Evolving Soul Center



Channeled Chakra & Aura Meditation

by | Jun 10, 2015 | Aura, Chakras, Meditation - White Light

Meditation Transcript from the Soul Evolution Center Show on BlogTalkRadio, as Channeled by Katy Simmone.
Listen or download the FREE meditation sound file here.


Welcome, I am so glad that you are here.
Personal Intro
I am Katy Simmone from SoulEvolutionCenter.com.   The Center’s mission is to help you evolve into your best life.  I am a psychic life adviser and advanced channeler of beings of light and love.  I provide life wisdom from beyond.  I have received telepathically many times clearly that my life purpose is to be a messenger of hope and inspiration from beings from beyond.
Meditation Intro
I am going to share a wonderful, channeled meditation that I received that vitalizes, aligns and balances your 7 major chakras and cleanses, protects and seals your aura. You will also receive key energetic healings during this time.
About Your Energetic Health
Your energetic health is very important. Good energetic health correlates to good physical health.  This meditation is one that should be done daily. It is a powerful way to help yourself and keep your energetic flow strong and fluid.
Start of Meditation
Make sure you are in a safe space to participate in this meditation, where you can totally relax and be in this special moment that is being created just for you and your well-being.  If you have relaxing music that you enjoy, have it playing in the background.
Get comfortable and just relax.  Close your eyes (Pause).
Take a deep breathe now, fully inhaling and fully exhaling (Pause).
The Specialness of this Meditation
This meditation has been specifically channeled for you. Know that there are special encodings that are being delivered through my voice vibration for you for your needed healing.  The Angels and Archangels have made it so.  They have made adjustments to my throat chakra for this healing process.
All you have to do is tune into my sound vibration, my notes, during this meditation to receive these key & necessary healings for your highest good.   These will be occurring on subliminal levels.  You may sense these if you are energetically acute and sensitive.
Have faith and trust that you are receiving essential healings for your benefit. This meditation is a gift to you from your Higher Selves and your Angels.  I am the dutiful messenger and do my work with the utmost integrity & care.
Take a deep breath now.  Inhale fully, exhale fully, and release all that does not serve your highest good (Pause).
Clear your mind and know that this is your special place, just for you.  This is your time to help yourself.  With your free will, intention and strong belief, you can do so. Your Guardian Angels are here with you as they always are.  The power lies within you, waiting for you to remember and rediscover it.
Your Energetic Body
You have a physical body.  But just as important is your energetic body and energy structures, which permeate and surround your physical body.  Learn to take proper care of it though your daily thoughts for you are the Master of Your Thoughts.  You are the Creator.  Be mindful of your self-talk.
Take another deep, cleansing breath, releasing all that does not serve you (Pause).
You are becoming clearer. As you become clearer, you feel lighter.
About Your Chakras
Your chakras are very important.  They are wheels of energy that receive, store and transmit energy to organs and glands of your body.   You have many of them in your energetic field.
There are 7 major ones located along the midline of your body.  Their size, color clarity and proper alignment are vital for your energetic health.  The chakras exist in other dimensional frequencies, which most people cannot see with their physical eyes.  Most of major chakras have a front and back as well.  Your chakras are constantly reacting to the quality & vibrational level of your thoughts. So please be aware of your thoughts.  Be mindful.
Take Note of Your Chakras
During this meditation, note any specific observations associated with a chakra.  Do not dwell on it.  Simply note it, and you can revisit the meaning of this after the meditation.  This reflection may reveal valuable information to you about your response to your life situations.
Chakra Intention Statement
We will begin by verbalizing our intention statement to ourselves to amplify and focus the energies of this meditation. Please say to yourself now after me, with firmness and conviction “I am vitalizing, aligning & balancing my seven major chakras (Pause) for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned.”

Base Chakra

Base Chakra- Vitalization & Alignment
Now, bring your attention to your base chakra, located at the root of your spine.  It vibrates to the same frequency as the color red. Imagine this as a dynamic, bright red ball of energy at the base of your spine (Pause). See & feel it growing larger (Pause).  Feel it centered at the base of your spine (Pause).
Base Chakra Affirmations
Your base chakra is about your vitality, stamina, grounding, security and safety.   Repeat to yourself now after me “I am grounded (Pause).  I am safe (Pause). I belong here (Pause).”

Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra- Vitalization & Alignment
Now, bring your attention to your sacral chakra, located a few inches below your navel. It vibrates to the same frequency as the color orange. Imagine this as a dynamic, bright orange ball of energy 2-3 inches below your navel (Pause).  See & feel it growing larger (Pause).  Feel it centered 2-3 inches below your navel (Pause).
Sacral Chakra -Front & Back Aspects
Your sacral chakra has a front and a back. With your intention and imagination, feel this bright orange ball of energy travel from the front below your navel (Pause) out through your back (Pause).  Then see it return to the front (Pause).
 Sacral Chakra – Size Balancing 
See and feel that your orange sacral chakra that is a few inches below your navel is the same healthy size as your red base chakra, that is located at the base of your spine. (Pause)
Sacral Chakra Affirmations
Your sacral chakra is about your creativity, your sexuality, and your joy.  Repeat to yourself now after me with conviction “I am creative in all aspects of my life (Pause).  I feel great about myself and my body (Pause). I do what brings me joy (Pause).”

Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra – Vitalization & Alignment
Now, bring your attention to your solar plexus chakra, located at your abdomen. It vibrates to the same frequency as the color yellow. Imagine this as a dynamic, bright yellow ball of energy at your abdomen (Pause).  See & feel it growing larger (Pause).  Feel it being centered at your abdomen (Pause).
Solar Plexus – Front & Back Aspects
Your solar plexus chakra has a front and a back. With your intention and imagination, feel this bright yellow ball of energy go from the front of your abdomen (Pause)  to the back of your abdomen and out through your back (Pause).  Then see it return from the back to the front (Pause).
Solar Plexus – Size Balancing
See and feel that your yellow solar plexus chakra at your abdomen is the same healthy size as your orange sacral chakra that is a few inches below your naval (Pause) and the same size as your red base chakra that is located at the base of your spine (Pause).
Solar Plexus Affirmations
Your solar plexus chakra is about your self-esteem, your self-will and your sense of control and power of your life.  Repeat to yourself, now, after me with conviction “I value myself (Pause).  I am important (Pause).  I am confident in myself and the decisions I make (Pause).”

Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra – Vitalization & Alignment
Now, bring your attention to your heart chakra, located at your mid chest. It vibrates to the same frequency as the colors green and pink. Imagine this as a dynamic, bright green and pink swirling ball of energy at your mid-chest (Pause).  See & feel it growing larger (Pause).  Feel it centered in your mid-chest (Pause).
Heart Chakra – Front & Back Aspects
Your heart chakra has a front and a back.  With your intention and imagination, feel this green and pink ball of energy go from the front of your mid-chest out to the back of your mid-chest and out through your back (Pause). Then see it come back to the front of your mid-chest (Pause).
Heart Chakra – Size Balancing
See and feel that your green and pink heart chakra at your mid-chest is the same healthy size as your yellow solar plexus chakra at your abdomen (Pause).
Heart Chakra Affirmations
Your heart chakra is about self-love, unconditional love, compassion & forgiveness.  Repeat to yourself, now, after me, with conviction “I love myself (Pause).  I have compassion for myself, all people (Pause), animals and Mother Earth (Pause).”

Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra – Vitalization & Alignment
Now, bring your attention to your throat chakra, located at the base of your throat. It vibrates to the same frequency as the color bright blue. Imagine this as a dynamic, bright blue ball of energy at the base of your throat (Pause).  See & feel it growing larger (Pause).  Feel it centered at the base of your throat (Pause).
Throat Chakra – Front & Back Aspects
Your throat chakra has a front and a back. Feel this bright blue ball of energy go from the front of your throat to the back of your throat and out through your back (Pause).  Then see it come back to the front of your throat (Pause).
Throat Chakra – Size Balancing
See and feel that your  blue throat chakra located at the base of your throat is the same healthy size as your green and pink heart chakra located at your mid chest (Pause).
Throat Chakra Affirmations
Your throat chakra is about your self-expression, expressing fully and authentically your truth and being able to listen as well.  Repeat to yourself, now, after me, with conviction “I fully express myself with honesty and tact (Pause).  I am a good listener (Pause).”
Third Eye Chakra
Third Eye  – Vitalization & Alignment
Now, bring your attention to your Third-Eye chakra, located between your eyebrows. It vibrates to the same frequency as the color indigo-blue, which is a dark blue, like the night sky. Imagine this as a dynamic, indigo blue ball of energy between your eyebrows (Pause). See & feel it growing larger (Pause). Feel it centered in between your eyebrows (Pause).
Third Eye Chakra – Front & Back Aspects
Your Third Eye chakra has a front and a back. Feel this indigo blue ball of energy go from the front of your mid eyebrow to the back of your mid eyebrow, out through the back of your head (Pause). Then see it come back to the front of your mid-eyebrow (Pause).
Third Eye Chakra – Size Balancing
See and feel that your indigo blue third eye chakra at your mid eyebrow  is the same healthy size as your blue throat chakra located at the base of your throat (Pause).
Third Eye Affirmations
Your Third Eye chakra is about your insight, your intuition, & your clairvoyance.  Repeat to yourself now after me, with conviction, “I am guided by my intuition in all ways (Pause).  I have clarity of thought (Pause).”
Crown Chakra
Crown Chakra – Vitalization & Alignment
Now, bring your attention to your Crown chakra, located a few inches above your head. It vibrates to the same frequency as the color white. Imagine this as a dynamic bright white ball of energy a few inches above your head (Pause).  See & feel it growing larger (Pause).  Feel it centered just above your head (Pause).
Third Eye Chakra – Size Balancing
See and feel that your white crown chakra a few inches above your head is the same healthy size as your indigo blue third eye chakra at your mid eyebrow (Pause).
Crown Chakra Affirmations
Your Crown chakra is about your connection to the Divine, to all that is.  Repeat to yourself, now, after me “I am connected to Universal Truth and Wisdom (Pause).”
Chakra Meditation Closing
Take a deep breath now. Inhale and exhale fully (Pause).
See and feel now each one your 7 major chakras with clear color clarity, healthy and equal sizes and all aligned down the mid-line of your body: See your red base chakra at the base of your spine, the orange sacral chakra a few inches below your navel, the yellow solar plexus chakra at your abdomen, the pink and green heart chakra at your mid chest, the bright blue throat chakra at the base of your throat chakra, the indig0-blue chakra in your mid-eyebrow, and the white crown chakra a few inches above your head.  See and feel them perfectly balanced, healthy and aligned right down your mid-line.
Affirm to yourself, now, after me with conviction “My 7 major chakras are vitalized, balanced and aligned” (Pause).
Take another full deep, releasing breath (Pause).
You have done a fine job, vitalizing, balancing and aligning your 7 major chakras.
Feel good about what you have just done for yourself and for your energetic health.
You can also just focus on one particular chakra if you sense that it feels out of balance, depleted or misaligned. You can do this by using the color associated with that chakra and even wearing that color or bringing that color into your living space.
Do not forget to revisit those ideas at the end of this meditation where you experienced some discomfort or unusual activity in a specific chakra.
(Note: You can choose to end the chakra meditation here or continue and add the aura cleansing, protection, sealing following).
Cleansing, Protecting & Sealing Your Aura
There is one more final important step to enhance our energetic hygiene.  Let us take some time to cleanse, protect and seal our aura.  This is just as important as vitalizing and aligning your chakras.  Your aura is your energetic field that everyone and everything has.  It can radiate up to 15 feet or more from your body.  It exists in another frequency, in which most people cannot see with their physical eye.  During the day, our own thought forms, other people’s energies and energies in our environment may affect us detrimentally and damage or weaken our aura.
Aura Intention
State to yourself, now, after me the following intention with firmness and conviction “I am cleansing, protecting and sealing my energetic field (Pause) for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned (Pause).”
Stay relaxed.   Using your imagination and visualization, feel beautiful, white light streaming down from the heavens all around you (Pause).   This special light is directly from Source.  It has special encodings in it for your purification and protection.  You have been hardwired to be able to receive these beneficial programmings.   The white light works as needed on your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual levels.
Aura Cleansing
See and feel yourself completely and fully immersed in this white light, from head to foot (Pause), from front to back (Pause) and on all sides of your body (Pause).  Take the time now to visualize this. (Pause 5 seconds.)
The white light totally envelopes you.  It feels so good, so refreshing and very energizing all at the same time.  (Pause)
See and feel the white light softly bathe your entire physical form (Pause 3 seconds).  You can see and feel it as it travels around you and through you (Pause 3 seconds).
See and feel the white light bathe you from the inside of your body as well (Pause), including your internal organs and glands (Pause 3 seconds).  Take your time to feel this. The white light is a complete and total healing from the inside out (Pause 5 seconds).
Take a deep breath now, fully inhaling and fully exhaling.
See and feel the white light bathe your entire energetic field going 15 feet out and beyond your physical body and all around it (Pause 5 seconds).
You are now surrounded by this white pristine light of purification. It feels so soothing and comforting.  It is wonderful to feel the purity of this light.
The white light instantly transmutes any and all things that don’t contribute to your well-being.  It is very powerful in this way.
Take a deep, cleansing breath, now, fully inhaling and fully exhaling (Pause).
You are doing a fine and thorough job in taking care of your energy field.
You feel cleansed.  You feel lighter.
Aura – Sealing & Protecting 
This wondrous white light protects you and helps to seal your energies and insulate you as well.  Feel its white light rays forming a strong halo all around you, 15 feet out, in a complete circle around you, above you, & under you (Pause 5 seconds).
The white light seals securely your energy field.   It protects the integrity of your energy field.   You feel safe and protected in this white light cocoon.
See and feel yourself radiating back white light! (Pause)
Take a deep breath now, fully inhaling and fully exhaling (Pause).
Feel and know that you are perfect, whole and complete.  Repeat now, after me, to yourself, with belief & conviction “I am perfect, whole and complete” (Pause).
Reaffirm now, after me, to yourself, with conviction “This white light has purified me (Pause) and protects me (Pause).  Thank-you, Universe.”
Take a deep breath now, fully inhaling and fully exhaling (Pause).
When you are ready, bring your awareness back to the present moment slowly and open your eyes, if you had them closed.
Physically, take a big stretch, stretching your arms upward (Pause) and your legs downward (Pause) to integrate fully into your system the energy healing that you have just received (Pause).
Aura Meditation Closing
Know that you have taken very good care of your energetic health.  You should cleanse and protect your energy field EVERY day, preferably in the morning in preparation for the day and also at the end of the day before sleep to remove any energetic debris that may have accumulated within your energetic shell.
This is IMPORTANT.  Cleansing and protection should be a part of your normal daily routine for energetic hygiene.  The white shower of light can be done as often as needed during the day as well.
If you sense or feel any heaviness or emotional distress within you, visualize the white shower of light IMMEDIATELY to dispel these energies.  For maximum benefit, it is good to do the aura cleansing right away as soon as you start to feel at unease or you feel that you have been disturbed.
With practice, you will become quite adept at doing the white shower of light visualization quickly and as needed to serve you well.



I shared the transcript as well as the sound file for the Channeled Chakra Vitalization & Alignment/Cleansing, Protecting & Sealing Your Aura Meditation that I channeled and guided for the first episide of The Soul Evolution Center Show on BlogTalkRadio.  

This is a weekly show that I host on Fridays to share metaphysical & spiritual topics, including channeled messages that I have received and my out-of-body experiences.

The transcript is slightly modified from its original broadcast on the radio show but the majority of it is the same.  Some of the changes I made in above was that I added more pauses and minor word edits.

Proper and daily energetic hygiene and maintenance is crucial for everyone.

I encourage you to download and listen to the meditation sound file here.

You can also record the meditation using your own voice, parts of above transcript and your own music.  Use this script freely, modify it or share with others.  For example, you can modify or add chakra affirmations.

This meditation, when recorded, should be anywhere from 35-40 minutes if you record it yourself, depending on the length of your pauses and any additions you make.

The sections of the meditation noted above as  “Personal Intro” and “The Specialness of this Meditation” may not be relevant to you so you can omit this or put other words here as you are guided to do so.

I understand the challenges of finding a good meditation script. It is an investment of time to create you own.  Therefore,  I have taken the time to provide the above for your use and benefit and as good will to the Universe for free.

I hope this is helpful to you.


About Katy
I have been guided to share my experiences, which I do here in this blog.  I am a psychic life adviser and provide guidance to people’s life questions through direct voice, Tarot and oracle card readings. I also am a workshop facilitator & Reiki Master & Reiki teacher. To date, I have received channeled information from over forty beings of light of love, who exist in other dimensions, on various topics to help humanity, that I share on this blog as well.
Please share with others who may be interested. I would love to hear your feedback and experience with communications with light beings.

You can read more of my background by clicking here.



Katy Simmone, Psychic Life Adviser, Life Wisdom from Beyond
Direct Voice/Oracle/Tarot Card Readings**Book Phone/Skype/Email Readings on Online Calendar Here* International Speaker & Workshop Facilitator


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