Evolving Soul Center



My Psychic Developments Over the Summer 2009

by | Oct 8, 2009 | Psychic Developments & Experiences

Love and light to you!
These are my new psychic developments that occured this past summer.
Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clairsentient#Variations_on_clairvoyance for more background info on the clairs.
Clairaudience –I will hear voices right before going to sleep or in between dreams.  Sometimes I will hear voices during meditations.  I can make out words, phrases and sometimes sentences.  During the sleepy state, it is hard to hold my attention on the words as I am so close to dozing off.  Sometimes during the day, a random song will come into my head.  The past few months I have hearing  the song ” The Age of Aquarius”.  This is the Age of Aquarius.  Recently, I have heard the song “Somebody is watching you” and the song ” Back to Life, Back to Reality”. 
Clairalience & clairgustance – In the past few weeks, I have been receiving various food tastes and food smells at random moments during the day and sometimes when I am dreaming or my in between dream state.
(1)  Seeing Light Forms
I see the following throughout  the day regularly, inside and outside: 

  1. white and blue sparks of light – looks just like a white or blue firefly- Sometimes as I am reading, they will flash on a word or a sentence on my computer screen or page to bring it to my attention- I have recently been informed from a channeled reading that these are my spirit guides who are light beings and do not have corporeal forms. 
  2. small blue orbs ( but not as often)
  3. blue spots circular shaped but not 100% rounds types – as I am driving or walking they will flash in front of me as if to guide my way
  4. yellow spots ( but not as often)
  5. small flashes of white light – like mini lightning bolts
  6. light lemon yellow white blockish light like 3 inches by  5 inches – I just started seeing this in about October 2009
  7. perfectly parallel energy lines running North to South like a grid structure in my house and on the horizon.  I have been informed from a channeller in the area who channels a group of highly evolved light beings,  that this is the telepathic grid that surrounds the earth, which is used by light workers for communication.
  8. prana sparks – this happens infrequently.  I see small white light tadpoles forms before me for about 5 seconds.  They actually move around quickly like tadpoles too. There can be like 10-15 swimming in front of me.  This happened once in dream, when I was doing a deep stretch, sitting  on a bench. I  bent over to touch my  feet, my back was very rounded. I  took very deep breaths.  I felt the air going down my spine. When I came up from the stretch, all these light tadpoles were moving in front of me.   It also happened 2x in the shower in the same manner. I was looking very peripherally toward the left to reach my back. When my eyes went straight again,  the light tadpoles were  moving quickly in front of me.

 If I am concentrating on a task on hand or am busy with thoughts in my mind, I don’t see these light forms. Otherwise they flash regularly every day, throughout the day and at night.  A person who channels a group of evolved light beings said that seeing these type of energies is a sign of spiritual maturity and a form of evolution and that all humans will eventually be able to see like that.
I recently got my eyes checked to make sure there was nothing wrong with my vision and there wasn’t.  There is an eye condition that can cause light flashes.
(2) Seeing during single pointed open eye meditation
This is when you sit with your eyes open and you just stare at an object and stay very still for a few minutes.  Don’t change your focus. Don’t move your eyeballs.  Just stare at a single point. Your eyes will water. Try not to blink so much.  It may be uncomfortable for your eyes because you want to blink.  You need to get past this.  You will see interesting things happen. You may see the object’s aura, you will probably see the object look like it is moving, then the object should disappear.  My metaphysical teacher said when this happens, you have actually shifted to another dimension! You have raised your frequency.
During during single pointed open eye meditation,  I have seen:

  1.  a part of my body turn to light and other people in my meditational yoga class  starting to turn to light.
  2. COSMIC UNIVERSAL FORCE – A red astral swirling mist encompass the room and the physical world disappears ( I have been informed thru a channeled reading that this is the cosmic universal force)
  3. My face totally disappear in the mirror and turn into a red swirling mist
  4. My bedroom ceiling turn into the night sky with stars
  5. My bedroom ceiling turn into deep space with shooting stars or comets coming at me

        –            In dim light, I see the air  actually vibrating.  Nothing looks solid. It looks like a TV screen with rabbit ear antennae and bad reception, full of static.  If I look closely and intently with single ye focus, the air in front of me has a reddish tint and is thick like a stream of ectoplasm moving quickly.  At this time I can see small eddies and whirls in the air.   A metaphysics teacher said that if you see things moving, your vibration is actually higher than that objects vibration.
(3) Seeing Auras, Etheric Bodies
–          I sometimes see auras around people, objects like traffic lights, trees,  and animals.
–          Throughout the day I automatically  see the etheric, auric bodies of objects shifted 2 feet over & seperate from the actual physical object. For example, I will in the car, and I will see the etheric body of the air vent on dashboard shifted a foot over.  Or I will be at home, and I will see the dining room light etheric body shifted over 2 feet from the light itself.
(4) Seeing Images/Visions/Symbols in Dreams & Meditations
–          I receive single images, sometimes with words, during my closed eye meditations and before I fall asleep and in between my dream states
–          My dreams have turned into symbolic messages i.e. with Jesus, God, symbols includes shapes and mathematical symbols like summation signsand figures, verbal & written messages for me, I think from my spirit guides.
(5) Seeing & Interacting with People’s Consciousness
          In my dreams, I interact with living people too.   I will call them  the next day and ask them if they remember me in their dreams, they say no. Sometimes they are actually in my house as a visitation. Sometimes I think it is astral travel and we are in other dream scenes together.   I think many people interact with other people  in their dream state.  It is just that many just don’t remember.  I have been working to remember my dreams.
 Clairsentinence & Claircognizance 
I feel like this is growing and becoming stronger. 
Channeling/Mediumship   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channelling_(mediumistic)
In the past few weeks, I have channeled or been a medium for:
1)      a medicine woman – she came to me 3 times and in my bathroom thru my 3rd eye. I channeled her chant as she healed my toe which had a minor infection .
2)      I have spontaneously sang in the shower  a melody from an old woman .
3)      I have spontaneously sang an unknown melody and words in the shower of a young woman from India.
4)      I have spontaneously sang a French song.  I don’t know French.  Through my 3rdeye,  I saw an image of a heavy woman on stage performing.  When I asked her clairvoyantly, why she came to me, she said “to sing”.
5)      In the last month, I channeled some words.  I thought I was talking in tongue but now I think it may have been Sanskrit.
6)      I have done spontaneous OMs at random moments in early summer.  Another medium, who also teaches, from the local area thought that I may be being “prepared” for something. When this happened, I didn’t even know what OM was or what it represented.  I found out later.
8)      I get foreign words in my sleepy state from various countries. This has been increasing in the past 2 weeks.  I think I got African words and Sanskrit words.
9)      In the past week, I make a single syllable sounds in my sleep, like I want to talk. Then I catch myself.
10) My sound has changed over the past few weeks.  As I hum mindlessly, I notice that the sound vibration thru my body is different.  It is not the same.  Maybe because I have increased
my own vibration??
Spiritual Visitations/Interactions
–   I have had messages that I delivered to people I know from deceased people and now I think from living people.  As stated earlier, I interact with living people’s consciousness in my dreams.
– Increasing spiritual visitations in my sleep state
–  Increasing spiritual interaction in my dreams including some dreams with spirit guides but many of the time with unknown spirits. 
-Crossing spirits over  – I believe I have even crossed spirits over in my dream state in the last 2 weeks.  I hope to give more info on that in the near future!
Astral Travel in Dream State   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astral_projection
According to wikipedia, a spiritual interpretation of any form of out-of-body experience(OOBE) that assumes the existence of an “astral body” separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it.[1] Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in the astral plane.
I have been travelling to other planes of existence and interacting and “working” with other people beings while I am there.   I am keeping a dream log to see if they is a pattern or some kind of story that is developing from these travels.
 Other Recent Psychic Developments (in the past 4 months)
–  Spontaneous feelings of love and bliss a few times a month
–  Spontaneous body movements which are know as Kriyas ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kriya  – I don’t know why.  One time it was for stretch of the chest. Sometimes it is a gently rocking back and forth or front to back or being pulled in a certain direction.  I found it connected to showing me something or affirming a decision I would be making.  A rocking back and forth would mean a “yes” and a rocking forward & back would mean a “no”.
– changes in heart beat during meditations, open eyed or closed eye,  or when I am contemplating deep subjects-  my heart will take an extra beat.  According to my meditation teacher this signifies the electrical impulse change in my body.  He said not to call them heart palpitations.  In the very beginning of  this summer 2009  when I first started meditating, it would thud extra strong as it shifted, but now the the thuds aren’t so strong but they still occur.  I think this signifies that, now,  I am in a higher vibration and it doesn’t neet to shift  so much.   It  can be compared to shifting gear in a bike.
–  Growing intuition and confidence in it
–   A few premonitions through dreams or of events that already passed that there would be no way for me to know about
–  Some instances of knowing when the phone will ring.


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Sun in Aquarius
6 degrees
Moon in Sagittarius
15 degrees
Waning Crescent Moon
Waning Crescent Moon
25 days old


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