Evolving Soul Center



6/19/17 What a True Father is

by | Jun 19, 2017 | Age of Aquarius

I shared this from my Father’s Day tribute on Facebook.  I felt guided to create this special writing piece. The card shown in the image is the one I gave to my husband on Father’s Day.  Out of sensitivity in these changing times, I know and acknowledge there are nuances in people’s genders.  For this contribution I chose to keep it simple and basic and focused on the traditional male and female aspects.
Happy Father’s Day! To all the amazing dads out there, thank-you!
Thank-you for your contributions and for balancing the yin (female) energy. You are very important. Thank-you for honoring your daughters and treating them with respect so they can grow up to be strong, independent women with self-confidence. Thank-you for teaching your sons to be “gentlemen” and to honor the female race. Thank-you for reminding your sons that strength is important but also to demonstrate gentleness, sensitivity, patience and nurturance as herein lies our humanity. Thank-you for respecting the female contribution and how important it is, whether it is in the home, the work place or a combination of both. Thank you also for your consistent drive to protect and provide security to the family.
And ladies, not us not forget to show the Dads the same respect and care. Let us be patient with them and teach them kindness and compassion through demonstration and our authentic words, always delivered with love and without emasculation. Let us show through example how these qualities can yield amazing results and be powerful without the need for machismo, brute physical force or intimidation. The male race is learning to become more balanced in this astrological Age of Aquarius that we are in. It is our job to help usher that in with them.
Yes, men and women can be different. But together they are the perfect fit, two essential pieces to the Divine Puzzle.

Copyright © Katy Simmone. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material, including excerpts as long as you do not alter it in any way, and the content remains accurate, is distributed freely, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/.
For permission for any other uses, please email Katy Simmone at [email protected].

More about Me
I am an advanced channeler of Light Beings.  I provide guidance from many different Light Beings and shares their wisdom on my Facebook, blog and in my free eBook.  I am unique in that I channel these Beings word for word through telepathic means.  They act as high level guides and teachers to help you on your life journey.
I founded Soul Evolution Center in February 2013 to help you evolve into your best life.  I am a published author, speaker and workshop facilitator in various spiritual and metaphysical topics.  I offers many developmental workshops and certifications that can be customized in private, small or large groups by webinar, Skype and teleconference.
Learn more about me here.
Katibe (Katy) Simmone
* Life Wisdom from Beyond * Founder of SoulEvolutionCenter.com
* Host of the Soul Evolution Show on BlogTalkRadio
* Follow the Soul Evolution Center Show on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/soulevolutioncenter
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* Author of the free eBook “Aristotle’s Teachings for the New Age, a Series of Channelings” FREE download in many reading formats at http: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/575068
* Speaker * Workshop Facilitator * Soul Evolution Coaching * Reiki Master/Reiki Teacher
* Private webinars available*Book on Website Calendar
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Sun in Pisces
2 degrees
Moon in Sagittarius
10 degrees
Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon
23 days old


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