Evolving Soul Center



5/16/15 Channeled Message: #14 in 2015: From the Altun Hans: Your Destinies

by | May 22, 2015 | Channeled Light Being - Altun Hans

Altun Hans: “We are the Altun Hans. We have come to give you advance notice of the opportunities that will avail themselves to those who have the sense and cognizance to take full advantage. These opportunities are in regards to recognition and fully engaging in the continued commitment to help those in need. These are in the realm of idealism and charitable service.
For to be mindful will allow you to be in charge of your destinies at hand. When you are mindful, you can fully take in and immerse yourself in the Universal Flow and language of Love and Altruism.
Keep to your commitment, and your resolve shall carry you far. Be mindful and know that your destiny may be different than those around you. It is in this grace that you shall succeed.
You have come along way to be here in time. You have traveled far and through many portals. You have successfully integrated yourself into numerous civilizations.
Now, this is your time to rise and ascend to your full potential. You honor yourself when you can keep your commitment and promise. This is the new Age of Hope and Possibilities. You can feel the vibration of others. This is important.
Learn to tell the difference between your own inner turmoil and that of those around you. Feel this difference, and be discerning.
You are changing. When you transform, your life shifts dramatically. These are the antecedents of historic movements. Many are with you and experiencing similar disruptions of mood and perceptions. These are your growing pains of metamorphosis.
Be brave and carry forth with this knowledge and understanding. You follow those who hold the torch for you as you shall hold the torch for others.
You all have amazing destinies to fulfill. It is written in your Books and Records. Feel the momentum of these times and the rapid acceleration.
We are your brethren and have walked the Earth many times. We are the Altun Hans and have come to help those fulfill their destinies during these Wondrous Times.”
5/16/15 Sunday 7:53 – 8:11 p.m.   Seattle, WA
How Katy Started this Channeling
Below is my invocation used to start the above channeling. I start these channelings by sitting behind my computer at my desk. I, then, type the message into my computer as I heard the messages coming in telepathically after my invocation.
Sometimes, it will take 3-5 minutes for the telepathic feed to come in. During this time before the message comes in I will relax, breath deeply, close my eyes and attempt to tune into Aristotle’s energy without force. Please note that though I asked for Aristotle, in message #14, the Altun Hans, stepped in for him.
Katy’s Invocation
Katy: Dear Aristotle, I am here to receive the highest & best guidance at this time for humanity. I heard telepathically for the first time on 4/30/15 Thursday that the “highest & best” should be included as part of my invocation. Thank you for your earlier messages, which I have shared on FB & my blog.
On 4/24/15 Arduon, another being, trance channeled to me that I should sit down every day to receive messages from you. You, yourself, came to me on 4/20/15 Monday through trance channel and stated that you wanted me write a book about your teachings.
Please be clear, understandable, accurate and specific. Please help me to receive your words easily. Thank-you. Namaste.
I share these channeling experiences where I telepathically channeled the Altun Hans in Message #14 on Destinies.
Please note that though I asked for Aristotle, in message #14, the Altun Hans, stepped in for him.  This is the second time another being has stepped in for Aristotle to deliver a message.  On 5/10/15 Pliny the Elder stepped in for Aristotle in Message #13 to talk about Immortality and Eternal Faith. To read that channeled message, please see:
I have connected with the  Altun Hans twice before in January 2015 and shared their channeled messages about the Orcas and the New Age on my blog at:
Back Ground on the Altun Hans

Altun Ha is an ancient Mayan city in the tropical county of Belize. Altun Ha was occupied for many centuries from about B.C. 900 to A.D. 1000.  There are ancient temples and structures here.  Altun Hans are beings that once inhabited this area.
About a year ago in 2014, I kept hearing telepathically at random times spontaneously “Altun Hans”.  There were some days when I would hear this 5-10 times a day!
I had no idea what this word meant. I Googled it and then read that it was an ancient Mayan city.  I sensed that they were attempting to make contact with me.   I did not receive any other clear information about it.  Even when I sat down to do channelings and receive channeled messages from beings of light and love, these beings never stepped forth until January 2015.
During the week of 5/11/15 I again started hearing “Altun Hans” telepathically once or two times a day at random times.   This was a precursor to this message that I received on 5/16/15.

Everyone is Psychic & Channels
Everyone has the ability to channel.  It comes in different ways according to many factors, including each person’s life plan & energetic blueprint.   I share my experiences and how I channel so that you can learn and hopefully expand your consciousness to not only know that there are other beings, who are here to help us, but the possibilities of being able to communicate with them.
I am happy to take what is gifted to me, and understand it is a mutual partnership or association between me and the beings that extends beyond the third dimension.
I have heard telepathically that when you receive a gift, you must give back. I also have heard telepathically that this was a promise I made to this before I incarnated, and it is my “prime directive” to be a herald. After  almost six year of resisting this, I have finally surrendered and embrace this. It hasn’t been the easiest road but an important part of my journey.
Aristotle’s Channeling  Instructions to Me
I am attempting to honor Aristotle and the words that he wants to share.  I heard from him in a trance channeling on April 2015  with him that I should sit down every day to receive a message from him and that morning would be best as I had more energy then.
During a 4/20/15 trance channeling from him,  I received this from him (excerpted):
“…I will talk to you from my time to time. You will write it down and put it out there for others to read and learn about my work.  I have many things I am working on right now…”
You can hear the actual sound file of this 4/20/15 Aristotle trance channeling at:
Channeling Aristotle
Since then starting on 4/25/15 Saturday on most days, I would sit down on my computer in the morning and invite Aristotle and then wait and listen telepathically for the words.  To date I have received twelve channeled messages from Aristotle that I share on this blog.

About Katy

I have been guided to share my experiences, which I do here in this blog.  I am a psychic life adviser and provide guidance to people’s life questions through direct voice, Tarot and oracle card readings. I also am a workshop facilitator & Reiki Master. I have received channeled information from over forty beings of light of love, who exist in other dimensions, on various topics to help humanity, that I share on this blog as well.
Please share with others who may be interested. I would love to hear your feedback and experience with communications with light beings.

You can read more of my background by clicking here.



Katy Simmone, Psychic Life Adviser, Life Wisdom from Beyond
Direct Voice/Oracle/Tarot Card Readings**Book Phone/Skype/Email Readings on Online Calendar Here**
Speaker*Workshop Facilitator
Copyright © Katy Simmone.  All Rights Reserved.  You may copy and redistribute this material, including excerpts as long as you do not alter it in any way, and the content remains accurate, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/


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