Evolving Soul Center



5/9/13 Channeled Message: Technical: The Cause & Energetic Anatomy- Mantle, Altimeter & Lenses

by | Nov 20, 2013 | Channeled Message, Channeled Messages that are Technical, Channeled Term - The Cause, Energetic Anatomy, Energetic Anatomy - Altimeter, Energetic Anatomy - Mantle | 2 comments

Welcome !

Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have had some amazing psychic experiences.  I have telepathically heard that I am a fifth dimensional being.   I also have heard that I am a star seed.  This combination of factors explains the messages I receive as a channeler.  I have been guided to share my experiences and channelings, which I do here in this blog.

I channeled this message about the mantle, altimeter, telephoto and zoom lens as parts of our energetic anatomy, while waiting for my haircut at the hair salon.  I just started hearing words, so I typed it as a note on my iPhone as it came in.  I forgot to ask who it was from as the stream was disrupted as I got my haircut.

It’s interesting how the Guide(s) use vernacular terms such as mantle, altimeter, camera & zoom lens to get their ideas across as to the function of these.  It does help me to understand more.

I feel this is new information on components of our energetic anatomy as I have not to date heard about this.  This is my second message about the mantle.  I have included the first message about the mantle below that I channeled at an earlier date as reference and background to this second message.

Please see my commentary at the end of the message, which provides some helpful background information, including a definition of supernumerary.

Please share with others who may be interested.

Please see the rest of my blog for messages I have channeled from various beings, my out-of-body experiences, and my other psychic experiences:



Copyright © Katy Simmone.  All Rights Reserved.  You may copy and redistribute this material, including excerpts as long as you do not alter it in any way, and the content remains accurate, is distributed freely and you include this copyright notice and link: http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/ .


*** Unedited***

 1st Channeled Message on Mantle – Earlier

Guide(s):Your mantle is the protecting outer covering.  Your mantle was specifically designed to protect you and allow you to have thought communications with other high level beings.  It has been redone to further your development and give you access to restricted areas of import. 

2nd Channeled Message on the Mantle 5/9/13 About 6 pm

Guide(s): Its double lined, tensile, embedded in & touches all the other layers. It is horizontal in nature & vertical in certain areas. It can be seen clairvoyantly by those that allow this vision.  It is orange in hue.  It alternates between seven different timetables allowing you to gain extra efforts to teach yourself & waits for other communications to extend yourself laterally in many directions, many parallel universes.  It vibrates to a tone, a tone of imperceptible vibration, similar to an incandescent light.  It’s voluminous & contains a lot of information & decodings for better reception & clarity.  It allows one to communicate with many levels of beings.

Its primary purpose is to find those layers of tunings, vibrations to complete your life mission on this planet.  It has been preprogrammed with high frequencies, encoded in your biological form.  It cannot be dismantled unless you allow it to be & give permissions.  You allowed this by the vibration of your thought waves.  Implicit permission was given and granted.  You are being specifically trained to conduct and distribute thought programs from ancient lunar beings.  They are reprogramming your mantle to give you broader girth for The Cause.  

 The Cause is the way, the true calling, the evolutionary spiral of development for people.  It is a continuance formulated for special advancement.  In all there are three hundred levels of advancement.  Some are more simple, others more complex requiring more focused, integrated and direct intentions of high-caliber.  

Your camera lens & zoom lens are ready. (1)  They have been prepared & are safeguarded to limit access from low-level vibrational beings, who can disrupt the entire system.  They have managed to do this from time to time.  

Your altimeter is being removed as well & recalibrated to give you an unlimited range of frequency & vibration. (2)  We have allowed this.  You have been deemed to be a reliable interpreter. Your safety net is being expanded in order that you keep your commitment. (3)  

Fortunately, you are going to be getting many commissions of high level.  Anticipate this.  Do not fret or frown. (4) You are being well guarded as your mantle is being recodified.  We would not be allowed to do this without your numerous companions, who have come and joined to advance civilization.  They want to make a difference and so they heeded our call, our interplanetary plea for conducive efforts.  It has been all planned.  No need to question this.  This is part of the Plan & the interplanetary coordination & indoctrination of utmost wisdom.  

You blend in well.  Your father commends you & wants you to know that you are doing a splendid job in being a disseminator of truth.  You are well-respected.  In time you shall be given a high volume of information to preach.

Note: I needed to stop this transmission as it was time for my haircut.

Commentary:  On a scale of 0-5, with 5 being the highest, I would rate this transmission a 5.  It came in clearly and fluidly.  I wish all my messages could come in this way.  Perhaps, it was because it was moonset , about 6 pm, that this came in so clear. (Note: A few days later, I downloaded a paid moon phases app for my iPhone).

(1) Camera lens and zoom lens are terms that I have telepathically heard at random times during the day.  I have also telepathically heard the term “telephoto lens “, which is not mentioned in this message.   I sense the Guide(s) use these as references to my Third Eye, clairvoyant viewing capabilities. 

(2) By definition, an altimeter is a device or instrument that measures the altitude of an object above a fixed level.   Therefore, the Guide(s) use of this term is a reference to another aspect of our energetic anatomy, associated with this type of function.

(3) Safety net is a term I have telepathically heard at random times during the day.  The Guide(s) use this term of the vernacular to refer to my financial & materiality concerns.  They are reassuring me that I do no need to worry about this so I can be freed to engage in my “commitment” to channel.

(4) The Guide(s) are telling me not to fret or frown because they know I have a tendency to do this.  At times, I question, if I am receiving the information correctly, clearly & reliably.  I do stress & worry about this. Sometimes, when I channel, I receive the information through part hearing (clairaudiently), part knowing (claircognizance) and part sensing (clairsentience).  So it’s not very clear or definitive as it would be if someone was standing in front of you talking or if you were hearing it over the phone.  This make for certain nuances for sure.


  1. Shas

    This is great! Thanks for sharing it with us Katy!

    • Soul Evolution Center

      Thank-you for your comment!

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