10/2/09 Spirit Crossover: Sleep State Visitation – Toddler Indian Girl
Welcome! Love & Light to You All ! This is a spirit visitation I had during my sleep state. I call this a visitation instead of a dream because the setting was my actual house. It took place in my bedroom as it is in real life. I didn't realize the poignancy ...
10/9/09 Dream-Painters & Sleep State-Spirit Crossover in Astral Plane
Welcome! These are today's significant dreams and dream interpretations. 10/9/09 Early A.M. Dream: Unwanted Painters in the House I was outside. My garage door was open. I saw the 2 painters unloading their equipment from the truck. They were going to come into the...
Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Speech-World Peace- Energy from Inanimate Objects
Welcome all! Love & light to you all! While working at my desk this morning, the President's speech on receiving the Nobel Peace Prize was shown on my TiVoed program. World Peace I immediately stopped what I was doing and focused on his speech.  I saw his aura on...
10-9-09 Answers on Spirit Crossovers & What I am Really Doing in my Dreams
I am so happy and soo enormously relieved. I can’t even tell you. Earlier this evening I went to the New Age gift shop in the area. They also hold classes there. I attended a session  in which a woman channels a group of highly evolved Light Beings. During the...
10/8/09 (upd 10-29-09) Dream of a Beautiful Passing That Started This Blog
Welcome!! So happy that you are here!! Love and light to you all!! ** Note: This post was updated on 10/29/09. See below ********** This is the dream that motivated me to start posting on my blog. I dreamed it this morning before waking. Even now as I...
My Psychic Developments Over the Summer 2009
Welcome! Love and light to you! These are my new psychic developments that occured this past summer. Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clairsentient#Variations_on_clairvoyance for more background info on the clairs. Clairaudience -I will hear voices right before...
Intro: Chronicle of One on the Modern Day Path of Light
Welcome! Light & Love to you all! So happy that you are here! Purpose My purpose in doing this blog is to chronicle my spiritual development  as one on the modern day path of light. I will be sharing my experiences, including dreams, with others who may learn...