by Evolving Soul Center | Nov 16, 2012 | Healing Energy, Healing Procedure - Out of Body Experience, Out of Body - with Portal, Out of Body Experiences, Psychic Procedures
Welcome! I am a channeler of beings of light and love and a light worker. I receive information clairvoyantly, clairaudiently and clairsentiently. Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have been having amazing experiences such as participating in spirit... by Evolving Soul Center | Nov 16, 2012 | Intuition, Psychic Developments & Experiences
Welcome! I wanted to share two amazing, real life experiences to illustrate the power of, living intuitively. I consider this a connection to Source or having the Holy Spirit guide you or accessing the energies of the Universe.  ( Please note that you can use... by Evolving Soul Center | Nov 16, 2012 | Out of Body - Interdimensional Travel, Out of Body - with Portal, Out of Body Experiences
Welcome! I am a channeler of beings of light and love and a light worker. I receive information clairvoyantly, clairaudiently and clairsentiently. Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have been having out of body experiences (OOBs) about two to three times a... by Evolving Soul Center | Nov 6, 2012 | Uncategorized
Hi,  Welcome!  I am a channeler of beings of light and love and a light worker. Often, I send energy for healing to people, places or areas of the world as I am guided to do so. I wanted to share an amazing experience of how the power of healing with intention... by Evolving Soul Center | Nov 1, 2012 | Spirit Crossovers
Welcome! I wanted to share an amazing and affirming experience of spiritual existences and that we are so much more than our physical bodies. This experience happened when I was driving in my car. It is not surprising that it happened in my car as in the past three...