Evolving Soul Center



4/27/15 Trance Channeling: Ajuna on the The New Generation- The Shift – The New Earth-The Mountains

by | Apr 27, 2015 | Ajuna, Extraterrestrial, Mountains, The New Age, Trance Channeling

Listen to Katy Simmone trance channel Ajuna, an extraterrestrial. She channeled his message about the the Shift, the New Age,  how people are going to be changing, how people are going to be born with advanced gifts and how the mountains can communicate. Being able to trance channel is a new development for Katy that first started to occur on 4/18/15.
13 min. 2 sec.

Here is the transcript of above sound file:
Katy is coughing.  This seems to be a natural part of the preparations for the trance channeling process as the being enters her energetic field.
Ajuna: I am Ajuna.  I am here to speak with you.  I am very happy that you can feel me. I want to share a few…a few observations with you.  I am not from Earth.  I come from a different galaxy in space.  I come from a different planet.  I am here as an adviser and counsel to you and those that can feel me.   This is a time of  flux…
Your parallel lives will be intersecting, allowing you to experience your existences on multi-lateral levels.  Your experiences will help those understand their life and have increased perceptions of their destinies.
You are a special agent of change.  You have enlisted in this effort.  From your heart you agreed.
This is a new time, a new generation.  Many will be born with advanced gifts.  This is part of the shift of the Earth’s changing vibration.   You are an involved with this.
I am Ajuna. I have come, specifically, to you for you…for you … to share my communication…(pause)…Feel this change that is coming upon the Earth, this new vibration. Many people will become spiritual.  This change is allowing advancement, not only to humans but all life forms.
The mountains can feel your vibration. Allow them to speak to you. They can communicate and want to come forth to you in this new way….(pause)…The mountains are highly advanced and have a purpose on the Earth.  They are there to help with the changes of the New Earth.  They are being prepared as well for this new level of vibration.  These are antecedents of change of evolution.
There are many beings, who are participating in this time, for the planet Earth.  You will witness a grand change, a metamorphosis.  This is your time now to come forth and be the messenger for our words.
We look forward to many more conversations with you.  I am Ajuna. I shared my words.
In good will I come, in good will I depart.
Katy: Namaste
Ajuna: Namaste
Received 4/27/15 Monday Living Room, Seattle, WA  Ended 1:48 p.m.      
I share this extraordinary trance channeling experience where I trance channeled an extraterrestrial called Ajuna.  This is the first message I received from him.
I first started  hearing Ajuna’s  name telepathically in my own thought voice in Sept 2014 about once or twice a day. I also heard  the name telepathically just recently  on 4/20/15 Monday  and 4/21/15 Tuesday after the Master Kuthumi trance channeling of 4/19/15 Sunday.   I sensed that at some point Ajuna would trance channel through me, and he did come through on 4/27/15 Monday.
How it Happened Spontaneously
I was working behind my computer on my blog when I could feel the energy welling up in the base of my throat area.  I knew a being  was coming through. Telepathically, I hear “Ajuna”.   I grabbed my i-Phone to record it and then transcribed it after.   He came spontaneously to me, and I did not invoke him.
My Trance Channeling Process
Ajuna telepathically spoke to me DIRECTLY and used my  diaphragm.  Whenever he spoke, my solar plexus/diaphragm tightened with each word he expressed and then released between the spaces of the words.  A few times during the session he had difficulty getting the words out, and I would stutter at this times with the consonant “h”…  There were also some pauses in the channeling as you can hear in the sound file. This is how I know it was a trance channeling and not just telepathically channeling.  He was able to manipulate my physical system.  Quite amazing!
Trance channeling is a new way for me channel.  It  first started occurring on 4/18/15 Saturday, and I have been rapidly developing this since.
To date in 2015, I have trance channeled nine other beings, including an extraterrestrial or space traveler named Arduon, an extraterrestrial Ezrada (on 4/25/15 Saturday), Archangel Raphael, Archangel Azrael, Archange Sandalphon and three human beings in spirit – Mr. Edgar Cayce, Dr. Marcel Vogel and Nikola Tesla. I have heard on numerous occasions telepathically and through the trance channelings that trance channeling is the fulfillment of my ultimate destiny during this incarnation on Earth and part of the Plan.
To read my blog about my early trance channeling experiences, please see:

About Katy

I have been guided to share my experiences, which I do here in this blog.  I am a psychic life adviser and provide guidance to people’s life questions through direct voice, Tarot and oracle card readings. I also am a speaker & Reiki Master. I have received channeled information from over twenty six beings of light of love, who exist in other dimensions, on various topics to help humanity, that I share on this blog as well.
Please share with others who may be interested. I would love to hear your feedback and experience with communications with light beings or your thoughts on the New Age.

You can read more my background by clicking here.



Katy Simmone, Psychic Life Adviser, Life Wisdom from Beyond
Direct Voice/Oracle/Tarot Card Readings**Book Phone/Skype/Email Readings on Online Calendar Here**
Copyright © Katy Simmone.  All Rights Reserved.  You may copy and redistribute this material, including excerpts as long as you do not alter it in any way, and the content remains accurate, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/


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