Evolving Soul Center



11/24/12 Channeled Message: Technical: Caretakers of the Fountains of Knowledge- The Yeti, Abominable Snowman

Welcome! Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have had some amazing psychic experiences, including lucid out-of-body experiences (OOBs).   I have telepathically heard that I am a fifth dimensional being.   I also have heard that I am a star seed.  This combination...

11/23/12 Creating Your Soul Space

Welcome! I am a channeler of beings of light and love and a light worker.  I receive information clairvoyantly, clairaudiently and clairsentiently.  Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have been having amazing experiences such as participating in spirit...

11/13/12 OOB: Procedure in Canteloupe-Colored Mist

Welcome! I am a channeler of beings of light and love and a light worker.  I receive information clairvoyantly, clairaudiently and clairsentiently.  Since my spiritual awakening in 2009, I have been having amazing experiences such as participating in spirit...

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Sun in Pisces
21 degrees
Moon in Libra
8 degrees
Full Moon
Full Moon
15 days old


Evolve to Your Best Life