Evolving Soul Center



5/5/15 Spirit Crossover:Newlywed Female, Baby & Odd Male

by | May 9, 2015 | Out -of- Body - From a dream sequence, Out of Body Experiences

I shared these three extraordinary spirit crossovers in an out-of-body-experience (OBE) on 5/6/15 Wednesday during my sleep state.
What are Spirit Crossovers?
Upon physical passing for human being and beings in other dimensional realms, sometimes the being’s consciousness is not able to make the orderly transition to their next level of development or  “other side”, as some people refer to it,  for a variety of reasons.  They may get “stuck” .   They may miss the light tunnel or portal in which they travel through to reach the next realm.  In most situations, this light tunnel comes down automatically and immediately to allow them “safe passage.”
My Recent Experiences with Spirit Crossovers
This has been my first spirit crossover in a very long time, perhaps over eight months.  I used to have more of these type of experiences regularly  in 2009-2011 after my spiritual awakening in 2009.
Why One May Not Crossover
A being or person may miss this light tunnel for the following reasons:
– Because they could have hesitated for a variety of reasons  some of which are listed below .  The light tunnel is open only  for a certain amount of time. In one spirit crossover, the young man that I  helped said that he hesitated when I asked him how he had missed the original light tunnel.
– They could be afraid to go and so didn’t. In one attempted crossover in my sleep state, a young female stated to me that they had bad things about where they would go when I was trying to convince them to transition.
– They are attached to the people, places or possessions of a  realm that they came from and are not ready to detach and leave yet.  This relays the significance of becoming overly attached to anything on this Earth so that when your time comes, you can make the transition smoothly
– They are very angry or of a low vibrational level, perhaps even violent or “malevolent”  so that the light tunnel does not allow them access or even come down upon their passing.  I telepathically heard one time that “the light does not accept everyone” and that it has its type of built-in-security.
(That which is in quotes was directly channeled as I typed it in.)
Sometimes, a being  requires the help of another human being or other type of being to help them transition into the light when they are ready and have made some inner developments of growth.
My Teachings
I shared this to teach the following:
Roles as Social Workers as Part of Our Multi-Dimensionality
– That some human beings do service in their dream state in other dimensions to help other beings.  For me this has included assisting other beings to  cross over and infrequently, during my conscious, lucid state as well.
“The Intervention & Use of Human Energy is Important to Facilitate the Crossover”
– That there are beings in other dimensions that need help from a human intermediary to cross over. For some reason, the energy and intention of the human is important and the angels are not at times able to complete this process themselves.
A Precursor or Sign Signalling that is a Spirit Crossover
– the importance of recognizing in an OBE that it is a spirit crossover.  For me, this has occurred at times when I am alone in a room during an OBE and someone just materializes, and it is only us two.  I also just know that the person is not a “guide” of some sort.   I also just know there is a specific purpose of crossing them over in this interaction and “meeting”.  This type of knowingness is a psychic trait know as “claircognizance.”
Crossovers may be Children
– That the crossovers may be children, including toddlers and babies.  I don’t know why they would get “stuck” but they do and need assistance. I have encountered this more than one time, including in the experience I described below.
I sense that my experiences have occurred because I have a special function to help children in other dimensions.  This is specific to my purpose.  When I do oracle card spreads for myself, two cards from two different decks appear frequently and they both state that my life mission has to do with helping children.
Use of Light in Crossovers
– That there are different ways to cross spirits over in a dream  state.   The facilitator, which was me in this case with I am sure the help of my unseen Guides & Angels,  could bring down light for the being to step into and disappear.   When I have bought down the light with my intention, it was  green or white light.  Sometimes the symbology of bringing down the light is represented by me physically turning on a closet or basement light in the setting that the crossover occurs in.
Many times as in the most recent, I do not think to bring down the light as in the experiences below.  The spirit crossover process for me is not completely standardized. If you read my earlier blog posts on this topic, you will see the variety of methods I have used.
– to create awareness so that  you will recognize and know what to do or at least not be scared if you are ever called upon to be a participant in a spirit crossover in your sleep state.
Non-judgement & Lack of Fear is Important
– to keep an open mind and to not be judgmental to the beings or their physical appearance and just do your job to cross them over if you ever have a similar experience.  In the experience below, the young male that I crossed over had an odd physical appearance that I noted but I still helped him to transition.
My Earlier OBE Spirit Crossovers in My Blog
To read some of my other spirit crossovers that I shared on my blog, please see below and go to my blog and choose the category “spirit crossovers” :
1) Jan 2014 http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/1814-healing-sending-remote-healing-jeff-images-upon-physical-passing/
2) October 2012 http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/spirit-crossover-mikey-comes-back-to-say-hi/
3) December 2009 http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/12909-spirit-crossing-dream-state-many-crossings/
4) November 2009 http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/spirit-crossoverdream-state-4-yr-old-john-henry-lauris-who-didnt-cross/
5) October 2009 http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/103009-spirit-crossover-dream-state-margaret-others-intense-white-light/
6) October 2009 http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/102209-messagesfrom-julie-thanks-for-spirit-crossovers/
7) October 2009 http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/102709-message-ascended-master-what-i-am-to-do-spirit-guide/
8) October 2009 http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/102309-spirit-crossing-sleep-state-crossing-tricksters-danielle-and-dee-over/
9) October 2009 http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/category/psychic-developments-experiences/spirit-crossover/page/2/
Prior to 4/18/15 I was having lucid OBEs 1-5 times a week. Because of my recent spiritual developments, including trance channeling that unfolded on 4/18/15, I sense I have been on hiatus from my OBEs due to the amount of personal chi or life-force universal energies required to sustain and lucidly recall these OBEs.  This was done for my own good.
Having had many OBE experiences, some of which I have shared on this blog, I have compiled some commonalities that I have noticed.  I categorize this as an OBE for the following reasons:

  1. The lucidity of the experience
  2. Being in another dimensional reality and interacting with another dimensional being
  3. Participating in three spirit cross-overs

I share this OBE to teach the following:

  • How you can experience an OBE from a dream sequence.
  •  My theory is that My Spirit is responsible for the navigation in my OBEs for its experience, development and just for adventure.  This explains why the  scenes break so suddenly and spontaneously. However, because My Spirit is another level of consciousness not readily accessed by my conscious level because it is behind the Veil, I have no clue that this is going on.  It appears to me to  happen randomly and spontaneously.
  • The Power & Lifting of the Veil – As your veil lifts when you raise your consciousness and hence have a higher vibration, you are able to have these lucid multi-dimensional experiences and OBEs.

What Dreams Really Are
I refer to dreams as OBEs to create the awareness that we experience our multi-dimensionality in our sleep state. I don’t believe dreams are “just dreams”.  All dreams are significant, and there is real value in interpreting them if you can recall them.
Our sleep time is the time for our interdimensional travels. We are multi-dimensional beings and experience realities on other levels, concurrent to our human existence. I have channeled a few messages from other beings that share this as well.
In our dream state, when we are in altered state of consciousness, we are able to experience these parallel realities in “other dimensions of time and space.” Everyone experiences this in their dream state. Some or most people are just not lucid during this time and are unable to recall them upon waking.
(Note: I directly channeled what are in quotes.)
Please know that my learnings on this subject are based ONLY on my personal experiences and intuition.  Due to the nature and ambiguity of dream time, technology & science, at this point in time, does not exist to verify and validate my perceptions.
Shift from the Third Dimension to the 5th Dimension & Multi-dimensionality
As people on Earth raise & expand their consciousness, they will move into the fifth dimension or level of development. Currently many humans are in the third dimension (3-D).   Being in the fifth dimension will naturally result in increased lucidity during your sleep state.
Since my spiritual awakening, I have telepathically  heard in my own thought voice numerous times  that I am in the 16th level of the fifth dimension.  This accounts for  the increased lucidity  and number of my OOBs.
Please share with others who may be interested.  I would love to hear if you have had any similar OBEs or spirit crossover experiences.
To learn more about my background, click here.
Katy, Psychic Life Adviser, Life Wisdom from Beyond
Direct Voice/Oracle/Tarot Card Readings**Book Phone/Skype/Email Readings on Online Calendar Here**
Speaker * Workshop Facilitator
Copyright © Katy Simmone.  All Rights Reserved.  You may copy and redistribute this material, including excerpts as long as you do not alter it in any way, and the content remains accurate, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/ .

5/5/15 Wednesday OBE from a Dream State – Spirit Crossovers Three, Back to Back- Newlywed Female, Baby & Odd Looking Young Male

 I estimate that this occurred somewhere between 7-8 a.m when I was sleeping.

Newlywed Female

I became lucid in my dream state.  I was laying in an unfamiliar bed, and I lifted out.  Immediately, I knew this to be sign that I was in an OBE.  I walked to the next room through the door opening.

Immediately, a woman, perhaps in her thirties,  with mousy brown hair and slender build appeared in the room. I knew exactly what this meant, having experienced this before in other OBEs.  I was lucid enough to have this  knowingness that she was there to be crossed over.  When I am alone in a room during an OBE and someone just materializes, and it is only us two and I sense that the person is not a “guide” of some sort, I knew there is a specific purpose of crossing them over in this interaction and “meeting”.

She proceeded to tell me that she had just gotten married.  I sensed that something had gone wrong, and she was not with her spouse.

Almost at the same time that I was going to ask her if she needed to be crossed over, she told me that she needed to be crossed over.  I started saying my unusual invocation to call Archangel Michael for assistance.  I told her to take a deep breath and be relaxed.  I started wishing her a life of joy and peace on the other side.  Then she just disappeared into mid-air!  I assumed that she transitioned.  I did not even finish saying my invocation.  I did not bring a light column down to help her crossover as I had done a few times in the past.

Odd Young Male with Strange Hat

Immediately, a strange young man walked into the room that I was in.  He looked odd to me.  He had an unusual hat that partially obscured his face.  It looked almost like he was wearing black goggles on his eyes, like aviator goggles.

I became a little timid because I didn’t trust his appearance.  I thought that he could have been really weird, strange,  or emotionally disturbed, which is why he hadn’t crossed over.  I have experienced a few times that these types of beings may more often than not, attack me physically if they weren’t able to cross over.   I just knew he was there to be crossed over.

I called for Archangel Michael right away for protection.  In the moment that I did that, I thought that perhaps I shouldn’t have done that.  Sometimes, that will spook the beings that need to be crossed over.  They may be shy.

I sense that My Guides and Angels want me to trust myself and not be afraid and learn how take manage and stay in control by myself.

I didn’t sense that Archangel Michael was there but then again, I never do.  I call for him but he never presents himself to me during these spirit crossovers.

Then a baby of only a few months old wrapped in a light blue blanket suddenly appeared in my arms.  It just materialized!  I was surprised that it just came from no where.  I knew not to put the baby down. I wanted to hold it.

In analyzing this upon waking, I sense that the baby was “put” in my arms by another consciousness so that I could help it transition along with the man in the room. I sense that the light blue blanket that it was swaddled in was celestial blue and symbolic of the celestial realm.

I asked the man if he needed to be crossed over.  He said yes. Despite, my initial qualms about his physical appearance, I started saying my crossover invocation.  Then, he just disappeared suddenly just as the newly wed woman did a short time before.

The baby was also gone though I was not lucid enough to recognize at the time that I no longer had it in my arms.

Then I awoke.


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