Evolving Soul Center



8/29/14 Channeled Message:Technical & Inspirational:The Arcturians: Evolvement –Vibration/Sound/Listening-Artisan of Your Thoughts- Our Time on Earth

Welcome! I am sharing an inspirational channeled message from the Arcturians, beings of light and love who exist in another dimension that I received on 8/29/14.  They talked about the following: -Our evolvement & design -Feeling energetic vibration -Listening to...

8/13/14 Channeled Message: Arcturians: Accessing Our Parallel Lives

Welcome! I shared this channeled message from the Arcturians.  I have received quite a few other transmissions from them as well as from the Arcturian Angels, that I have shared on this blog. Below is the transcript that I typed in as I received it. This transmission...

8/9/14 Channeled Message:Technical:Mr. Edgar Cayce: Transcript for a Friend's Client

Welcome! I share this channeled transcript that I did on behalf of a friend for her client, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia.  I asked Mr. Edgar Cayce to provide the information.  He is a renowned American psychic in spirit that I have channeled before.  I have...

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Sun in Pisces
21 degrees
Moon in Virgo
1 degree
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon
12 days old


Evolve to Your Best Life