Evolving Soul Center



8/14/12 Channeled Message: Technical: Light Beings on Light Project

by | Aug 23, 2012 | Channeled Message, Channeled Messages that are Technical, Channeled Term - Light Project


I have been guided to channel information from various beings that exist in different dimensions. I have been told telepathically to do this regularly.
My intention in this time was to channel the Sisterhood of Angels, who I have channeled before. I was asking for information on healing with color.  Often when I send energy remotely to those people whom I sense may need it, I receive the names of colors, telepathically.  I interpreted this to mean I was supposed to send energy in the form of color. 
At the beginning of the channeling session, I had a fleeting thought that maybe I should ask to channel other highly evolved being of light and love, who were  experts in healing with color, & not just ask the Sisterhood of Angels.  Possibly this is why, another group of beings answered. It is all good as there is a reason for the message to be delivered.
I received the following fascinating and very technical message on a “Light Project”, which is a prototype, being worked on and programmed to allow light workers access to certain frequencies of light for healings.  The message talks about light versus colors.  Color is just light vibrating at different frequencies so this makes sense.  This “Light Project” is a tool of light resources to allow mankind to use for self-healing. The message talks about the difficulties that the light beings involved in this programming are facing & how Christ came to assist.
I shared the message to show the following: 
– How there are light beings working on a specific project to help humanity & the challenges associated with these project
– How Christ has been working on this project as well
– How there can be a question and answer with the light beings
– That there are other alien species, who are less well-intentioned, that are affecting this project
Read on and enjoy!
Please also read my commentary at the end of the message for helpful background information.
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8:27 p.m. 8/14/12 Thurs in living room on couch
Programmings for Certain Frequencies of Light for Healing Purposes
Katy:  Hi, I am here to invite the Sisterhood of Angels to share with me any detailed, specific information on healing with color.
 (Note: Instead another group of Guides stepped forth.)
Guides: Christ, the savior, came down to the Planet Earth to activate certain lunar rays enabling others to test and experiment with various scientific codings that allow one to access certain frequencies of light for healing purposes. 
At this juncture, we are currently experimenting with various high frequencies of lunar resources to teach others the advantages of performing such tests.  We are on the Mars mission also to reprogram other light frequencies for certain case studies. 
Challenges with the Programming of Light Frequencies
As it stands, there are not many who are capable of working in such high frequencies of light modules.  Our mission is to allow easy access to those who are visionaries in the healing arts.  To create such a series of structures of anatomically available light resources is quite the endeavor.  Day and night we have been laboring with alternate programs of frequency.  In gaining this adaptability in light frequencies, we are finding certain frequencies are not designed as originally programmed.  Over time certain graduated interferences have caused a dissociation with the source programming.  This in turn has allowed other species to have a causal effect on the nature of the light programming.   We continue to search for other avenues of opportunity within the source code.  Leftovers, residuals, of other alien programming frequencies have magnified the errors and increased the size of the constraints.  Once reasonable in nature, lines of code are now disallowing the quantum variable fluctuations, increasing the randomness and disparity of the true interrelated elements, that were originally designed to perform together in rhythm and in harmony, relatively and interrelationally.  We spared no disillusionment in finding key components in arrangements of unfamiliar layouts with gross outliers in random fields of analysis. 
How Christ Came to Assist the Situation
Christ, himself, came to purvey the situation.  Upon analyzing it for himself, he performed a series of tests to confirm the integrity of the entire system of development.  He deemed it worthy and to proceed with all testing designs and sites.  He wanted it to be known that the advent of such a magnificent tool will allow others, more dynamic and fluid, to be birthed as alternative processes as well.  Mankind has been designed to use such tools, to enable them to manipulate with ease and dexterity, the multiple levels of complexity for the sake of self-healing and to perform aid to others in society as well who are less advanced.  In this way, Christ has spoken.  In this way, he has been heard.
By the glory of his grace, we continue our concentrated efforts on this momentous task.  We are those that work, tirelessly and with great humility, in order that a more perfect design be created.  We are comforted by the thoughts and knowingness that others will benefit from the maximization of the design output. 
Other Alien Species Not Well-Intentioned
We, clearly, find that other alien species are not as well-intentioned and hence not as familiar with the engineering ingénue needed for this template.  We are well armed and prepared to take lethal action in engineering this program.  We are not promoting violence.  We are promoting alliances between seemingly dissimilar civilizations, who are united in the common goal of continued work and support to our fellow sister nations for peace and prosperity for all.  In the long run, these fraternizing efforts serves the common good and allows for  development of many frontiers.
Katy: This is very technical material. 
Guides: This is an advanced system of light development in the prototype development stage. We are finding it better to discuss our more advanced areas of learned knowledge as great understandings and new information will be parted in this way.  We want you to know we are highly evolutionary, technically advanced tertiary level designers.  Insurmountable barriers are not obstacles for us.  We perceive them to be simply areas of knowledge in alternate dimensions, not yet discovered by reason or proof.
Katy: This is all very wonderful and exciting work. 
Guides: We are an advanced society.
Katy:  What is the name of your society?
Guides: Nomenclature is of inconsequence. Know we mean you no harm and come in good will and with glad tidings.
Katy: I have heard that names are not important, before when I asked other advanced beings this questions. How do you refer to yourselves and differentiate with those that are not from your society?
Guides: In no way does a name carry any weight or higher level of meaning.  It is the intention of one that carries the most weight and can do the most irreparable damage or create the most superior of creations.  
Katy: Can you tell me where you are located, where in space, what dimension?
Guides: We could be more specific in this area.  We are from the Lemar (1) galaxy, the 5th radiation from the Grand Central Sun.  We have been divinated and can clearly see the apertures, the risings, the beginnings of all God’s graces.  We have the fountain of youth and other anti-aging devices, highly calibrated with very fine nuances.  We continue to advance in many areas of study. 
 At this time I had to end the channeling as I was interrupted by a phone call.  I thanked the beings for their time.
Commentary:  I felt as the channeler, I was laboring in receiving this information due to its highly technical nature. It was like it was a stretch for me  and for them to use technical concepts in a way that I can understand.  This was a tough message for me to receive & transcribe.
(1)   The name Lemar did not come in that clear.  I know that there a group of beings called Lemurians but I do not think that this is them.)


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