Evolving Soul Center



Compassion & Sensitivity During Hard Times

by | Sep 12, 2017 | Hurricane Irma

I felt guided to share this. If I did not, I would not be true to myself. Following is what I shared on FB on 9/11/17:
My Dear Facebook Community,
I am expressing myself during this challenging times in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma in South Florida. If you are in good, safe place, and with power I am so happy for you . If you were able to fly to a safe place out-of-state, awesome.
The majority of my FB community has been so kind, so generous and caring. This is directed to the exceptions and a broadcast message and reminder of compassion and sensitivity during such difficult times.
But please, remember many of our brothers and sisters are out of power in FL. So many have evacuated and are in shelters away from their homes. Many did not have the funds to buy a generator in advance or purchase airfare out-of-state for themselves or their families or were not able to do so in a timely manner. There are those that are frail, sick, disabled and elderly.
To that minority in the “safe zone,” to show photos of your delicious food and drink, adventurous meanderings and good times on FB when you are from this area during these tumultuous times when you know so many are struggling, I feel is insensitive, of low emotional intelligence, of low vibration, shows poor judgement and simply not nice. Those that know better, should do better. I have been guided to express this.
Extend the beautiful trait of humbleness when there are many in our communities who have been displaced. Wait till things have calmed down to share your good fortunes on FB. People are still reeling and destabilized from Mother Nature’s wrath.
I may have some FB friends unfriend me because of this and I am secure in that. I view life from an energy perspective including karma and teach workshops on this. To put it in energy terms, this is a sign of energetic dissonance, disharmony and differences in vibration on our outlooks to this epic natural disaster.
This is the first time since I have been on FB over the past few years that I expressed myself in this way. But these are dire times so I have been called to step forth in this way.
Please, let us be compassionate! I believe in unity consciousness. Let us be considerate to each other in this way. Let us be “big people” and “not rub it in” when life circumstances provide benefits to some that many others may not have.
Katy Simmone, Advanced Channeler of Light Beings, Life Wisdom from Beyond
Author*Speaker*Workshop Facilitator* Book Phone/Skype/Email Sessions on Online Calendar Here**

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