Evolving Soul Center



4/18/16 Channeled Message: Orion: Thoughts

by | Aug 23, 2016 | Channeled Light Being - Orion, Thoughts & Belief Systems

“I am Orion. I am here to teach. I represent many Beings of high consciousness and vibration. You can teach others of the power of their thoughts to manifest their reality. Thought conceptions are powerful, indeed. Feel the vibration of this. When you manifest, you can create the reality that is attuned with your inner vibration. Learn to be more connected with your inner sanctum that dwells within each and every heart space. This capability has been given to mankind as part of their natural development.
You are an oracle and can hear our sounds and translate them.
Everyone’s destiny is within for them to complete. As you clear yourself from emotional disruptions and became more balanced and peaceful, you will be able to hear the higher voice of your Essence. It is this which naturally guides all. To be in touch with this Supreme Power is to be able to be connected to the pervasive, all-knowing Specialness that you are.
Become aware of your thoughts. Hear them. Acknowledge them. Became cognizant of the power of their creation. You hold the controls and can make thoughts of Everlasting Beauty, Peace, Love and Joy. Remember, all lies within for you to reach and instill new values of Truth that will propel humanity forth in wondrous new ways of expansion.
I am Orion, and I am one of your Thought Providers. Unto you I have expressed this fine day for you to share my speech with others. Continue on and know there is much work at hand for the Light Workers to perform their duties. Namaste and Blessings of Divine Love.”
4/18/16 10:23- 10:31am
I am an advanced channeler of Light Beings.  I provide guidance from many different Light Beings and shares their wisdom on my Facebook, blog and in my free eBook.  I am unique in that I channel these Beings word for word through telepathic means.  They act as high level guides and teachers to help you on your life journey.
I founded Soul Evolution Center in February 2013 to help you evolve into your best life.  I am a published author, speaker and workshop facilitator in various spiritual and metaphysical topics.  I offers many developmental workshops and certifications that can be customized in private, small or large groups by webinar, Skype and teleconference.
Learn more about me here.
Katibe (Katy) Simmone
* Life Wisdom from Beyond * Founder of SoulEvolutionCenter.com
* Host of the Soul Evolution Show on BlogTalkRadio
* Follow the Soul Evolution Center Show on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/soulevolutioncenter
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* Author of the free eBook “Aristotle’s Teachings for the New Age, a Series of Channelings” FREE download in many reading formats at http: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/575068
* Speaker * Workshop Facilitator * Soul Evolution Coaching * Reiki Master/Reiki Teacher
* Private webinars available*Book on Website Calendar
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