Evolving Soul Center




It is hard, at times, for some human beings to see the REAL big picture.  This is why it is so important to connect from the heart center, the place of truth, rather than the mind or the ego, the place of falsity.   Some of us may have narrow, human views, which are often based on misconceptions, preconceptions, the misconceived past, ego, and misguided belief systems.  Some of these mistruths have been ingrained in us by ourselves, our society and our culture and are deep-seated.  We may be so conditioned with these negating thought patterns that we accept them as our reality, and let them define our life, to our detriment. 

When things in your life, don’t go the way you “planned” and the way you wanted to “control”,  release and detach and know the Universe is taking care of everything.  It is all in divine order, flow and timing.

Please share with others who may be interested !




  1. Shawna

    So Beautifully said! I can attest to this; trust in the Universe, just let go and all will fall into place.
    Namaste Katy

    • Katy

      Thank you, Shawna, for your comment.
      For me, personally, I am learning every day to step more and more into the divine flow. That means me taking myself out of it, stepping back with my busy, little mind. You know what? It is so much better this way! So much more relaxing and less work!! Less taxing on the head! I am really enjoying this new way of being. This new approach. A Course in Miracles espouses this, and I am a student in their book study. It is just a conceptually new way of living for me. It goes against many of my earlier belief structures of making my own destiny, planning and controlling and forcing it, unnaturally.

      • Shawna

        I couldn’t agree more Katy! It IS so much easier getting out of our own heads… amazing really. It’s definitely been a real ride and I am loving it! I was on a similar path of control and forcing myself and now looking back, that wasn’t even fun. So glad to be on this journey with you. 🙂

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Sun in Pisces
2 degrees
Moon in Scorpio
28 degrees
Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon
22 days old


Evolve to Your Best Life