Evolving Soul Center



1/1/15 OOB: Portal: Transport Vehicle: Training in High School

See Katy on YouTube talk about out of body experiences, tips,techniques & her OOB experience of 1-1-15. https://soulevolutioncenter.com/ I shared this amazing out of body (OOB) experience in my sleep state to teach the following: To inspire you with the knowledge...

12/29/14 OOB: From Dream Sequence: Stock Grants

See Katy on YouTube talk about out of body experiences, tips,techniques & her OOB experience of 12-29-14. https://soulevolutioncenter.com/   Welcome! I shared this OOB (out-of-body experience) that I had in my sleep state in the early a.m.  to teach the...

12/25/14 Messages & Dream: Telepathic Info-Training Drills-Eye Procedure

See Katy on YouTube as she shares her chronicles on how to receive psychic guidance for yourself! Welcome! I want to share some psychic & dream experiences to share the following: - the importance of dream interpretation and how it may herald spiritual growth...

12/20/14 Channeled Message: Jesua: Power of Faith, Trust, Optimism & Positivity

Listen to Katy narrate this channeled message. It can be used as a meditation as well. Welcome! I shared this  channeled message from Jesua.  This is my first message from him.  This is how his name came in telepathically so that is how I shared it.  Jesua is another...

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Sun in Pisces
21 degrees
Moon in Virgo
1 degree
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon
12 days old


Evolve to Your Best Life