Evolving Soul Center



6/17/13 Channeled Message: Luminaries: Life Contract-Energy Reserves-5th Dimension – New Energies Being Sent to Earth

by | Jun 18, 2013 | Channeled Light Being - Luminaries, Channeled Message, Channeled Messages that are Technical, Channeled Term - Energy Pools for Reserves, Channeled Term - Finaliters, Channeled Term - Grand Illusion, Earth Shift | 1 comment


I channel various beings of light and love and share their messages here as I am guided to do so.

I want to share the below message I received from the Luminaries, light beings. Since May 2013 I have been sitting down to channel regularly during the week.  I usually leave it up the beings what they want to deliver.  This time I asked a specific question about people’s life contracts as this has been on my mind the past week.

They revealed some interesting information about life contracts and their relation to evolution. They introduced the following terms & concepts:

      – The Grand Design

      – Grand Finaliter

      – Supreme Destiny

      – Nether Life

      – The Grand Illusion

       – The concept of energy pools of reserves that are available to us.  These energy reserves are available to us when we feel limited and help us with creation. 

The Luminaries also talk about the lifting of the curtain to reveal our multi-dimensionality and parallel existences, the fifth dimension, and the energies being sent to the Earth to affect our thoughts.

This is the first time I have received a channeled message from them, though I have the word “luminaries” telepathically the past 3 weeks randomly during the day.

Please also read the commentary at the end of the channeled message.  This provides helpful, additional background information.

Please note that 3-D referred to below means the 3rd dimension, Earth.


Please share with others who may be interested.




                                                                     ****  Unedited ***

11:56 pm.

Katy:  Hello, Dear Loved Ones, Masters of Love, Light and Knowledge. I am here to receive a message on life contracts, life lessons for humans in the 3-D so that I may distribute it to fellow human beings.  What are they, how do they come about, some examples of, who is involved, any information to share.  Please have the highest and best communicate to me on this. Please speak in terms that I understand.  Thank-you.  Namaste.

The Luminaries:  Life plans, life contracts are predetermined.  They are part of your predestination and the ascension process.  It is part of The Grand Design. They are predetermined in the time of incubation, in the preliminary stages before you decide to take on you new identity.  They are partially determined by you, your contributions and partially determined by others who have a vested and real interest in your development. 

These others are Grand Finaliter.(1)  They have been determined to be able to be responsible.  They have been pre-selected for this project and are very careful.  The Grand Finaliters are super luminary being, who have chosen their functions.  They are the graduates and have succeeded in determining their own fates.  

You are given some choices, but they are limited to those that you can evolve in.  Supreme Destiny is not available yet to many human denizens.  This requires alternate levels of learning and self- development on many, multi-faceted existences.  You are all evolving.  The level of destiny is pre-based on aspects of your persona, of your human linear existence, your sensitivities and proclivities.  You will feel very different when you are not in your human form, when you have available to you large amounts of important information about free-will and destiny in your Nether Life

Your self-fulfillment comes from accomplishing these defined moments, goals, opportunities to enlighten you and bring you to a point of understanding and reflection.  When you can see clearly and be lifted beyond your narrow scope of filters to realize the existence and specifications of your being, freedom is made permanent and everlasting.  Too many times, one is deceived by their thought forms, by the quandry created within the prisons of their mind of their inner turmoil.  You are not like that.  To lift this veil is to find true salvation and valuable conscious awakenings about freedom and freedom of self will. 

You shall accomplish this, when you can clearly see and reckon with those levels of thought forms that limit, bind and constrain you.  Know you are in training, and you will graduate when can feel the vibration of the sun rising, when you can hear the wind as it speaks to you.  You care deeply about remembering and rising.  Rise to the level that you are capable of.  In your graduations, you will embody the truth you seek.  You will be the witness to the Grand Illusion as it disappears softly and recedes into the background.

Energy Reserves/Pools Available to Us

Your deep seated fears represent that which you desire but fear to take.  You can liberate yourself and grow from within.  Your life plan has been specifically set and prepared for you as an individual, unique in design and carefully crafted.  You will be able to recognize those opportunities of growth, when you feel limited by your sight and sounds.  When you feel trapped emotionally, mentally or spiritually, your body responds.   When you feel limited, an automatic response is triggered within your central nervous system to tap into other reserves, ample and available to you.  These reserves are unique and ever flowing into your life lines through your connection points.  They are available to you for creation.  These reserves are energy pools of high quality & consciousness (Note: Clairvoyantly, I see a clairvoyant image in dim lighting of pools of water at the base of waterfalls, that are moving, swirling and glowing).  To access them, requires only resolve and receptiveness.  Your flow of energetic movement will be synergized and rebalanced.  The thought process and breath helps birth this process of intake.   

The strength of your consciousness, your fortitude, your need to be an evolved level of consciousness for your betterment, your growth and self-preservation – this is the driver, the main thruster.  You feel this quality directly when you are in a deep state of quietness, of inner stillness.  Your breath helps you find your way back to this. 

Lifting of Curtain

You are of fine design, with many nuances and subtleties.  As you change, as your progress and move through the cycles, your thought processes take on new forms.  Your curtain is lifted to reveal new identities and parallel existences.  This is a function of your thought forms and creative thought processes.  You have been created with this learning pre-wired in your system.  The notes you choose to listen to in your life and that which your create yourself with your brain and responses to stimuli, will determine and impact the fluidity of your progression. (Note: I felt that the reference to notes means musical notes.)

Your life plan is everlasting and eternal.  It is a commitment and fulfillment of your destiny.  It is one of survival and will.   Your predestinations from life time to life time, from age to age, from each interplanetary system are specifically formulated for your health and strength. It is a testament to your being to evolve in this way. 

You are supported and helped along the way by many advanced assistants, who are evolving as well in this continuum. 

The Fifth Dimension/ New Energies Being Sent to the Earth

You show others with your vibration, the quality of your thoughts, the level of spiral evolution you are in.  You can exist in the fifth dimension on the Earthly plane at this time if you have higher levels of thought conception.  You can be a responder to the new energies being delivered to the Earth’s atmosphere.  You can assimilate, integrate and project these highly evolutionary thought forms if you are well prepared to be a divine carrier, a note-maker.  Many are listening and are willing and prepared to take the steps necessary in their evolution.  They have heeded their call and know that they are being well trained for their life ever after.  

Your lasting imprint, the most important memento you will leave is the trail you blaze with the scope and breadth of your thought processes, the mountains you will move!

Importance of Going With the Flow

Learn to live in the Divine Movement of Energy and Flow! Relax and be of ease in it.  Let yourself go!  You will change and grow in great leaps and bounds.  When control is relaxed, energy is released with a powerful influx into your mind, creating a colossal G-force.(2)  Step into it and relax.  Surrender.  Your integrity will be re-fortified. 

Your life contracts extend over into many, many existences and other alternate levels of reality for you are highly complex and intricate.  Do not be limited to just be within your current human form, your current 3-D existence.  There are other levels, other frequencies that you exist in as well to help and guide you. 

We are your spiritual advisors, your spiritual counsel.  Learn to listen to us as we speak.

We are The Luminaries

Your Supreme Destiny

12:53 pm.

Commentary: (1) A finaliter is a term in the book Urantia.  I have been a student in the Urantia book study for the past year.  In the book, Urantia (the name of the planet Earth), enlarged concepts and advanced truth are presented to expand your cosmic consciousness and enhance your spiritual perception.  Among other topics, the book expounds on the origin and meaning of life, humankind’s place in the universe, the relationship between God and people, and the life of Jesus.

One definition of finaliter is:

“Term used in The Urantia Book for mortal and non-mortal sons and daughters of God who embark on a pilgrimage from their planet of origin through the local universe, superuniverse, central universe, and reach “Paradise” ( the dwelling place of God ) where they receive His embrace. The Urantia Book describes this journey as the perfecting of mortal personality in the likeness of God.”

(2) G-force is a force acting on a body as a result of acceleration or gravity.

On a scale of 0-5, with 5 being the highest, I would rate this transmission a 3.5 in terms of clarity, flow and volume (strength).  There were about 5 pauses, more than a few seconds in length.  Perhaps, it was the complex nature of the subject of life contracts over the span of one’s existence and multiple existences that made it more difficult to deliver.  I hope to get more information on the subjects of life contracts in the future. 

1 Comment

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