Evolving Soul Center



Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Speech-World Peace- Energy from Inanimate Objects

by | Oct 9, 2009 | Psychic Developments & Experiences, World Peace | 2 comments

Welcome all!

Love & light to you all!

While working at my desk this morning, the President’s speech on receiving the Nobel Peace Prize was shown on my TiVoed program.

World Peace

I immediately stopped what I was doing and focused on his speech.   I saw his aura on the TV screen during the speech. It was like a halo of white light, slightly aquamarine around him.   My body spontaneously  started rocking gently back and forth in a yes fashion during his speech. I closed my eyes and let his words of peace for the world penetrate deeply into me and prayed along with him in my mind.

Recently, every night before bed I say the Great Invocation (  http://www.lucistrust.org/invocation/   .   This is a mantram for the New Age and for all Humanity.  Please check it out, and if it reasonates within your heart, integrate it into your life.   It is through each of our prayers, visualizations, thoughts, feelings words & actions that we can co-create and humanity will move forth to peace.


President Obama was so humble and saying he was not taking credit for his accomplishments but really this was for America’s leadership collective vision for world peace.  I am paraphrasing here.   I want to emulate him in his humbleness.  It is important, always to be humble, and grounded in that.  In the work that I do, I want to be humble and know that I am simply the messenger and to remember and know always, that all of us have this power, this perception within us.   It is not a unique gift given to only a few but everyone’s  birthright. 

Photo Aura

I remembered when I was doing an open eyed meditation on my daughter’s photo during the summer.  Her aura clearly came into focus in the picture.  It was like a halo of white light around her figure.  The highly evolved Light Beings last night at the channeling session at the New Age Gift shop said the following (this is taken from my handwritten notes): 

“All nonphysical objects are imbued with life force or consciousness, that can be called a co-creative force.  We are all united.  We are part of this consciousness.  All is one and all is many.  You are able to tap into these consciousness, which is your own consciousness.  “

I love this.  All is one and one is many. Beautiful.

If I focus, I can see the auras around everything  including  inanimate objects so I know that all objects are imbued with this energy, this life force.


    • word575

      I know. It seems like a disconnect with the troop surge and Pres. Obama being awarded the peace prize. I feel the peace prize, was in a way, awarded on his intentions, words and gestures of peace to world leaders. I sense that these heartfelt thoughts, feelings and actions turned the tide for certain world leaders to embrace his authenticity for peace. I know others may have differing opinions. It’s wonderful to be able to express our own individual opinions on such important matters of world peace. Thank you for sharing! With love & light, Kay

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