Evolving Soul Center



7/14/16 Channeled Message: Angels of High Vibration: Complete Yourselves

by | Jul 19, 2016 | Channeled Light Being - Angels of High Vibration, Divine Destiny, Healing - Emotional, Thoughts & Belief Systems

Katibe: Please, Beings of Light and Love who wish to help humanity, share that which is important for me to disseminate to others at this time. Please connect through me. Please be specific, complete and deliver the message at an audible telepathic volume. Please allow me to be a clear conduit for your words, to receive your message easily and with confidence. Thank-you. Namaste. 7/14/16 Thurs., Seattle, WA 10:58-11:15am
Angels of High Vibration: “We are the Angels of High Vibration come to provide guidance to those who seek our counsel and are willing to hear and cherish us. We have come a long way upon many dimensional frequencies of light and sound to deliver this missive of Honesty and Truth.
Savor yourselves.
We are one. Together, we can achieve much, and you shall reach your states of Glory and Fulfillment.
You are not alone. When you feel you are so, you block access to the reserves set within your natural system. You are always free to dip into these for therein lies your sanctity. Relinquish your anxieties, doubts and mistruths.
You can complete yourselves. Allow yourself this opportunity to be in Bliss, carefree and in splendor.
Complete yourselves by being true to yourselves. Your Grand Destinies are a waiting for you to take the reins with willingness and awareness. This requires an expansion of consciousness and thought awareness. You have this power! It has been given to you. Now, it is the time to utilize this valuable strength as a testament to your infinite nature.
Expand yourselves. Raise your level of consciousness. Contemplate and assimilate. Sense how this makes you feel. You will be justified when you can feel your own vibration and that of others. It will create great stirrings of Truth and Assuredness. Learn to live your life in this manner, with this type of sensitivity and knowingness.
Realize you are immortal. You are all Great and of Higher Nature! Do not doubt. You are so much more than you realize. Your journeys carry on far and yonder through many dimensional planes of reality for your well-being.
Trust yourselves! Ensure yourselves which helps to solidify and strengthen your emotional state.
Take time to dwell within. This quietness shall lead you to the other spectrums of thought, which will fortify you and bring you tranquility of heart and mind.
Your test will be to be sure of these when you are in the throes of despair, worry and depression. These are the wells given to humankind for their benefit and perseverance.
You can create and make the changes within yourselves to uplift and go forth. You are entirely capable, and this has been bequeathed to you since the beginning of time.
Removing Blocks by Being Aware of Your Thoughts
Remove those blocks that bind you and impede your willingness to advance. It is your thought forms which limit and restrain you. Recognize this and know there is great power in the thoughts you create. You create them! Hear them! Feel them! Learn to recognize when you allowing yourself to be in the mire of misery and judgement. You can free yourself when you listen to your own mind. Listen to yourself! Feel this vibration. Herein lies the power and within this space you can manifest opportunities of Great Design and Destiny.
Please, we speak only of what we know. Our words are important. Return to this message again and again. In the future you shall grasp the Magnificent Truth underlying these words. Your heart will know. Then you will be free.
We are the Angels, guardians of love, trust and hope. We look after each and every one of you. Ask for us. Create that bond of communication with us for engagement and dialogue. We always come willingly and with great care and responsibility. We serve you. In doing so, you grow and become naturally that Divine Being you are.
Love well and trust yourselves.”
I am an advanced channeler of Light Beings.  I provide guidance from many different Light Beings and shares their wisdom on my Facebook, blog and in my eBook.  I am unique in that I channel these Beings word for word through telepathic means.  They act as high level guides and teachers to help you on your life journey.
This is my first channeled message from the Angels of High Vibration as they referred to themselves.
I founded Soul Evolution Center in February 2013 to help you evolve into your best life.  I am a published author, speaker and workshop facilitator in various spiritual and metaphysical topics.  I offers many developmental workshops and certifications that can be customized in private, small or large groups by webinar and teleconference.
Learn more about me here.
Katibe (Katy) Simmone
* Life Wisdom from Beyond * Founder of SoulEvolutionCenter.com
* Host of the Soul Evolution Show on BlogTalkRadio * Follow the Show at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/soulevolutionc… and download or Listen to Prior Episodes 24/7 for Free 
* Author of the free eBook “Aristotle’s Teachings for the New Age, a Series of Channelings” FREE download in many reading formats at http: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/575068
* Speaker * Workshop Facilitator * Soul Evolution Coaching * Reiki Master/Reiki Teacher
* Private webinars available*Book on Website Calendar
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