Evolving Soul Center



6/10/13 OOB: Visit to the Two Islands

by | Jun 10, 2013 | Out of Body - Interdimensional Travel, Out of Body Experiences


I am a channeler of beings of light and love and a light worker.  I receive information clairvoyantly, clairaudiently and clairsentiently.  Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have been having amazing psychic experiences such as participating in spirit crossovers, out- of- body experiences (OOBs), receiving messages from light beings and those in spirit, interactions with extraterrestrials and other psychic phenomena.

Since February 2013 I have telepathically heard that I am a fifth dimensional being.  The fifth dimension is a state of consciousness.  A fifth dimensional being is able to transverse dimensions.  I also have heard that I am a star seed.  This combination of factors explains the uniqueness of some of my experiences.  I have been having OOBs for the past four years, up to three x a week.

I want to share an OOB I had this morning.  This OOB is more than just a dream because of the lucidity I had, the precursor signs to the OOB, and the obvious travel to a new dimension.  I do not believe in the phrase “That it is just a dream.”  Dreams are so much more than we know, and that general society understands.   

 I am sharing this OOB to teach the following.  The following also shows the difference from an OOB to a dream:

–          The importance of stating to yourself the intention to have an OOB in a relaxed state of consciousness.  This should be done with detachment and not force

–          Recognizing the precursors to an OOB

  • The seeing of images and visions in your Third Eye.  The Third Eye is that area in front of your eyes.  The images and visions will appear in front of you, as if it is on a TV screen or a presentation screen.
  • The hearing of clairaudient, telepathic voices and noises in your head.  These will should like the real thing, as clear as the sounds you hear when you are awake. 
  •   That OOBs may simply for the purpose of exploration and observation.
  • –          Enjoy the experiences of your OOB.  Have fun in them.  In this one, I was snorkeling!
  • –          That loved ones may materialize out of nowhere to join you in the OOB.

I share my experiences so that others may learn from them and to help them understand their own OOB experiences. 

I also share them to show that we, humans, are very complex, and to open people’s eyes to the fact that we are multi-dimensional beings and can travel to other dimensions, especially in an altered state of consciousness.  Our life here on Earth is just one existence we have.

Enjoy!  I would love to hear other people’s OOB experiences.

Share with others who may be interested.





I had an OOB this morning.  I was in a relaxed state and had not gotten out of bed yet from sleep.  I had the intention to have an OOB.  After some time, maybe anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes, I saw images flashing in my 3rd eye.  I saw a natural landscape of heavy, green foliage.  I recognized these images to be a precursor to an OOB, as I have experienced these numerous times before an OOB.

In my head, I heard my mother’s voice asking me if I wanted to bake cookies.  This is not unusual to hear clairaudient noises and voices as precursors to an OOB.  The next thing I remember I was in midair and had an aerial view.  I was flying over two unfamiliar islands.  One island was longer and thin.  It was only maybe a mile a long and half of a mile wide.  I flew over this island and realized that there was nothing on it except hills and slopes that were white in color.  I had the thought that the island was made of cookie batter because I had just heard my mother asking me if I wanted to bake cookies.  But when I looked closed I saw this wasn’t the case, and the entire land mass was white with no vegetation or people. 

I decided to fly over to the neighboring island.  It looked like there was more action going on there.  I saw glimpses of a city on the water.  I felt like I was being gently glided down into the water.  I wondered if I was going to enter another portal deep within the water. I had done this a few times before in other OOBs.  As I hit the water, I took a deep breath.  I was underwater just below the surface of the water and was peering down into the floor.  The water was only about 4 feet deep, crystal clear and a warm temperature.  It was like I was snorkeling.  I could clearly see small, brown bushes of sea vegetation and fish swimming below me.  I was enjoying this.  I worried that there may be sharks.  I told myself to let that go and just enjoy the swim.  It was fun.  I felt a claw touch my left leg.  I was afraid to look.  I just ignored it and kept swimming.  My brother and my daughter materialized behind me and were swimming along.

I came to the surface and saw a flat, modern looking house with some long windows on the water in front of me on a slope.  It looked like it had shallow steps from the water to the house’s front stop.  The front door was double sized and open.  I thought this would be a good place to stop. 

I came out of the water and walked on the steps toward the house’s front stoop.  I wondered if I had any clothes on.  This has been a concern with other OOBS as well.  I received an image of myself showing me that I didn’t.  With my intention, I materialized a bathing suit.  I walked up to the front door, with my brother and daughter behind me.  I looked inside.  There was a woman to the left inside and a young girl with blonde hair to the right.  It was a family scene of a living room.  It looked warm, cozy and inviting.  From the doorway, I said “Hello” to the woman.  She said “Hello” back.  She wasn’t inviting us in.  I asked her if we could come in.   She said yes.  I had a fleeting thought that we may drip water onto the floor just coming from the water.  A man with a gray and black peppered hair and a beard and mustache and with some girth around his mid area, appeared, her husband.  He said “Hello” to us and went out the front door. 

The woman was staring intently at me.  No one was speaking now.  It was an eery silence.  I felt uncomfortable.  I decided to sit on the front stoop and enjoy the beautiful day that it was.  I sat on the doorstep and felt the warm sunshine on my face.  It felt really good.  My brother and my daughter were still inside.  I decided to leave. 

 The OOB broke. 


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