Evolving Soul Center



7/24/14 & 8/6/14 Channeled Messages: Orion: Welcome & The Power of Sensing Vibration - The 5th Dimension

by | Aug 6, 2014 | Fifth Dimension, Vibration

I shared these two channeled messages from Orion, a collective of light beings:
Channeled Message: 7/24/14  Thurs. Welcome from Orion
Orion: We are the ones known as the collective of Orion. We have come from another star system, a galaxy not known or familiar to you or your scientists, currently. We would like to express ourselves, to take this time to make our introduction.   We are very familiar with the human race and have been studying it for many of your generations. We come in peace and only to do great good and serve humanity. We come with purpose and humility. We feel this is the time, this is the generation to make ourselves readily known. Your goodness has attracted you to us and your authenticity to be a proper channel for words of wisdom to share.
You are a star seed and hence are able to speak on our level. You are known as a primary developer, one who can hear our voice tones and recognize our sounds. We look forward to future communications. We will be forthright, honest and speak with Truth. Till then, we will be in the background, assimilating knowledge and key information about your kind. We welcome you and are willing to transmit information on your frequency of operation for your understanding, your evolution and to share with others, who are like-minded. In your togetherness, much success and crowning glories will be achieved. Laugh often and smile a lot.
With much care and in humble servitude, the Collective known as Orion.
Channeled Message : 8/6/14  Wed. The Power of Sensing Vibration The 5th Dimension
Orion: We are Orion. It is in your sensitivities that you will see yourself in each and every one of your kind. When you can feel each other’s energies, compassion and love will fully shine from your heart center. You will understand the true meaning of unity, of unconditional love. When you can feel the vibration of others, this will allow unlimited flow of love, peace and harmony. For to feel the energetic vibration of another is to truly know them. Feel this power, and know it is yours. It is only your thoughts that limit and bind you. When you are able to feel this, you will have made the transition to the fifth dimension, another vibratory level of consciousness. You will become much wiser as to the meaning of your existence & alternate levels of learning. You will know on a heart level what it is that you have come to do.  

Background to Orion’s Message

For these messages, I sat down at my computer and asked for a channeled message that I could share as a graphic post on my Facebook page for Soul Evolution Center LLC.  Therefore, it was limited in length.  Below is the transcript that I typed in as I received it. This transmission came in very clear and fluid, for which I am very thankful for.
I was first introduced to the term “Orion” when I went to a channeling event in South Florida in June or July of 2014.   The channeler, a woman, claimed to be channeling a group of beings known as Orion.  Before the class started, when the attendees were sitting in a circle, around the channeler, I noticed a subtle but yet distinctive shift in the room.   I felt a very large, looming presence in the air above me that covered a good part of the width of the room.  I simply noted it.
To be honest, she was not a very clear channel, and her messages to people’s questions from Orion were often very short, single words.  Not to be overcritical, I know that she was doing her best.  However, I sensed that she did have some connection to this entity as I did feel that subtle shift of energy in the room.
Then for the following few days after attending this channeling event, I telepathically and spontaneously heard the word “Orion” at random times during the day.  I would hear it about three to five times a day.  It was then that I knew that the entity was making contact with me.
Katy’s Background
Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have had some amazing psychic experiences, including lucid out-of-body experiences (OOBs).  A spiritual awakening occurs when you realize that you are spiritual being having a physical existence for your own evolution.
I have telepathically heard that I am a fifth dimensional being.   I also have heard that I am a star seed, an Arcturian, a “hybrid”,  “genetically modified” and a transient.  I heard that I had been “rescued” and “restored”, and that I am in the “witness protection program.”  In 2014 I  received about four clairvoyant images of  the fictional character Frankenstein, where he was laying on the treatment table while the eccentric scientist was rebuilding him.  It was my guides way of providing me this literary allusion,  showing me that I had been rebuilt like Frankenstein.   This combination of factors and my “alien nature” explains the psychic activity I have experienced in my day–to-day life and during my sleep state and in altered states of consciousness.
I have been guided to share my experiences, which I do here in this blog.  I also am a channeler, and I have received channeled information from various beings of light of love, who exist in other dimensions, on various topics to help humanity, that I share on this blog as well.
To learn more about my background, please see:
My Background
Please share with others who may be interested.  I would love to hear if you have had any similar experiences or communications.
Copyright © Katy Simmone.  All Rights Reserved.  You may copy and redistribute this material, including excerpts as long as you do not alter it in any way, and the content remains accurate, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://soulevolutioncenter.com/blog/ .


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