It is time to express myself on the current nomination process as I feel silence, at times, is a form of acquiescence. By taking this affirmative action with clear, directed intention I am adding my own real thought forms to the collective consciousness with the hope to create positive change and betterment for the United States and the world at large. So be it.
Important qualities of a leader of a country include being reasonable, well-tempered, rational, knowledgeable, compassionate, being able to work with others and emotionally balanced. Many of us, consciously & innately, recognize these essential traits as necessary in a world leader. I sense we can all agree on these high vibrational traits as essential criteria for the President of the United States. These are the markers of an evolved spiritual being in human form.
I have channeled many recent messages from Light Beings, some in-spirit, including Edgar Cayce, Benjamin Franklin, Gandhi, Aristotle, Pliny the Elder and Plato, about the importance of these high vibrational qualities for ALL human beings. These are the attributes that many of us are working on in this life incarnation as part of our growth and development. I have first hand experience of this as I have directly channeled this for many of my clients during psychic reading seasons.
Without getting into specific candidate names, some of the nominees are not exhibiting these high qualities in the debates or interactions with each other. They are belittling, arrogant, crass, childish and downright mean to each other. Some of them lack common respect & decency for each other, promote fear mongering and duality consciousness, “us against them.” These attitudes are contrary to what many responsible parents teach their children as part of their parental duties.
These type of behaviors and actions reflect the candidates’ immature level of spiritual development and the false drive of their base, egoic personality. Though it may make for media entertainment and comedic jokes, it is a sad commentary that some of these nominees have made it to this point and are continuing along in this fashion.
As the election process progresses, some are resorting to verbally attacking, “mud-slinging” and “playing dirty.” These are all indicators of the candidates’ lack of emotional mastery. Some of them are in reactive mode rather than responsive mode. These obvious signs of lack of control and impulsive thinking can be dangerous in a world leader with power, resulting in disastrous results and long-term consequences.
A leader sets the tone and is the role model. I want the President of the United States to embody those inspirational characteristics that I admire, aspire toward and resonate with. I look for a high emotional I.Q., which is a level of spiritual attainment, separate from specific religious affiliation.
Thank-you for reading.
Please share your thoughts. I promote only civilized, diplomatic discourse on my blog. Any comments less than this will be deleted.
Katy Simmone
Advanced Channeler of Light Beings, Life Wisdom from Beyond
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