Evolving Soul Center



7/9/13 Channeled Message: Supernumeraries:Technical:Root Chakra & New Chakra Elements

Welcome ! Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have had some amazing psychic experiences.  I have telepathically heard that I am a fifth dimensional being.   I also have heard that I am a star seed.  This combination of factors explains the messages I receive as a...

8/20/13 Channeled Message: About Guardian Angels via The Translators: Technical: Their Roles

Welcome! I am a channeler of various light and love beings since 2009.  I have been guided to share these channelings. I am sharing this beautiful, inspirational & technical channeling from The Translators on behalf of The Guardian Angels.  This is my first...

6/28/13 OOB: Portal : Vibrating Healing – Meeting Matiqua in Higher Realm Dimension – University of Consciousness

Welcome! Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have had some amazing OOBs (out of body) experiences.  Since February 2013 I have telepathically heard that I am a fifth dimensional being.   I also have heard that I am a star seed.   This combination of factors...

6/19/13 Channeled Message: Arcturian Angels: Inspirational – Power of Grace, Light and Listening -Lavender Light

Welcome! I am a channeler of various light and love beings since 2009.  I have been guided to share these channelings. I want to share this beautiful, inspirational channeling from the Arcturian Angels.  This is my first channeled message from them though I did blog...

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Sun in Pisces
20 degrees
Moon in Virgo
26 degrees
Full Moon
Full Moon
14 days old


Evolve to Your Best Life