Evolving Soul Center



8/15/14 Channeled Message: The Venturians: Power Within Our Hearts

by | Aug 15, 2014 | Channeled Light Being - Venturians, Inspirational

I shared this channeled message from the Venturians.  This is my first message from them.
Below is the transcript that I typed in as I received it. This transmission came in very clear and fluid, for which I am very thankful for.

Katy’s Background

Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have had some amazing psychic experiences, including lucid out-of-body experiences (OOBs).  A spiritual awakening occurs when you realize that you are spiritual being having a physical existence for your own evolution.
I have telepathically heard that I am a fifth dimensional being.   I also have heard that I am a star seed, an Arcturian, a “hybrid”,  “genetically modified” and a transient.  This combination of factors and my “alien nature” explains the psychic activity I have experienced in my day –to-day life and during my sleep state and in altered states of consciousness.
I have been guided to share my experiences, which I do here in this blog.  I also am a channeler, and I have received channeled information from various beings of light of love, who exist in other dimensions, on various topics to help humanity, that I share on this blog as well.
To learn more about my background, please see:
My Background
Please share with others who may be interested.  I would love to hear if you have had any similar experiences or communications.
Copyright © Katy Simmone.  All Rights Reserved.  You may copy and redistribute this material, including excerpts as long as you do not alter it in any way, and the content remains accurate, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/ .
8/15/14 Sat.  Power Within Our Hearts
The Venturians: We are the Venturians. We have made our passage through time to present our ideas and philosophies to you and your kind. It has been given to those who believe in the faith of everlasting peace the thoughts and ideas of higher realms.
These days are important. Feel the change that is coming upon your lands. It is in the breeze and in the strong winds, the tides of change and everlasting faith in the perseverance of mankind. Learn the importance of following your hearts, of feeling your inner being. In this quiet space, much can be created for all of eternity. Peek into this space, and find your way into your heart. By becoming still and serene, you will make a wondrous discovery. Your opportunities are unlimited.
Your mind is strong when guided by the compassion, love and wisdom of the heart. You know now what to do, how to live your day.   Draw from these inner reserves for your strength, courage and perseverance. Teach others what you know. You shine a strong light for others to follow. Encourage those whose vision is expanding, those who desire complete success for mankind. Feel your vibration and know what it is to be an evolving spirit of divine nature, immanent.
These are the days, and these are the ways. In your adventures, you will learn how to maneuver adeptly in other realms of dimensional frequency. Feel the power of faith and trust, and you shall truly know all that is around you is for your growth and learning, to teach you. We encourage you and others, who are like-minded. Turn to the power within each and every one of you for there is a bright light of Truth, Beauty and Kindness. In this repository, you shall lay and breathe in the Truth of the Ages.
We feel you and trust that you shall represent us well. In your hands, our good words lie. We are familiar with you and the language you speak. Until our next communication, we depart in goodwill and peace. The sanctity of your life is your blessing and power. Feel its permanence for it is strong.


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