Evolving Soul Center



8/20/13 Channeled Message: About Guardian Angels via The Translators: Technical: Their Roles

by | Aug 29, 2013 | Channeled Light Being - The Translators, Channeled Message, Light Being - Guardian Angels


I am a channeler of various light and love beings since 2009.  I have been guided to share these channelings.

I am sharing this beautiful, inspirational & technical channeling from The Translators on behalf of The Guardian Angels.  This is my first channeled message from The Translators, who acted as intermediaries during this transmission.  This message shows the specialness and connectedness of our relationship with our Guardian Angels, both energetically and emotionally.  It is important to be expand our thoughts to better communicate with them.  This message also highlights the upcoming “Grand Age” and foretells of how The Guardian Angels are aspiring to increase communication with  their assigned charges, us.

Please also read the commentary at the end of the message, where insightful, background information on this message is presented.

Enjoy the message!

Please share with others who are interested or present it as a gift to those who need inspiration at this time. 



Copyright © Katy Simmone.  All Rights Reserved.  You may copy and redistribute this material, including excerpts as long as you do not alter it in any way, and the content remains accurate, is distributed freely and you include this copyright notice and link: http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/ .

                                                                              *** Unedited ***

8/20/13 2:46 pm.

Katy: Hello, Dear Loved Ones of light, love and luminescence.  I am here to receive guidance or affirmation to share with others on their life path.  Please share that which is most important for us to know now. I ask for the highest and the best to respond to this.

The Translators: Our Dear Loved One.  We have arrived.  You have called, and we have come.  Your generosity of spirit to share these fine messages, indeed makes you a very popular being in our realms.  We learn in our adventures.  Please share with others that this is a Grand Age, a wonderful time of opportunity and great gifts.  Citizens of the planet will be united in their common good. 

All the Guardian Angels are on high alert and ready to provide support to those in their care.  They are doing their outmost to extend the outlook and share willingly.  The Guardian Angels are a highly adept legion of celestial origin and nature.  They have been taught to continue in their commitments to their charges, no matter what the illusion shows.  They care very deeply and voluntarily decided to be of utmost service to humanity.  They are available.  Remember their names.  Their names have special meanings and cadences. 

The Guardian Angels are very wise and secular.  They feel your energies and know when your moods change and when you are in despair.  They respond and reflect the deep caring and nurturing available to all mankind.   They have been carefully preselected to integrate with your own internal essence.  They are interconnected with their charges, energetically.  

The Angels are only limited by your thoughts.  Expand your thoughts, and you shall expand their reach.

They are endeared to you.  They cherish you and understand all that is about you.  They never judge and only want your best interests at heart.  They have prepared well for this dualist blend in your energetic field.

The Angels aspire to the greatest of all commitments.  Since the dawning of the Age, they have succeeded in being a faithful representative of the Divine.  They want you to be playful, happy, and free.  They want you to be successful in all avenues of your life and want you to live you live with care, compassion, and reverence for the Earth. 

You will complete your missions and life purposes, when you can freely communicate and interact with the celestial realm.  This is a sign, a marker that you have raised your vibration, your units of frequency to resonate completely with theirs. 

Katy: (Telepathically, I asked.) Is this is achievable in a single lifetime? 

The Translators: YES!  All is possible in this realm when you lift the veils of illusion, and the truth shines readily down on all.   Make time for the sunshine! 

The Angels are inspired to be more approachable.  They are working tirelessly to bridge certain gaps in communications, more evident in some human beings than others.  They are charged with helping to move forward the momentum that is developing.  They would like to enlist your efforts in supporting them.  They feel you can be worthy spokesperson, deserving of respect.  They want you to share their many messages.  They are enthusiastic and feel you will be a guiding light and a careful note taker, fastidious in your commitment to accuracy, specificity, and authenticity.  They will fill you with divine love and warmness to make these communications flow easily and without effort. (1)  They are careful as well, as they are entrusted with much knowledge and everlasting wisdom of the Truth.  They feel you have the attributes necessary and required, and so they have requested your enlistment in this venture of Truth Speak. 

You are a citizen of the Earth, your planet, your world, the Universal System.  You are genuine.  Learn to listen and tell the differences.  Their radiance is genuine and proof of their existence.  You will do fine, and be a proper channel for their high level words of encouragement, faith and Eternal Love.

Last, but not least, you will be able to formulate your New Truth, those underlying and ushering in this new transition.  Upon the mountaintop you learned to carry forth.  You will have ample opportunity to be a Divine Inspirator.  Shower yourself with kisses and warmth and feel this new birth!  We encourage you! Have faith and continue forward, our faithful steward.  In these times, many are needed and have been called to birth this new reality.  Vive l’mour! (2)

We are the Translators.   We have been sent by The Renumaries.(3)   We can discern and filter the differences in energies and have a defined way of corresponding with others not on your wavelength.  We are intelligent and serve the Higher Good.   We have taken this time to introduce ourselves so that you are familiar with our speak, our tones and lightness for you to differentiate in the future as we communicate (4). You have been gifted and hear our words.  Salute! (5)

In eternity we have come.  In eternal faith we dwell. 

Katy: Thank you, Translators.  I appreciate you taking this opportunity and do appreciate that you gave me some of your background.  (Telepathically, I do a small bow to them & wish them “Namaste”).

3:27 pm


My Acceptance of the Engagement

Though I didn’t feel there was an opportunity, consciously, to accept this enlistment to channel the Guardian Angels’ words during this transmission, I felt that I should acknowledge my acceptance to them.  I sat quietly for a minute and telepathically let The Translators and the Guardian Angels know of my acceptance, and that it would be a great honor.  Despite the reassurances in this transmission that the messages from the Angels will come in effortlessly, I still also asked that their transmissions be clear, accurate, specific, and fluid.  I also requested that they let me know when they wanted to deliver a message to me.  Perhaps this can be done by setting up some sort of clear gesture, a specific calling card.  The sound of a doorbell came into my head.  Perhaps this was it? I wanted them to come to me, when they were ready with some content to deliver versus me asking them every day.  As I typed this, I, clairvoyantly saw, a single red rose.  Perhaps this was going to be their calling card?  Telepathically, I agreed that the single red rose was a good sign, and if I received this telepathically, I would know the Angels were ready to speak.

Or perhaps they may just wait for me, when I sit at my computer and ask for any high level, light being to channel information to help humanity.  This has been my usual protocol of late.

Quality of Transmissions

(1)   This reference to making communications flow easily and without effort is a direct addressment of my many, many requests to the beings of light and love for this specifically over the past three years.  As the channeler, I do not want to strain during the transmissions.  In the past, there have been times when I have done this, and I do not like to work this way.  It is very tiring. 

Receiving Foreign Words during Channelings

(2) (3)  & (5) I received three words in this transmission, that were unfamiliar to me.  Two were of foreign origin -vive l’mour and salute.  I found this to be very interesting. When I googled vive l’mour, the definition meant live your life with love and may love live forever.  In Italian “salute” means “hail”.  I have received foreign words in some prior channeled messages. Usually, I need to Google their meanings.  I take it as validation that, indeed, I am receiving information from “other” sources.

The other word was “renumerary”.  When I Googled it, I was not successful in obtaining a definition of this: however, it was very similar to the terms, “supernumerary” and “numerary”,  that I had channeled in an earlier message that I posted at http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/7913-channeled-message-supernumerariestechnicalroot-chakra-new-chakra-elements/. 

I put the definition of supernumerary here again for reference as I do feel it is similar in nature to renumerary.   

“Supernumerary” means a temporary employee, additional society member, or extra manpower, usually in a function which has a temporary contract. Its counterpart, “numerary“, is a civil designation for persons who are incorporated in a fixed or permanent way to a society or group, meaning a regular member of the working staff; permanent staff or member.

The terms “supernumerary” and “numerary” have long been commonly used in the Spanish and Latin American academy and government; they are now also used in countries all over the world, such as France, Great Britain, Italy, and the US.  For example, in the Roman army, supernumerarii were either public officers attendant to several of the Roman magistrates or a kind of soldier who filled the places of those killed or disabled by their wounds, or otherwise brought up the ranks to strength.

The supernumerary role is commonplace in numerous fields. For example, there are supernumerary actors, judges, knights, ladies, military personnel, ministers, police officers, professors, and writers.”

Differentiating The Translator’s Energy

(4) This reference for me to become familiar with the “speak” and tones of The Translators is one I have heard repeatedly in prior channeled messages.  The guides want me to become familiar and differentiate between the energy of different beings that I channel.  The guides really want me to become savvy in this way.

Channeling Transmission Scale

This transmission is a 3.5 on a scale to 5.  I did recognize the energy of The Translators as unique.  Thank Goodness!  It was light, vibrant, and very good natured.  This way, hopefully, I will be able to recognize their energy when they come again to me to telepathically converse.


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