Evolving Soul Center



Visions: Nina's Visions from Guinea Pigs & Her Gatekeeper Guide

Welcome!! So glad that you are here!! Light & Love to You All!!   Purpose:  My purpose in this blog is to share other people's messages and visions that they receive clairaudiently(hearing), clairvoyantly (seeing) or thru claircognizance (knowing). in the hopes to...

New Words-Terms Introduced by Beings

Welcome!! Light & Love to You All!! I decided to keep track of all the new words or terms, alphabetically,  that I hear clairaudiently in my sleepy/wakey state or that are shown to me in my dreams.  These are words that I had no idea what they meant or what they...

10/21/09 OOB: No Portal: Being Taken to a Crazy Campus Scene: Thule & Bank Break In

Welcome!! Light and Love to You All!! Purpose:  This OOB (out-of-body experience) clearly illustrates the fact there is communication going on from those spirits or beings to me in my dream state.  Because of the uniqueness of this experience, I categorized this as an...

10/21/09 Dream:The Real Life Vendetta Continues: Nina & I Being Followed by Someone

10-21-09 Wednesday  Welcome!! Love and Light to You ALL!! Purpose:  My purpose in sharing this dream is to show how real life dramas may continue to play out in the dream state.  It can even pull in innocent people, like me and my friend Nina, into it.  It shows the...

10/13/09 Spirit Crossover: Sleep State – My Friend, Nina's Dream- Young Boy from Brooklyn

Welcome!! Light and Love to You All!!   My friend, Nina, a fellow light worker,  who has also experienced many spiritual/psychic developments, shared her dream from last night below.  This is not her first experience with crossing spirits over. My friend also saw a...

10/13/09 Dream with Alien Beings & Head Procedure for Healing- Spiritual Birthdays

Welcome!  Love and Light to You All! I was somewhat reluctant to blog this as it is so unusual in nature with the Alien Beings. But maybe this is a great opportunity to open wide the door on this subject matter! And I have NOT gone off the deep end! LOL!!  Before...

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Sun in Pisces
21 degrees
Moon in Libra
8 degrees
Full Moon
Full Moon
15 days old


Evolve to Your Best Life