Katibe: Please, Galileo in-spirit, share that which is important for me to disseminate to others. I have heard your name telepathically almost daily over the past two months. I feel you wish to connect through me. Please be clear, specific and complete. Please allow me to receive your message easily and with confidence. Thank-you. Namaste. 7/13/16 Wed., Seattle, WA 9:08am-9:26am
(Note: I felt the familiar welling of energy at the base of my throat. This is a physical precursor that a Being is in my energetic field. I have not felt it this strong since prior to April 2016 as I have been very busy and preoccupied with Earthly obligations. This is my first channeled message from Galileo.)
Galileo: “I am Galileo. I am here connecting within your energetic, vibrational field. I have come upon your specific request at this time.
I am not alone. There are many fine Beings with words of wisdom to share across the Ages.
It is time now for me to be heard and for me to express myself fully to you now.
This is a Great Time. You have chosen to be herald during this era. You are of the new generation, a new breed of humans with superior, advanced telepathic abilities. It is truly one of your finest gifts of service to bring forth wisdom from other advanced Beings. Light, sound, forms of energy. You are this as well, a form of unique intelligent energy.
I want you to impart to others their successes will determine their rate of evolution. Successes are determined by the quality of one’s vibration, determinant on the expansion of consciousness. Realize this.
When you grow, your sights and sounds will expand as well to provide luminescent visions and access to capabilities superior. In this way you shall accelerate. You shall now the meaning of your existence in all of its wonderfulness.
I am you. We are interwoven.
Do not limit yourself. Know you are entirely capable of extraordinary visions and revelations. Expand your capability. It is within your reach. The knowledge of the Universe is of prime importance. Connect to each Being who has heard of your altruistic nature and desire to be a herald in these New Times.
Clear your mind. Open your heart sanctum, and you shall successfully blend with Higher Intelligences of Advanced Designed, determined to connect with the humans who are able to hear their sounds and notes.
This is not a difficult time if you understand the Glory and fulfillment of the Ultimate Design. Be aware and keep a watchful eye on all that is within and around you. Learn to be discriminant. In this intelligence and wisefulness you shall be able to discern and become hyper acute, necessary for your advancement.
I am one who has witnessed great changes on the Earth and have been directly involved in this integration. It is time for me to reveal this information.
Care for yourselves, and the Truth shall be shown. When you are wise with awareness, responsibility shall come to you. You are a shepherd, and it is time for you to tend to your flock, ever growing.
I am Galileo and have come to you to share my advice. Heed my words and know many are changing, becoming more flexible and adaptable, necessary traits of these times. This will serve you well and help to increase your stability. It will keep your mental faculties sharp and attuned to the amazing, seemingly volatile, increases in advancement all around you.
You have heard me clearly. Now, it is time to remind others of this New Way.
Be generous and forgiving. Realize every human being is evolving on their rates according to their unique design. It is not a competition, simply a blending of everyone together at this planet.
Now, prepare yourselves. Know you have the strength, resolve and fortitude to weather such impacts for it has been encoded in your DNA on cellular levels.
I wish you well. The High and Mighty blesses each evolving person of the Kingdom. It has been written in the stars.
Yours truly, in grace and with respect, Galileo, a time traveler”
I am an advanced channeler of Light Beings. I provide guidance from many different Light Beings and shares their wisdom on my Facebook, blog and in her published eBook. I am unique in that I channel these Beings word for word through telepathic means. They act as high level guides and teachers to help you on your life journey.
This is my first channeled message from Galileo in-spirit.
I founded Soul Evolution Center in February 2013 to help you evolve into your best life. I am a published author, speaker and workshop facilitator in various spiritual and metaphysical topics. I offers many developmental workshops and certifications that can be customized in private, small or large groups by webinar and teleconference.
Learn more about me here.
Katibe (Katy) Simmone
* Life Wisdom from Beyond * Founder of SoulEvolutionCenter.com
* Host of the Soul Evolution Show on BlogTalkRadio * Follow the Show at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/soulevolutionc… and download or Listen to Prior Episodes 24/7 for Free
* Author of the free eBook “Aristotle’s Teachings for the New Age, a Series of Channelings” FREE download in many reading formats at http: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/575068
* Speaker * Workshop Facilitator * Soul Evolution Coaching * Reiki Master/Reiki Teacher
* Private webinars available*Book on Website Calendar
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