Evolving Soul Center



5/4/15 Important Info about Trance Channeling

by | May 5, 2015 | Psychic Protection, Trance Channeling | 3 comments

About Trance Channel

There are different ways to channel or to receive message from beings that exist in other frequencies or dimensions.  Trance channeling is one of the most complex and intense ways to receive such information.

There are different levels of trance channeling as well ranging from a light trance to a deep, full trance.  In a deep trance the channeler or medium is unconscious, and the being that incorporates into the medium’s body has full control and use over their body.  I will use the terms “channeler” and “medium” here interchangeably.

In true trance channeling the channeler goes into a deeper state of consciousness to directly channel beings, who exist in other dimensional frequencies.  The being blends with the energetic field of the medium, using the physical system of the medium including their larynx, vocal chords, voice box, diaphragm and possibly other body areas as well like their fingers, arms, legs, head and neck as well.

With trance channeling, the Light Being is able to manipulate to control parts of the channeler’s physical system. It is more than just a telepathic form of channeling but may include this as well.

Watch Katy on YouTube Trance Channel

Watch Katy Simmone trance channel Aristotle  & read about the background by clicking here.

She channeled his inspirational message to humanity about the New Age & the importance of prayer and the heart space.

Why I consider what I do as Trance Channeling

I have learned after the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling, that I can interject and speak in between and out loud during the pauses of his words.   I have done that a few times in different trance channelings to date.  I speak in my normal voice though it is very soft as if I don’t have the energy to speak loudly because my energy is being utilized in other areas.

Because of this, some people  may say that I am not in trance because I can easily go in and out.  That is true.  However, when I am in heat of the moment of channeling his words as they come through me, it is definitely a blend of our energies and there is a physical manipulation of my biological systems.

Also, I hear the term “trance” telepathically 1-3x a day since mid-April 2015.  I am of the mind that if My Guides are referring to what I do as “trance” then I will as well.

More about Trance Channeling

Trance channeling requires and uses much chi energy, also known as vital energy, of the medium.   There is some misunderstanding when some mediums declare that they are in trance when they are not because it is not a deep enough level. Some trance channels are aware and keep their lucidity during trance. Others become completely unconscious during their trance state.  In all the trance channelings I have done to date, I  was 100% lucid during the entire time and never lost consciousness.

Being an authentic, genuine trance channel is a very specialized and specific type of mediumship.  They are a small percentage of all the mediums  in the entire world that have this skill.

Prior to this experience I considered myself a telepathic channel in a very light trance.   I maintained lucidity and full control over my body and voice box and received the information telepathically in my thought voice.

Trance Channeling – A Major Milestone for Me

This enhanced ability to trance channel marks a breakthrough for me and a shift in direction as to what I am supposed to do in the future for my work and service.  It started occurring on 4/18/15 Saturday.
To read about my initial trance experiences, please see:

Important Information About the Trance Channeling Process

Following are the indicators of a trance experience and/or what a medium may feel during the trance channeling for your learning and education.  I compiled these based on my own direct experiences with trance channelings to date that occurred starting on 4/18/15 Saturday.

The Medium’s Mindset

Open mindedness and flexibility of the medium is key to be able to trance channel.  If you are inhibited or in a contracted emotional state, you will not be able to trance channel. Or if you have fears about trance channeling, you will not be able to do so.

A Safe Environment

When a medium does his/her first trance channel, it is important to be in a safe, familiar setting & with people who are proficient with trance channel, who can support the medium properly.  YOU SHOULD NEVER TRY THIS ALONE IF YOU ARE A NEWBIE.  I have taken about four different trance training classes & workshops since 2009 under the tutelage of experienced and trained trance facilitators in formal classroom settings.   This provided a solid base for me to have the Master Kuthumi channeling experience.

In this experience, I was laying very comfortably in my bed and my husband was laying next to me. The people, who you are with, should not be judgmental of the trance process and provide supporting energies to the medium.  My spouse is very supporting so I felt very comfortable doing this in front of him.

Physical Clearing Processes

The medium may undergo a clearing process where the medium may cough, clear their throats, sneeze and blow their noses spontaneously at the beginning, during or end of the trance channel. The medium may feel a tickle in their nose as if they are going to sneeze but don’t.   This is a natural part of the clearing process and preparations for the trance channeling process as the being enters the medium’s energetic field.  I have experienced this a few times during different trance channeling sessions in April and May 2015.


The medium may rock back and forth prior to a trance channeling.  This started happening to me about 4/29/15 Wednesday when I start a trance channeling session when I am sitting upright at my computer to share a message on my Facebook and blog. Spontaneously, I will start rocking back and forth as I am repeating the introductory invocation.  I am not sure why this happens.  I sense it may have to do with managing the influx of energy that is coming in.


The medium may experience kriyas, also known as muscle spasms, in random parts of their body before and during the trance channeling.  This is to redistribute the energy in medium’s field to prepare for the channeling & “increase energetic flow by releasing any blockages and constraints”.  It is vital to have strong, even, consistent energetic flow during a trance channel experience because it requires so much energy on the medium’s part. (Note: What is in quotes above is what I directly channeled as I typed this into my blog.)

I experienced the following types of kriyas in the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling:

– two  small kriyas in my left arm just around my elbow.  I felt this right before the trance channeling started.

– a much larger kriya along my entire abdominal area and especially dominate on the left side of my abdomen.   It was very similar to a large muscle contraction and then release.  It felt very similar to doing a stomach crunch exercise. I felt this right before the trance channeling started.

– strange sensations like quick contractions at the base of my spine at my perineum.

Also, during the channeling, especially when Master Kuthumi was speaking through me, my entire solar plexus area was tight.  It was almost as if it was contracted.  This only happened when he spoke.  When he stopped speaking, that area would relax and when he started speaking, it would tighten up again, automatically.

Crown Chakra Sensations

The medium may feel unusual pressure or sensations around their crown chakra prior to the trance channeling or during.  This is an indicator of heightened activity in this area.  The crown chakra is one of the seven major chakras located just a few inches above the head.   It is your connection to the Divine and all-knowingness, your True Self.

 This make sense.  The being that the medium is channeling needs to work with the brain area of the medium and crown chakra. During the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling, I felt a pain in an unusual area of my head, on the left side of the lower back of my head.

This was the same area that I had experienced very strong headaches in 2014 that would wake me up suddenly in the middle of the night.   This happened, perhaps five times over the entire year.  I would have to take larger than normal dosages of pain reliever,  double what I normally take for headaches, like 800 milligrams to alleviate it.

When these headache occurrences happened in 2014, I immediately recognized it as a different type of headache because of its location and that it was a symptom of the energetic work that My Guides were performing on me.

The medium may feel pain, unusual pressure or tingles around their head right before or during the trance channeling.  This make sense.  The being that the medium is channeling needs to work with the brain area of the medium and crown chakra.  For me, during the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling I felt a pain in an unusual area of my head, on the left side of the lower back of my head. In other trance channelings, I have felt other similar sensations.

This was the same area that I had experienced very strong, unsual headaches in 2014 that would wake me up suddenly in the middle of the night.   These strong headaches happened, perhaps five times over the entire year.  I would have to take larger than normal dosages of pain reliever like 800 milligrams, double what I normally take for headaches, to alleviate it.

When these headache occurrences happened in 2014, I immediately recognized it as a different type of headache because of its location and that it was a symptom of the energetic work that My Guides were performing on me. However, if you experience such headaches, please seek out proper medicare care to rule out any under lying conditions.

Third-Eye Sensations

The medium may feel pressure on their Third-Eye prior or during the trance channeling.  The Third-Eye is the area located in the middle of your eye brow.  Your Third-Eye is associated with your insight, intuition and is a portal to other dimensions.

On 4/26/15 Sunday from 10:00 am to about 3:30 pm right before the trance channeling with Dr. Marcel Vogel, Nikola Tesla and other scientists to discuss my spouse’s crystal and water experiment, I felt a pressure on my Third-Eye. It was as if someone was holding their finger down in my mid eyebrow.  It wasn’t painful but definitely noticeable.

Rubbing of Physical Eyes

The medium may rub their eyes before or during the trance channeling. I have done this a few times where I have taken my hands and rubbed both my eyes during the session.  This occurred during the 4/21/15 Dr. Marcel Vogel trance channeling.

Note: Dr. Marcel Vogel is a scientist in spirit.

Spontaneous Mudras

The medium may spontaneously do mudra or hand positions. For example, during the 4/21/15 Dr. Vogel trance channeling, my hands automatically went to prayer position at my chest area.  At times, spontaneously, I lifted both hands in a mudra position to my Third-Eye as well.

Also, during the 5/5/15 Arduon trance channeling, my hands also spontaneously went to prayer position at my chest area.

Energy at Throat Area

The medium may feel the sensation of something, a type of force or energy, in the base of their throat that wants to come out. It may feel like you want to say something but it is just not coming out.  That is exactly how it felt in the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling experience.  The being was having some difficulty in expressing itself through me.   Sometimes, I could feel that the being was so close and near to using my vocal chords, like 95% there, but just couldn’t get it out.

This sensation of feeling a force or energy at the base of my throat that wants to rise has been a common precursor  for me just before I trance channel and a sign for me that a being is ready to express themselves through me.

Heart Space  Sensations

The medium may feel their heart beating very quickly & racing right before they trance channel.  They may feel excitement in radiating from their heart space area. For me, it felt very similar to getting a shot of epinephrine along with the anesthesia from the dentist when he wanted to do a filling on my cavity.  This heart racing has been a common precursor for me just prior to a trance channeling and a sign for me that a being is ready to express themselves through me.

The medium may feel like their heart space is expanded and light before, during  and after the trance channeling. For me in general since 4/19/15 when these trance channelings started occurring, when I would focus on my heart space, it just feels different.  It feels so much lighter and broader, like it takes up more space in my mid-chest area.

Eyes Watering

The medium’s eyes may water during the trance channeling.  This is an example of the toll it takes on your body to do true trance channeling. I am a relatively new trance channeler but this sensation has  subsided with experience and practice as my body adjusted to the new energy required to trance channel.

Movement of Energetic Arms

The medium may feel their etheric or energetic arms rising, especially if the medium is laying down.  Right before the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance  and the 4/21/15 Dr. Marcel Vogel trance channeling began, I felt both of my etheric arms rise.   It was a very odd sensation.

It felt like my energetic arms had risen about 6 inches above my physical arms. They were just hovering there in the air above my body at that same height.  It almost feels like you are swollen energetically, and your arms have to rise to manage that. This has happened more often when I am laying in total horizontal position rather than sitting upright in a chair.

Ability to Receive Info Telepathically

The medium may receive telepathically information in their own thought voice in tandem with the verbalized trance channeling to either supplement what was being directly channeled or as a precursor to what was actually going to be said through the voice box.  Telepathy in my own thought voice is my strongest psychic sense and the main way that I receive information.

In the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling, during the pauses of the stream of the channeling,  I received telepathically the line of information before Master Kuthumi expressed it through me.  A few times I received it, and he did NOT express what I received telepathically but verbalized something similar. He selected other words.

In the 4/27/15 Monday Ajuna terrestrial trance channeling a few times I received words telepathically that Ajuna did not express. Sometimes, he would verbalize another word through me, a synonym to what I received telepathically.

Unusual Voice Tones, Inflections and Pitches

The medium’s voice may change in tone and inflection during the trance channeling.  These tones and pitches may be highly unusual and not “normal” sounding.  They could be over-exaggerated or drawn out. The medium’s voice may also change with different beings that are channeled. In the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling, when he came in, I felt like his voice using my voice box sounded like an old man, and it was shaky.  It definitely did not sound like my voice.  I sense that it was shaky because this was the first time he had trance channeled through me.  He was still getting used to and familiar with my body and system as well.  This was new for both of us.  Over time in the successive trance channelings in April and May 2015 the strength of my voice tone became firmer and stronger and not as shaky.

In addition, there were unusual voice inflections during the channeling and not at all like when I talk. Sometimes, the channeled words would end in a higher, odd tone.

In the 4/27/15 Monday Ajuna extraterrestrial trance channeling I noticed a definite change in the tone of my voice.  My voice was firmer and stronger.  In the middle of the session,  my  voice switched and almost sounded robotic like I was receiving one word at time.

Labored Voice and Partial Sentences

If the medium is new to trance channeling, their voice may be labored, and the medium may only deliver partial sentences.  In the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling, Master Kuthumi dropped some words. On about five different occasions  only  partial sentences or single words were delivered.  It was as if my energy or the energy in general was not strong enough to maintain a strong, consistent verbal flow.

I admit, that this is my responsibility as well to keep myself energetically vibrant. It is important to keep my energetic health strong and vital so that I can support this trance channeling process. It requires such a  tremendous influx of energy.  I have communicating telepathically with My Guides on this.

During these times when only a single word was delivered or a sentence left uncompleted, I received what he was trying to say  telepathically. I would communicate to him telepathically that I wanted the entire message  delivered through my voice box.  I did not want to channel the way I have been doing as my standard process since 2009 where I repeated what I heard telepathically.  I wanted it to be completely authentic and 100% of the being’s words and efforts through my voice box.

There were at least ten to fifteen pauses during the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi session, which lasted about fifteen minutes.  It was definitely  not a streaming flow.  During these pauses, I would take deep breaths of air as intuitively I knew this would help improve the flow.


If the medium & the being are new to trance channeling, the being may stutter through the medium.  This has happened to me in numerous trance channelings since 4/19/15 with various beings.

Difficulty in Enunciation

If the medium & the being are new to trance channeling, the being may have difficulty enunciating certain words, consonants and long words.  Monosyllabic is the easiest to deliver to most beings especially in the beginning of the trance relationship.  There may be a limited vocabulary use and difficulty in pronouncing certain consonants like “Y” for yes or the letter “R”.

In the 4/22/15 Asgard, a being of a different dimension, trance channeling,  that occurred at about 2:00 am in Seattle, Washington, in the bedroom when I was in bed I noticed the following:

– that Asgard  had difficulty expressing words starting with the letter “s” , “j” and “y”.  When he said “Jesus” it was almost as if he skipped over the pronunciation of the  letter “J”. It was a very weak pronunciation, and I noticed that as the channeler at the time it happened.

– In the 4/21/15 Dr. Marcel Vogel trance channeling, the Dr. also had difficulties in pronouncing “r’s” .

In this channeling also which occurred at about 8:38 pm in Seattle, Washington, in the apartment living room, I noticed the following in regards to expressing speech and the use of vocabulary.

– it was easier for him to say “O  Kay”  versus “yes”. He used this many times.

By 4/27/15 the beings, including Dr. Marcel Vogel,  were able to say “yes”.

Pauses Between Words

The being that the medium is channeling may talk in increments and pause frequently between their words.  During the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling, this occurred.  It is almost as if the words were sent in bundles.

Clairvoyant Images

The medium can receive clairvoyant images during the trance channeling process to supplement.  Because  to date I stay lucid and conscious during these sessions, I can recall and share these specific images. I will share two specific clairvoyant images that I received:

a) In the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling, my first clairvoyant image was of Master Kuthumi himself.  It was a fuzzy image but he was clearly wearing a large white turban with some large, faceted jewel in the middle.  He also had dark olive colored skin.   He was so dark that I thought that maybe he was black.

b) The second image that followed in the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling was of a small black séance trumpet laying on its side on a table.  I feel that this was a sign for me to perhaps utilize this tool in the future in my trance channelings.  About two weeks, after telepathically I heard that this it was not necessary to get the trumpet.

Seance trumpets are used to bring in or amplify spirit voices.  I am surprised that the trumpet shown to me was black.  I was also surprised by its petite, miniature size.   I have seen and used séance trumpets in mediumship circles over the past 5 years.  They were usually are silver or gold and larger in size.

c) Another clairvoyant image during the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channelings was the thumbnail images in my mind’s eyes of each of the beings that were trying to channel through me

d) In the 4/25/15 Saturday Ezrada, an extraterrestrial, trance channeling I received a clairvoyant image of a pineapple, symbolic of hospitality, when she talked about how they would welcome me to her planet.

Telepathic Communications

The medium can communicate telepathically to the being & receive information telepathically back as well during the trance channel.  In the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling I  must have telepathically said, at least no less than five times, that Master Kuthumi needed to use my voice box to get the message across, that I wasn’t going to just relay it verbally just because I received it so clearly telepathically.  I wanted to develop this type of new channeling modality for myself.  To be honest, I don’t know if Master Kuthumi received my requests but I did relay them to him telepathically.

In the 4/21/15 Arcturian Monday trance channeling with in the early a.m. while in Seattle, WA, laying in my bed, the following happened which showed that the beings can hear me telepathically.

– I awoke from sleep and felt the energy welling up in my throat area. I knew a being was trying to express itself through me.  I asked telepathically “Does the being have permission?” I was attempting to be selective and making sure it was not a lower vibrational being.  The first words that I trance channeled out loud spontaneously was ” I have the permissions.”  That woke my sleeping husband up in bed.

Manipulation of Physical Features

The being  may manipulate the medium’s arms, hands and head during the trance channeling.  In the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling, Master Kuthumi gestured with my right arm throughout the channeling.  Throughout the session, he pointed with my right hand as if he was pointing to a large audience.  However, the movements were very sudden and jerking, not smooth.  I attributed this to his unfamiliarity with my physical system since this was the first time he has incorporated within me in this way.  My spouse said that my left arm was also hovering in the air and not moving above my body a few inches though I don’t recall this.

In the 4/21/15 Dr. Marcel Vogel trance channeling, Dr. Vogel also lifted my physical arms.

Deep Breathing

The medium may need to take very large breaths throughout the trance channeling.  This also acts as a catalyst for the upcoming words.   This is necessary.   I did this between every pause in words during the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling. This is beneficial for both the being and the medium.

On 4/21/15  Tues in the early a.m. when I trance channeled an Arcturian, she had trouble getting the words out through my voice box. She kept saying “the air” and then I heard telepathically “the air quality…oxygen depletion”. The only way for her to deliver a few words was to take huge breaths of air. She was not able to deliver any information because of this air problem.


The medium may break out into a sweat.  I felt waves of light sweat break out over my entire body when I was channeling Master Kuthumi’s words during the 4/19/15 trance channeling.  I have found that after almost every trance channeling, I am in bathed in a light sweat.

Sound Toning

The medium may do some sound toning during the trance channeling.  I spontaneously had the urge to channel sound tone so I did during the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling .  And then to my surprise, immediately following these tones Master Kuthumi shared his words.  It was as if the sound tones were a lead-in to his words. It helped carry them!

Feeling of Crying

A new medium may feel like they want to cry during the trance channeling.  It can be very taxing emotionally, physically and psychologically on your human system to let another being manipulate your voice box and arms.   I did not want to break down and have this stop the channeling in the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling so I controlled my urge to bawl like a baby. This feeling of crying subsided greatly in the trance channelings that followed, a marker of my improvement to handle the new load of energy required for trance channeling.


The importance of grounding for the medium at the end of the trance session.  I had some difficulty doing this. Ultimately, the visualization of wearing lead boots that was sent to me clairvoyantly helped.

Viewing Light Activity with  Physical Eyes

The medium may see unusual light activity with their physical eyes at the end of trance session. This is a form of clairvoyance.  I have developed some clairvoyancy since my spiritual awakening in 2009. Immediately after the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance experience,  I saw two unusual light forms that I have never seen before.

a) I saw a partial dark straight band of light energy  flash  about three feet long and 3 inches at the foot of bed at an angle going from right to left about eight feet in front of me.

b) I also saw a rectangular shaped bright cobalt blue light form flash in the air to the right side and front of the bed about five feet off the floor.  It was about six inches wide and four inches high.

To date as of 5/5/15 I  have not seen unusual light forms after the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling.

To learn more about the other types of light forms I usually see, please see:

Multiple Beings in the Queue
Multiple Beings May Trance Channel Consecutively Through the Medium. At the very beginning of the 4/19/15 Master Kuthumi trance channeling, three other beings tried to come through.  They were Nikola Tesla, Serapis Bey and Mr. Edgar Cayce in that sequence

As I stated in an earlier blog post, I hope in the future that this incorporation of these high level light beings into my system is less taxing on my autonomous system.  I will be working with My Guides on this & communicating with them telepathically to make it easier on me and with less strain and more flow.

About Being Woken From Sleep to Trance Channel Beings
I know that there may be some psychics or mediums that would berate me and say that the “spirits” or Beings should not be waking me up in the middle of the night, that I need to set parameters and controls for reasonable or set hours of the day for them to deliver their messages to me.
In my defense, I would just say that this was a brand new process for me and the Beings in learning how to communicate directly through me, using my physical systems. So I cut the Beings a break with these night time interruptions. It was a cataclysmic series of events that happened the week beginning on 4/18/15 Saturday and ended 4/26/18 Sunday. It was isolated to a period of ten days.
I took the following actions to address these sleep time disruptions when I felt myself being awoken from sleep and felt the energy rising in the base of my throat when the Being wants to express itself through me:
1) Telepathically, I sent the Being the message “I am sleeping now. It is the human time to sleep.”
2) Clairvoyantly, I sent a picture of a sign that says “Closed for business due to sleep. Come back during the day.” This worked one evening! I often send symbols to the Beings, especially if I think they are not hearing me telepathically. I figure if they can send me symbols as a form of communication, I can as well!
However, despite my efforts above it appears that there were overriding factors and the Being was allowed to come through at night time.

Trance Channeling in Dream State

The medium may also trance channel in their altered state of consciousness during their sleep state.  For me, this first started happening on 5/8/15 Friday night and also occurred on 5/9/15 Saturday night.   My first trance channeling developments occurred on 4/18/15 Saturday so about 20 days had passed since I trance channeled in the physical world to trance channeling in my dream time and lucidly recall it.

To dates, this is how the dream trance channeling would occur.  I would become lucid in my dream state.  I would feel that familiar welling up of energy at the base of my throat that a being wanted to express itself through me.  Then the being would express itself verbally using my vocal chords and voice box just as it has happened in reality.

On 7/1/18 I added to this post based on a comment posted by a reader:

What to Do if the Beings Are Bothersome to You or Physically Disruptive

Please do you do your due diligence and get your physical symptoms checked out by a qualified medical professional if you are experiencing such things as headaches, heart palpitations, etc…
In addition, I would recommend you going into meditations to talk to your gatekeeper guide (or whatever entity is that controls the access to you energetically), telepathically, to let him/her know that the activity is too disruptive to your sleep state. If you do not know who your gatekeeper guide is, just use a general salutation like the “intelligences who control access to my energetic field.”
Be firm, clear and detailed as to what you would like changed. I do this often and let my guides and Angels know that “It has to be safe, effective and gentle for me and for my highest good.” You may want to tell them they can only “visit” you only during certain hours, days of the week, etc… Sometimes, the entities (Beings) do not realize how uncomfortable it can get for their charges when they receive them in this way. You need to let them know.
I have heard many times telepathically that the entities learn from you as well. I just heard that from the Lemurians before sleep last week on 6/23/18 when they used my voice box to come through before sleep.
You can exert your free will adamantly. You are allowed to do this. You may need to do this telepathic exercise of setting your ground rules for entities blending into your energetic field, the do’s and do’nots, more than once.
I have done this and it has worked for me. Most recently I did this on 6/30/18 when I had a psychic procedure done to better receive the entities who called themselves “Lemurians” through my voice box. For two days after this night time procedure, I had a bothersome ball of energy at the base of my throat like an entity was going to come through at any moment of the day. I would also lightly cough during the day in an unusual way because of that tickle at my throat. It was like the Lemurians had put my channeling idling speed too high. I told the Lemurians telepathically that it was bothersome to feel this sensation at my throat throughout the day and for them to turn it down. And they did the next day!
You set the boundaries for communication. You do have this power.
Hope this is helpful.



Trance channeling is a new way for me channel.  It  first started occurring on 4/18/15 Saturday, and I have been rapidly developing this since.
To date in 2015, I have trance channeled nine other beings, including an extraterrestrial or space traveler named Arduon, an extraterrestrial Ezrada (on 4/25/15 Saturday), Asgard (a representative), Archangel Raphael, Archangel Azrael, Archangel Sandalphon and three human beings in spirit – Mr. Edgar Cayce, Dr. Marcel Vogel and Nikola Tesla.
I have heard on numerous occasions telepathically and through the trance channelings that trance channeling is the fulfillment of my ultimate destiny during this incarnation on Earth and part of the Plan.
To read my blog about my early trance channeling experiences, please see:

About Katy

I have been guided to share my experiences, which I do here in this blog.  I am a psychic life adviser and provide guidance to people’s life questions through direct voice, Tarot and oracle card readings. I also am a workshop facilitator, speaker & Reiki Master. I have received channeled information from over twenty-six beings of light of love, who exist in other dimensions, on various topics to help humanity, that I share on this blog as well.
Please share with others who may be interested. I would love to hear your feedback and experience with communications with communications with light beings.

You can read more of my background by clicking here.



Katy Simmone, Psychic Life Adviser, Life Wisdom from Beyond
Direct Voice/Oracle/Tarot Card Readings**Book Phone/Skype/Email Readings on Online Calendar Here**
Speaker*Workshop Facilitator
Copyright © Katy Simmone.  All Rights Reserved.  You may copy and redistribute this material, including excerpts as long as you do not alter it in any way, and the content remains accurate, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/


  1. Cat Shadow Channel

    I was intrigued by what was shared about the sensations/pains at the back of the head and the correlation to headaches. I have had all sorts of these pains and headaches and have been to numerous doctors to rule anything like “that” out. I got the message that it was energetic work that the Spirits and Guides were performing to clear space and align me so that I could better receive and channel Their messages. I’ve made peace with the headaches and found ways to help out the process when they get bad. My spirits have told me to drink certain salt solutions, to take certain baths, so put certain compresses on the back of my head, etc.
    Recently (Samhain 2017) I had 2 nights in a row where I was channeling all night and had very intense visitations and just A LOT of chaotic interactions. The back of my head per usual was burning the entire time (often also the Spirits want to enter my body and use my mouth during channeling sessions. They seem to enter through the back of my head)….ever since then…so over a month now…I’ve had bad pain at the back of my head. It’s always there. Often bad enough to wake me out of a deep sleep.
    I’ve tried massages, the doctor, acupuncture, the compresses, reiki and more…it all helps,l but it’s temporary relief (very short-lived). Does anyone have knowledge/advice about how to support my body (particularly this area of my body) after the visitation is through? Could this be a sign of just too much activity? Much as a door that’s over-used could start to get warn and extra squeeky? Or perhaps a certain Spirit didn’t exit correctly??
    Any advice would be welcome.

    • Soul Evolution Center

      Thank-you for sharing in detail your related experiences. Of course, I encourage you to be diligent and rule out any physical causes. I know you shared you went to the Dr. but perhaps a 2nd opinion as well, including some scan than can capture the interior of your head.
      You may have already done the following but I encourage you to do it again. I would suggest you have telepathic conversations with your team of etheric helpers, including your angels and gate-keeper to “tone” it down and turn down the intensity, that you are physically uncomfortable with it. This is best done in meditation or before sleep when you are able to relax and you can send a clearer message telepathically. I have done it and the majority of the time, it has worked, surprisingly!
      I encourage you to do those remedies you listed like ice compresses, etc.. to at least alleviate your discomfort. I’m hearing telepathically for you to seek out acupuncture regularly, like monthly, to balance your overall energy field. This is a necessity. Tell the acupuncturist your specific symptoms for him/her to address.
      I also feel it is important for you to do daily energy chakra work for all of your major chakras, just to keep them attuned and running at high efficiency. For whatever reason, I am hearing you need to “detox”. Does that make sense to you? Look at your life and remove any toxic influences, food, drink, addictions, any heavy unnatural scents and fragrances, anything excessive and not in moderation. I feel that eating a clean diet, organic food, will help you. Using natural cleaning agents for your living space. You are very sensitive to toxins in and around you. I am also getting salt baths for you which you mentioned your guides already recommended, to do this at least weekly. Also, I heard telepathically diffuse eucalyptus oil in your living space regularly.
      I am hearing your eyes are photosensitive. Use a good pair of polarized sunglasses. And you are sensitive to loud noises. Protect your ears with ear plugs. Be aware of the volume of sounds around you. All these things can aggravate your cerebral area and contribute to the headaches. It’s funny. I have the same issues. I wear a huge visor to protect my eyes and polarized sunglasses that I take everywhere because I live in South Florida. I keep ear plugs in my purse wherever I go and use them in the gym, at the movies, etc… I invested in a more expensive pair from Amazon rather than those standard ones the drugstores use.
      Another comment I have is you are given only what you can handle. I know you probably don’t want to hear that. I was not feeling well, (actually lousy!) for over a month as I was being prepared for my Aristotle trance channelings. I feel in terms of the way the Universe saw it, the Universe was like “Ok, Katy’s under the weather. She is not going to die. She is going to get through it and this is necessary as part of her soul purpose. ” Not exactly reassuring! The Universe at times has a different perspective than our human consciousness. UGH!
      Hope this helps! Best wishes to you. Please keep me updated.

    • Soul Evolution Center

      Thank-you for your comment. Of course, please continue to you do your due diligence and get your physical symptoms checked out by a qualified medical professional.
      In addition, I would recommend you going into a meditations to talk to your gatekeeper guide (or whatever entity is that controls the access to you energetically), telepathically, to let him/her know that the activity is too disruptive to your sleep state. If you do not know who your gatekeeper guide is, just use a general salutation like the “intelligences who control access to my energetic field.”
      Be firm, clear and detailed as to what you would like changed. I do this often and let my guides and Angels know that “It has to be safe, effective and gentle for me and for my highest good.” You may want to tell them they can only “visit” you only during certain hours, days of the week, etc… Sometimes, the entities do not realize how uncomfortable it can get for their charges when they receive them in this way. You need to let them know.
      I have heard many times telepathically that the entities learn from you as well. I just heard that from the Lemurians before sleep last week when they used my voice box to come through. You can exert your free will adamantly. You are allowed to do this. You may need to do this telepathic exercise of setting your ground rules for entities blending into your energetic field, the do’s and do’nots more than once.
      I have done this and it has worked for me. Most recently I did this two days ago when I had a psychic procedure done to better receive the entities who called themselves “Lemurians” through my voice box. For two days after this night time procedure, I had a bothersome ball of energy at the base of my throat like an entity was going to come through at any moment of the day. I would also lightly cough during the day in an unusual way because of that tickle at my throat. It was like the Lemurians had put my channeling idling speed too high. I told the Lemurians telepathically that it was bothersome to feel this sensation at my throat throughout the day and for them to turn it down. And they did the next day!
      You set the boundaries for communication. You do have this power. Hope this is helpful.

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