love to deliver words of import. I will share this information on my FB & my blog. Please be clear, understandable, accurate, complete and specific. Please help me to receive your words easily. Thank-you. Namaste. 1/27/16 Wed 3:11-3:35pm–South Florida
(Note: Because, I have heard telepathically two times to teach people how to channel, I am going to share some of my psychic perceptions during this channeling. Immediately, I felt some light tingles on the top of my head. I did two spontaneous hand mudras, one over my computer screen and one over my Third Eye to my mouth. I closed my eyes to focus. I wondered if I should ask Asgard, a Being that I know acts as my gatekeeper guide, to invite someone specific for this session.
Then I received a clairvoyant image of Ben Franklin in his iconic gold spectacles from the waist up. He was dressed in a shimmery vest with white ruffled top, billowy in style, typical of times he incarnated in when he was an inventor. I recognized his outfit as one of his best as he has come to me clairvoyantly before in that same outfit.
I have been hearing his name telepathically in my own thought voice over the past month off and on. The clairvoyant image of him stayed with me in my Third Eye. It was strong. I heard telepathically that it was being “pronounced”. I sensed he was the Being coming forth to deliver a message at this time.
I saw him clairvoyantly smiling at me. I was thankful for the strength of this vision of him as it gave me confidence and validation that indeed, he was the Being, that I was connecting with. This type of affirmation is very important to me, as the channeler.)
Ben Franklin: I am here upon your beckoning and firm request. I have been allowed this opportunity.
(Note: I felt a strong tickle in my nose. I recognize this now after experiencing it recently in 2016 and 2015 as a sign that Spirit or some Light Being is near. This tickle was so strong it made me sneeze, which represented a physical release of some sort.)
In time many shall be familiar with these type of communications and dialogue. Till then there are select (human) beings with this ability to hear and carry these conversations. You are one of them. You are inordinate.
(Note: After this channeling, I Googled the definition of “inordinate” as I was unsure of its meaning. I learned that some of its meanings are “beyond normal limits, overabundant.”)
I am here to speak on higher learnings of thoughts and thought forms. I am here as a teacher and a delegate for now is the time to share such important matters at hand.
Thoughts are a part of each and every human being’s persona and being. Thoughts do matter and count. They play a pivotal role and are the crux of many insecurities, doubts and fears that linger and languish in one’s system and affect one’s sense of self.
I am here to remind others to know what is being played in their mind, to listen to their thoughts. This is a primary learning for this Age. You are the herald for such valuable philosophies. You are the one whose destiny is to share and distribute such teachings.
Mankind is learning to become aware of himself. For it is within this power that growth will be unlimited and exponential. The power of thought is pervasive through all things, all living & light forms.
Clear your mind so that you can coherently feel what you are thinking. Learn to be the Master of Your Thought Forms. Learn to be discerning and understand how your thoughts disrupt your mood and interfere with the proper functioning of your physical body and systems.
You are the herald, and know what to do with this information.
(Note: I feel an unusual tingling right under my nose. Never felt that before during a channeling. It continued on for a good part of the remaining channeling. I will note this physical sensation for the future as a possible marker and a sign of connection to Mr. Franklin.)
Prove to yourself that you can control your mind. You have the reins. You are the provider. When you stand fully in this Truth, you will grow inherently and with great leaps and bounds. Magnificent strides will be made for all of humanity in medicine, the arts, sciences and language skills. The Universe will abound with new power and reserves. Creation will thrive. Excellence shall be the new norm. It is in your power that this shall be done.
Relinquish your tired Mistruths and those aspects of your being that bring you lethargy, that affect the quality and state of your being. Lighten your load! This is a new time, a new beginning for such possibilities. Know this exists now, in this time and space for your advancement.
These are the preliminary stages; however, many human beings are needed to create this Revolution of Time-Thought Continuum and of acceleration. It is essential that it be put into place now to serve as the foundation for further, upcoming new developments as part of your evolution.
You are very kind to hear me, to share my words. Proceed now and disseminate this advantageous information to help those proceed with their life, empowered, authentic and free from their emotional constraints! Liberation will be at hand.
I feel your vibration and reverberation and know it is meant to be this way. Clear the way for others to follow for they will know the Truth of this Age. You are the herald for the New Age, a messenger to seed the light for the masses. In time many shall come to this New Truth and revel in the Glory of this.
This is the time! Feel it and know each one of your awakenings is splendid, fortuitous and predestined. This is a Grand Time to be awakening for the Powers that are available for you are opportunities for your thought expansion and rising consciousness.
Live Long. Be Strong and Thrive! Care for yourself and for others. You shall know the meaning of Prime Destiny.
I speak on behalf of many here in these ultra high frequencies of vibration and reassure you of the validity and reliability of this knowledge.
Namaste and remember the Power of the Plan is great and resounding!
I am an advanced channeler of Light Beings. This is my second channeled message from Mr. Ben Franklin, in-spirit. It is the first broadcast message from him to be shared with many. The first message was a personal message to my spouse and the spiritual technical devices he was working with and can be found at the following link:
Katy Simmone
* Life Wisdom from Beyond * Founder of SoulEvolutionCenter.com
* Host of the Soul Evolution Show on BlogTalkRadio * Follow the Show at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/soulevolutionc… and download or Listen to Prior Episodes 24/7 for Free
* Author of the free eBook “Aristotle’s Teachings for the New Age, a Series of Channelings” FREE download in many reading formats at http: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/575068
* Speaker * Workshop Facilitator * Soul Evolution Coaching * Reiki Master/Reiki Teacher
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