Evolving Soul Center



6/25/12 Channeled Message: Inspirational: Sisterhood of Angels

by | Jun 25, 2012 | Angels, Channeled Message, Light Being - Sisterhood of Angels

I am a channeler of beings of light and love and a light worker. Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have been receiving information clairvoyantly, clairaudiently and clairsentiently. Also, I have been having amazing experiences such as participating in spirit crossovers, out of body (OOB) experiences, receiving messages from light beings and those in spirit, interacting with extraterrestials and other psychic phenomena.
I started this blog as I was guided to teach what I know and to record my experiences in an expository fashion with detail and dates. Some of what I share is very fantastical and hard to believe, I know. Yet, this is what I have been experiencing. Since my spiritual awakening, this has been my new reality for the past three years.
I am sharing a message that I channeled for a class on 7/14/12 that I held on spiritual evolution from the Sisterhood of Angels. These words are beautiful and a reminder to us how to live our lives.
I have been guided to share my channeled messages. Please share with others who may be interested.
Copyright © Katy Simmone. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material, including excerpts as long as you do not alter it in any way, and the content remains accurate, is distributed freely, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/ .
6/25/12 Channeled Message from the Sisterhood of Angels

  • (unedited)

“Evolution is a step by step process, a learning. Tell them they need to develop new skills, a differing skills set. Evolution is a stop gap measure for those who yearn to be free.
Take some time to listen to yourselves, to be by yourself. Remember, you were created by someone who has chosen that the littlest gestures have great meanings.
Make time to grow and read. Spend time in nature. Listen to the wind blow. Perhaps, this sounds silly. It is not. It is just the beginning of your journeys. Know that all of you have come here to gather in this warm, nurturing space. Be safe here. Contemplation of your schools of thought will lead you in the right direction. Be daring and outrageous! Keep time with your heart. You have heard the call.
We are so glad you are here. We are joining with you in this moment. Know we are always with you. We gladly share and play with you. You are our darling angels. You have never been forgotten. We cherish these moments when we can join you in communion.
Keep calling us. We are here. Know we are connected to you in eternal life. We treasure you always. We recommend that you continue on your journeys. Know our smiling and tender faces look at you with so much joy and warmth.
You continue to surprise us. We come with you on this journey, to teach you. We have been so honored in this respect. Please our children, always keep an open mind. Grasp the situation! For the time is now for you to begin your journeys.
We hold our heads high and embrace all that you are for we have come such a long way to partake with you in a grand way. We compliment you on your endeavors. Do not dally for time is of the essence. The light workers have much at hand, much to come. All are needed in this call! We welcome you!
We put together a plan for each and every one of you, specific to your natures and calling, complimentary and well suited to your styles. Tis the time to make merry and go forth with honor and conviction. Stand in your might. Do not let others tell you what to do, how to do it. Decide for yourself. From within, you shall draw the strength. Take time to be by yourself, to continue to grow & learn. Make time for fun and play for balance is a familiar aspect to your internal stillness.
We can go on. So much to share. We know our time is limited, thus we make our grand bow. Be still our children, continue to grow like flowers, turning toward the sun, for you are our hope. We love you always and cherish all that is you. Our final adieu,
The Sisterhood of Angels, speaking for the collective of angels”
(A quick, clairvoyant image of about 20 female angels in white long, draping gowns was shown)


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