Evolving Soul Center



10/8/09 (upd 10-29-09) Dream of a Beautiful Passing That Started This Blog

by | Oct 8, 2009 | Dreams, Light Being - Himalayan Master

Welcome!! So happy that you are here!! Love and light to you all!!

** Note:  This post was updated on 10/29/09. See below **********


This is the dream that motivated me to start posting on my blog.

I dreamed it this morning before waking.  Even now as I remember this dream, I am filled with awe and a sense of something beautiful that I was able to witness.

I call this dream Mountain Snow Scene- Asian Man Passing.


The Message:  The message I am to give to everyone who reads this is “when you get a gift, you must give back” .  Think now when someone has given something to you.  It could be something other than a literal gift.  It could be  a smile, encouragement, understanding, or  their place in line.  Now, in your mind, give them something back.  Send them love or a blessing  or a warm thought.  If you want to do something in person you can, too.




In the beginning of the dream I heard the  message “when you get a gift, you must give back” .  I had been given something beautiful.  I repeated this out loud to myself “when you get a gift, you must give back”.   I was so happy and practically skipping.  I said outloud to the air with heartfelt emotion “Thank you! Thank you!”.  I thought to myself that I need to tell others on earth this message, that “when you get a gift, you must give back”.  I was outside with nature and the tall dark green evergreen trees.  I think it was in the mountains.  The air was so fresh and crisp.  I remember the scene so well.  It was so beautiful.  An Asian man, whom I did not know and wearing a white type jacket, appeared walking in the snow from the right about 20 feet in front of me.  He may have been in his late 20s to late 30s in age.  I loved him immediately. It was not sexual love, just love, pure unconditional love.  We were going to walk up a narrow trail between the tall evergreens together.  The trail was going up and full of snow.  I remember looking at it.  It was absolutely beautiful.  But I did see that the trail was dark, like nighttime and realized I shouldn’t walk up there with him. I turned to tell him that.  But then I saw him, laying down in the snow, face up, at the foot of the trail.  He was sleeping, lifeless but so peaceful.  His face, including his parka hood lined with white fur, was covered with snow crystals.  But I wasn’t worried or upset.  I kissed him on his forehead, ever so gently and with so much love.  The scene stopped.

Dream InterpretationAs I am typed this dream into my dreamlog, I realized the meaning of this dream. I hadn’t realized its true meaning, when I woke up from it.   But now I understand so I say out loud with heartfelt emotion and thru my tears, “Thank you, Thank you”.  I sense I was with the Asian Man as he was just getting ready to pass.  It was such a beautiful scene.  I hope I was able to be of comfort to him before his final moments.  In my mind now, I say a prayer for him and say Hari om tat sat.  This is a sacred Sanskrit mantra that I got from my meditation teacher for the purification and for departed souls.  This is the 1st time that I can remember being a part of someone’s life right before they pass.   I think this is a message for me to start my blog.  That this will be my giving back.

About 2 days before I had asked to myself  if I could have a beautiful dream.  I have been having so many odd, confusing  and at times scary dreams lately. I knew that there were so many beautiful places I could astral travel to in my dream state.   It just seems like I have been sent to work in other planes because I was needed there.  So I asked softly to myself for a beautiful place to go to.  So I was given what I asked for.  You may wonder what was so beautiful about  someone’s passing.   It just happened so peacefully and quietly, within the beautiful landscape of nature and all its quiet stillness. 

Update on 10/29/09:  I was looking thru a book on what dreams mean yesterday.  For snow on a mountain, it stated that it meant it was a message from the 

Himalayan Masters.


Ascending as an Angel Dream

This dream led me to remember my dream in the beginning of this summer, when these psychic phenomena just started happening.  I had ascended like an angel.  I was in the living room of our house.  My daughter and spouse were below me, just watching me rise.  I was rising like an angel above them.  I was looking down at them with so much love and my head was tilted as I gazed so lovingly down at them and my arms were cradled in an angel posture. 



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