Evolving Soul Center



4/28/15 Trance Channeling #4 with Video: Aristotle: New Age-Power of Prayer & Heartspace

by | May 1, 2015 | Channeled in Spirit - Aristotle, Heart Space, The New Age, Trance Channeling

Watch Katy Simmone trance channel Aristotle. She channeled his inspirational message to humanity about the New Age & the importance of prayer and the heart space. Katy was just recovering from a cold and also had to do some physical releases during this session in order to fully connect with him.

Video Transcript
Here is the transcript of the video as well:
Katy: I am here to receive a trance channeled message from Aristotle. I can feel him. He is very close.
Aristotle: I am … I am… I am Aristotle…I am present. I am here to share knowledge…I have come on your request…(pause)…I want to share some new information… to help you and others understand themselves better in this new Age of Time and… Reason.
I am here to provide this to you … Many are experiencing major changes in their lives as the energy of the earth is rising. There is much volatility and change, disruptions in people’s lives, causing them to question and doubt. I am here to let you know that this is part … (pause)…of the process.
As the Earth moves through its stages of growth, all on its surface will experience these changes. Have faith and know you shall come through this with strength, fortitude and resilience.
Those that can, please, help those that need their support and guidance. There are many high vibrational humans on the earth today to serve in this way. The light workers have much work at hand and should rally to their posts of service and charity to their fellow human beings. This is a time of compassion and kindness to extend to one another during these tumultuous times.
There are difficulties, especially for those who are not as aware and mindful of the Truth, in these situations. This is not punishment. This is not an evil. This is a type of cleansing and recalibration and attuning for many human beings. This is a time to go within and connect with your higher selves, the True Essence of who you are and your divine nature.
I have come to share these words to you to provide you with hope and trust. Inspiration is a very important vibration at this time. It will help lift many out of their doubts, fears and anxiety. It will provide a strong foundation to rise above and transcend. Have faith and deserving of many know you shall come through this with strength, fortitude and resilience.
Those that can, please, help those that need their support and guidance. There are many high vibrational humans on the Earth today to serve in this way. A light workers have much work at hand and shall rally to their posts of service and charity to their fellow human beings. This is a time of compassion and kindness to extend to one another during these tumultuous times. There are difficulties,especially for those who are not aware and mindful of the Truth in these situations. This is not punishment. This is not an evil. This is a type of cleansing and recalibration and attuning for many human beings.
This is the time to go within and connect with your Higher Selves, the true essence of who you are and your divine nature. I have come to share these words to you to provide you with hope and trust.
Inspiration is a very important vibration at this time. It will help lift many out of their doubts, fear and anxiety. It will provide a strong foundation to rise above and transcend. Have faith, and know that each one of you is deserving of many fine gifts.
You have all come to this planet at this time. You have chosen this for yourselves. This is your time now, to rise, to ascend through these hard times.
The power of prayer is important. This is your special communication to the Divine. It is a powerful pipeline and conduit of your desires. Prayer shows a willingness for help and support for those who seek it.
You are not alone. You have many, divine beings in your energetic field, who have combined with yourself, to provide you with key guidance during this time for aid and assistance. Look for the signs. When you are mindful, you shall see and know then what it is that you are meant to do.
This is a time of awakening for many. Many are needed to carry the torch. Help light the way for others and you shall be blessed in many ways for you are all divine, divine. Feel this vibration and know that this is you, the most important aspect of yourself. This is the Truth.
I have come to tell you, to reassure you and to let you know that fear, that fear is very powerful and will debilitate your inner sanctum, your heart space. The power of your heart is very strong and has a magnitude that radiates quite a distance from your physical form. Your heart is your True Nature. From within this space, much creativity is available to you. It is important to vibrate from this area.
Have knowledge of this and remember that the mind, your mental capacities, are a tool for your heart. The heart is the pilot, the captain of your ship, the most important of you.
When you are in fear, this creates obstructions in this space. It needs to be clear, pure, and vibrating at a high level. This will allow you to access much new information about yourself to understand your purpose and your divine nature. The heart is a a fulcrum point. It is the base. Use this wisely and to separate and discern aspects of your nature that do not vibrate within your heart space area.
Your mind is very powerful and quick to create illusions of perceptions. This is part of your learning and the Grand Design. To learn how to differentiate between the heart space and the mind is crucial now at this time inflection point.
Take time to be still. In your stillness, much will be revealed. In addition, this is an important time for your guides and teachers to help attune your vibration and prepare you for your next state of advancement.
You have heard my words. Take the time to absorb it. Be still. Take time for inner reflection, and you shall see the light, the light within each and every one of you that shines so bright. This is who you are. The light is strong and all-knowing. When you can rest in its vibration, you shall feel anew. You will be replenished and rejuvenated. This is the power of the light that is within you.
Now, it is time for me to go. I shall come again as I have promised to share other information for the New Age. I look forward to these times when I can express myself, fully and directly, through my charge.
Thank-you for giving me this amazing opportunity. Thank-you. And I send to each and every one of you, the love from my heart and blessings from many, who are committed to help you during this time.
Katy: Thank-you, Aristotle. Thank-you for coming today and sharing your words.
Aristotle : Tis has been my pleasure. ”
This is how Katy telepathically  invited Aristotle at the start of the channeling that wasn’t shown in the above video:
Katy: Dear Aristotle, I am here to receive another message from you. Thank you for your earlier messages , which I have shared on FB & my blog. On 4/24/15 Arduon, another light being, trance channeled to me that I should sit down every day to receive messages from you. You, yourself, came to me on 4/20/15 Monday through trance channel and stated that you wanted me write a book about your teachings.  Please share that which is important for me to disseminate to others at this point in human history. Please be clear, understandable, accurate and specific. Please help me to receive your words easily. Thank-you. Namaste.
I share this extraordinary trance channeling experience where I trance channeled, Aristotle. Aristotle was a famous Greek philosopher and scientist, who died in 322 B.C.
This is my fourth trance  channeled message that I have received from him to date as of 4/29/15 Thursday in 2015.
To read earlier messages that I channeled from him, please see my blog post:
My Background with Aristotle
My first channeled message from him I received in June 2010 and then it was almost five years later till April 2015 till I received his next series of messages.  This was perhaps to prepare me for this work to be done.
My Past Lives with Aristotle
I sense that I must have some sort of past life experience with Aristotle, which is why he is able to blend naturally into my energetic field.  We must have had some sort of connection in previous lifetimes.  This has not been shown to me clairvoyantly or given to me telepathically but it is what I sense.
I do sense that I had incarnated during Greek times and perhaps was a mathematician.  Mathematics was my bachelor’s degree in this lifetime! However, this has not been validated for me yet.
Aristotle’s Channeling  Instructions to Me
I am attempting to honor Aristotle and the words that he wants to share.  I heard from him in another earlier trance channeling on April 2015  with him that I should sit down every day to receive a message from him and that morning would be best as I had more energy then.
During a 4/20/15 trance channeling from him,  I received this from him (excerpted):
“…I will talk to you from my time to time. You will write it down and put it out there for others to read and learn about my work.  I have many things I am working on right now…”
You can hear the actual sound file of this 4/20/15 Aristotle trance channeling at:
How This Trance Channeling Happened 
Ever since 4/25/15 Saturday, I would sit down on my computer in the morning and invite him and then wait and listen telepathically for the words.  The first four messages were received in trance channeling.  I received the message telepathically. My diapraghm was contracting throughout the entire session, which is how I knew it was trance channeling.  The last two messages on 4/29/15 Wednesday and 4/30/15  Thursday to date were straight telepathic, which is much less taxing for me.
My Trance Channeling Process
Aristotle spoke to me DIRECTLY and used my  diaphragm.  Whenever he spoke, my solar plexus/diaphragm tightened with each word he expressed and then released between the spaces of the words.  A few times during the session he had difficulty getting the words out.   There were also some pauses in the channeling as you can hear in the sound file. This is how I know it was a trance channeling and not just telepathically channeling.  He was able to manipulate my physical system.  Quite amazing!
Trance channeling is a new way for me channel.  It  first started occurring on 4/18/15 Saturday, and I have been rapidly developing this since.
To date in 2015, I have trance channeled nine other beings, including an extraterrestrial or space traveler named Arduon, an extraterrestrial Ezrada (on 4/25/15 Saturday), Asgard (a representative ), Archangel Raphael, Archangel Azrael, Archange Sandalphon and three human beings in spirit – Mr. Edgar Cayce, Dr. Marcel Vogel and Nikola Tesla. I have heard on numerous occasions telepathically and through the trance channelings that trance channeling is the fulfillment of my ultimate destiny during this incarnation on Earth and part of the Plan.
To read my blog about my early trance channeling experiences, please see:

About Katy

I have been guided to share my experiences, which I do here in this blog.  I am a psychic life adviser and provide guidance to people’s life questions through direct voice, Tarot and oracle card readings. I also am a workshop facilitator & Reiki Master. I have received channeled information from over twenty six beings of light of love, who exist in other dimensions, on various topics to help humanity, that I share on this blog as well.
Please share with others who may be interested. I would love to hear your feedback and experience with communications with light beings or your thoughts on the New Age.

You can read more of my background by clicking here.



Katy Simmone, Psychic Life Adviser, Life Wisdom from Beyond
Direct Voice/Oracle/Tarot Card Readings**Book Phone/Skype/Email Readings on Online Calendar Here**
Copyright © Katy Simmone.  All Rights Reserved.  You may copy and redistribute this material, including excerpts as long as you do not alter it in any way, and the content remains accurate, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/


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