Evolving Soul Center



6/5/13 Messages: Creative Messages from Guides: My Channeling Scores

by | Jun 5, 2013 | Messages in My Third Eye


I am a channeler of beings of light and love and a light worker. I receive information clairvoyantly, clairaudiently and clairsentiently. Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have been having amazing psychic experiences such as participating in spirit crossovers, out- of- body experiences, receiving messages from light beings and those in spirit, interactions with extraterrestrials and other psychic phenomena.  Since February 2013 I have telepathically heard that I am a fifth dimensional being.   I also have heard that I am a star seed.   

I offer private channeling sessions and channeling circles, where I channel my guides to answer people’s life questions.  To learn more about this, please see http://soulevolutioncenter.com/channeling-sessions/ .

I am sharing an interesting event that happened early this morning.  It was related to my channelings and how my guides communicated to me in a very, unusual, creative way in response to a request I made of them.  This past Monday, I telepathically asked my guides to provide an evaluation of my recent channelings in circles and in private sessions, that I have given to clients to answer their life’s questions.  I like to continually improve my technique so that I am a clear, precise channel for the messages I deliver.  I channel directly, word for word, in a light trance. It is as if the guides are talking to the client through me.  Because I know the guides like to work with symbols, I asked the guides to send me a common symbol of evaluation, a report card, using the letters for grading like A, B, or C to evaluate my channelings. 

In the early morning today, in my Third Eye while my eyes were closed before I got out of bed, I received an image of a computer screen and a white, input box near the bottom of the screen with the numbers “90, 100…” being typed in, one number at a time!  I knew exactly what this meant! This was my evaluation that I had requested !  These were my scores on how I am channeling.  I am assuming and hoping that the scoring scale was a standard one – to a top score of 100- and not to a 1,000.  LOL!  

The Universes are Amazing!

Please read below to understand the background of this sharing.  Enjoy !

Please share with anyone else who may be interested.




General Life Questions to be Channeled

On 6/2/13 Sunday I had two private channeling sessions and a channeling circle to answer people’s life questions.  I channel directly in a light trance, word for word, as if the guides are speaking through me to the clients.  I keep my eyes closed as I channel during the sessions so not be influenced by the client’s facial reactions & body postures.  All I want to do is deliver the precise words necessary, as authentically as possible to help the client for their highest good.  I am just the human messenger, just the conduit for the words to come through.

That day, ALL the clients asked very general life questions, one line in length, only about 10 -15 words.  Though instructions were given by me at the beginning of the circle that some background information is helpful to the guides, when posing their questions.  I did let the clients know that if the guides needed more background information, that they would ask for it.

Despite the general nature of the questions, the guides did not ask for any other background information for any of these clients for clarification!  As the human channeler, I was surprised by this. I know it is very important that I, as the channeler, stay out of the way, emotionally, so that the communication feed from the guides can be direct and delivered in the most clear, authentic way, word for word.  Naturally, as a human being, I telepathically, asked the guides quickly “But don’t you need more information than this to focus on the energy to answer their question?“  The guides, ignored me, did not ask for more background information, and I proceeded to hear the words coming in telepathically from them to answer each of the client’s question. 

 In addition, the format is that the guides answer the question through me word for word, uninterrupted as not to disrupt the information stream.  Then the client can ask another follow up question or a new question.  There is not that constant back and forth between the reader and the client going on as in some reading sessions, where the reader receives validation and affirmation almost immediately to the information delivered.  My guides will only ask the client if they understand and rarely ask for validation. 

At the end of the private sessions and the channeling circle, I did receive validation from the clients for some of the information that was channeled, based only on their very general questions, with no background.  Some of the information was right on.  Some of the information channeled on the quality of their relationships with their significant others was difficult for two of the clients to hear because they wanted to hear information that validated their own emotions.  The guides don’t work that way.  They will not enable you if it is not for your highest good.   

My Contemplation

That evening, I pondered and reflected on this.  I realized that the guides don’t need validation. They are not concerned with that at all. It is me as the human channeler, with my hang ups with ego and confidence that wants that.  The guides, have the opportunity to speak through me, directly to the client, in their words, not my words interpreting their word.  They answer with tact, diplomacy and are very inspirational as well.  They will say what needs to be said to the client to help them at this point in their lives, even if the client is not consciously ready to receive it.  I, the channeler, just need to do my job as best as I can and stay out of the way with some of my distorted, limiting & subjective human perceptions that I am consciously and unconsciously carrying around.  This is why I am a student in A Course in Miracles, to unlearn my errant thinkings and feelings and replace them with the truth, which is more empowering and aligned with our divine nature.  As a reader, I don’t feel comfortable “interpreting” messages.  I prefer to deliver messages through direct channeling of the guide’s words.  This is my calling, I know.  Other readers may and do feel and work differently.

Evaluation from the Guides

I just want to make sure I am on track with the channeled information I receive from the guides. They, of all people, are more able and qualified to evaluate the quality of my channelings, than humans, who may be emotional, tied up with their ego, and not in tune with their true inner workings.  Regularly, I ask the guides to help me become a better channeler, more accurate, so that each word is delivered precisely to the client or the reader of my channeled writings.  I ask them to work with me to help me heal that which needs it, so that I am in tip-top shape energetically to connect with them fully.

On Monday 6/4/13, I telepathically asked my guides to send me a clairvoyant report card after each channeling I performed.  I wanted a letter grade like A or B to let me know how I did.  I thought this type of symbology would be easy for them to deliver, and I would understand what it meant immediately. That way I can work on improving my technique.  

 The early a.m. upon waking but before getting out of bed is a good time for me to receive messages.  They usually appear directly in my Third Eye with my eyes closed, right in the middle of my view as if I am watching a TV screen.  

Receiving My Scores from the Guides

On Wed 6/5/13 in the early a.m. today before waking in my Third Eye, I saw the numbers “90, 100… “ being typed out one number at a time in a white, input box of a computer screen.  I knew exactly what this meant.  Immediately, I sent them back a big telepathic “Thank-you” after receiving it.  It is SO nice to get feedback, especially so promptly.   THANK YOU, UNIVERSES  !!!!


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19 degrees
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26 days old


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