Evolving Soul Center



3/23/15 Messages: More About My Acturian Alien Background

Welcome! I share the below interesting messages about my alien Arcturian background that I received when I was on a plane from Atlanta to Seattle. I received this information, clairaudiently, which is telepathically in my own thought voice, which is how I usually...

3/4/15 My Extraordinary Reiki Session for Self-Healing

Welcome, I share this experience that I had today when I gave myself a Reiki treatment.  I received some unusual clairvoyant images and had an amazing encounter with whales and their healing energy & dragons.  I know that this may sound like I have an fantastic...

2/13/15 OOB: My Colleague's Unusual Pets & Drawing of Symbols on Third Eye

Welcome! I shared this extraordinary out-of-body (OOB) dream from last night.  I interacted with unusual pets on another dimensional reality. Having had many OOB experiences, I have compiled some commonalities that I have noticed.  I categorize this as an OOB for the...

1/17/15 OOB: From Dream Sequence: Healing Procedure-Dipped into Light Bath

Watch Katy on YouTube talk about out of body experiences & multidimensionality.  Here about her 1/17/15 OOB experience, tips & techniques. Welcome! I had two amazing out-of-body (OOB) experiences, one after another, this morning.   In one of them I underwent a...

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Sun in Pisces
21 degrees
Moon in Virgo
1 degree
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon
12 days old


Evolve to Your Best Life