Evolving Soul Center



6/3/15 Channeled Message: #21 in 2015: Asgard: Power of the Moment & Gratitude

Asgard:  I am Asgard. You have heard my name.  This is correct.  My  primary function is to be a disseminator of knowledge for those to understand themselves and the world that they are existing in, for them to know brotherly and communal love.  That is my role. I...

5/30/15 Out-of-Body Experience: Helping Elephants & A Vibrational OBE

I am  going to share what I did prior to this OBE as a general understanding of what events may lead to an OBE (out-of-body experience).  Please know that what I share is based DIRECTLY on my own experiences, feelings and insights. From about 8:00 p.m.- 10:30 p.m. the...

5/28/15 Channeled Message: #18 in 2015: Pliny the Elder: All-Knowingness

Pliny the Elder:  I am Pliny the Elder.  I have come on behalf of Aristotle, willingly and with great care.  I have spoken to you before. (Note: I see a clairvoyant image of him as a decorated military person of his day). My words that I share today are on the subject...

5/25 & 5/27/15 Channeled Messages: #16 & #17 in 2015: Aristotle: Heart Space, Life Lessons, How You Treat Others & More

Aristotle: "I have arrived, dear one. I am here upon your invitation. Your Heart Space Vibration It is important to realize you have an inner vibration, created by your inner sanctum (your heart space). Inside of you is this powerful force for change, for creation and...

5/16/15 Channeled/Iterative Message: #15 in 2015: Aristotle: Power of Music, Sound & Listening

Aristotle: Music has an ethereal quality.  It helps to raise your vibration and uplift your spirits.  Strings are especially poignant. Power of Music for Healing As you listen to musical notes become aware of how it affects you.  These harmonics can help clear...

5/9/15 Out-of-Body Experience: Alien Trance Channeling, Encounter & Visit to Planet

Welcome! I shared these this somewhat scary out-of-body-experience (OBE) with an alien interaction on 5/9/15 Saturday during my sleep state. I share this to show the spectrum of experiences one may have when you raise your vibration, and you experience other aspects...

5/8/15-5/10/15 Channeled Messages #11-#13 in 2015 from Aristotle & Pliny: Assurance-These are the Days-Immortality

Here are 3 messages that I channeled.  I received the information telepathically after stating my invocation and typed it into my computer as I heard it come in: 5/8/15 Friday Channeled Message #11 in 2015 from Aristotle: Assurance Aristotle: I am in the house. I have...

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Sun in Pisces
18 degrees
Moon in Leo
6 degrees
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon
10 days old


Evolve to Your Best Life